Lord of All Gods

Chapter 374

The elders in the Five-Region Alliance saw that the leaders did not express their opinions, so they all let

Some young people, especially some high-ranking and arrogant arrogances, even organized a small team to attack Ye Liuyun, and set off to find Ye Liuyun.

At this moment, Ye Liuyun had already arrived at the next altar. But here, Ye Liuyun didn\'t see any alien monsters, and the one guarding the altar was a demon clan of the fourth level of Tiangang.

This demon clan is similar to the red soul troll that Ye Liuyun wiped out in the red soul cave of Shengwu Academy, except that the scale armor of this demon clan is not as red as the red demon.

There is also a person who is also in the fourth level of Tiangang. He is in his fifties, his face is pale, and he is as thin as a haggard. He has almost turned himself into a zombie.

The realm of these two people is not high. Ye Liuyun originally wanted to attack directly, but he discovered that the spirit power of these two people is not simple.

As soon as he approached, the zombie-like person rushed towards Ye Liuyun and the others.

"Your name is Ye Liuyun?"

The man asked Ye Liuyun stiffly, and he couldn\'t even speak as smoothly as ordinary people.

"You know me?" Ye Liuyun asked him curiously.

"The Great Elder has an order to kill without mercy after meeting you!"

As the man spoke, he directed the corpse demon and the zombies to rush towards Ye Liuyun.

The difference between zombies and corpse demons is that they don\'t have that kind of evil aura, and they are all under the control of people. Although they have no intelligence, when they attack, they attack according to the wishes of their masters. The physical strength of the two is almost the same.

"Great Elder?" Ye Liuyun thought for a while, and then suddenly realized: "I remembered! You are talking about Zeng Fan of Yin Guizong, Yan Qing\'s master, right?"

"That\'s right! You must die today!" said the zombie man, holding a sound transmission talisman to spread the news of Ye Liuyun\'s appearance here.

"Then it\'s up to you!"

Ye Liuyun didn\'t care that he used the sound transmission talisman to convey the message, and directly took the initiative to attack the soul of the zombie.

"I\'ve met an opponent! This guy\'s spirit is not easy to deal with. Boss, your spirit is also worth it!" As soon as he pulled the zombie\'s spirit into the field of thunder and fire, the Hell Snake immediately called out.

It turns out that this zombie is at least an eighth-level soul master, and it shouldn\'t be a big problem to eliminate ordinary Tiangang sixth-level martial arts! His soul is about the same size as Ye Liuyun\'s two gold-armored souls, stacked together, it is a huge zombie!

Ye Liuyun\'s two spirits also attacked immediately, one with a knife and the other with a fist, hitting the ghost fire to kill his spirit. At the same time, the Blood Thunder, the Golden Crow Holy Flame, and the Hades snake in the Thunder Fire Domain all attacked the zombie man\'s soul together.

Just when Ye Liuyun and the zombie were concentrating on fighting, a sudden change occurred. Another demon clan in the fourth layer of Tiangang in the city also suddenly launched a spirit attack, and a spirit rushed straight into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, his soul attack also attacked other people, but the power to attack others was slightly weaker. Most of his soul power was mainly used to deal with Ye Liuyun.

Although the spirit power of the others was not strong, they were not seriously injured.

Ye Liuyun was also secretly glad that the main target was me, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Ye Liuyun could only feel that a huge demonic cow-shaped spirit rushed directly into his sea of ​​consciousness. As soon as it charged into Ye Liuyun, it was enveloped by the golden light of the Ten Thousand Gods Token, and could no longer escape. Immediately, the golden light was killing his soul, feeding it back to Ye Liuyun.

The soul of this demon race is even stronger than that zombie man. But in the face of the Ten Thousand Gods Order, there is still nothing to do.

"What are you?" The spirit of the demon clan kept roaring.

He is unwilling. Originally, his soul had been cultivated to the ninth level of soul master. If he hadn\'t encountered the Ten Thousand Gods Order, his soul would have been almost immortal. At least it is much stronger than Ye Liuyun\'s soul.

Ye Liuyun ignored him, but thought in his heart: "No wonder the alien evils only sent them two to guard the altar here. The demons and the zombies, the spirits of the two people, are actually stronger than the other. Against Tiangang Qizhong, I\'m afraid It\'s all right now."

Looking at the others, Lei Ming and Wu Qingying were trying their best to protect the others, and they could continue to fight. Baihu and Shiyuan could barely survive, while Yu\'er and Kisaragi were taking medicine to heal their wounds and had no fighting strength. He immediately released the skeleton puppet to help everyone resist the corpse demon and zombies.


The souls of the demon race in the city were damaged and suffered a huge backlash. But he himself was not weak in battle. At this moment, he roared and rushed out of the city to kill Ye Liuyun, but was split in half by the puppet he had just released with an axe.

Immediately, Lei Ming threw two daggers, one stabbing the heart of the demon half body, and the other stabbing the head of the other half of his body. Lei Ming\'s dagger can directly injure the soul, and it also has blood poison.

Immediately afterwards, the skeleton puppet split the flesh of the zombies, and Lei Ming also controlled two daggers to stab the zombies.

These two opponents have already cultivated the second spirit, but the spirit they use to attack is much stronger than the spirit used to defend. Unlike Ye Liuyun, both spirits are growing at the same time. So the skeleton puppet and Thunder\'s dagger are very easy to deal with them.

Soon, their bodies were dissolved due to blood poisoning. The gods and souls in their sea of ​​consciousness were also seriously injured, and Ye Liuyun expanded the field of thunder and fire, covering them all.

Not long after, the souls of the two opponents were almost worn out, Ye Liuyun no longer worried, but instead let the Hell Snake control the corpse demon to wipe out the remaining zombies, let them fight each other, Reduced consumption of skeleton golems.

Although the battle lasted for a short time, it was extremely dangerous. If the demons didn\'t want to take the opportunity to attack Ye Liuyun, but deal with other people first, or team up with the zombie to destroy his thunder and fire domain, then they will all suffer heavy losses in the end.

Ye Liuyun was also terrified.

"It\'s dangerous, it\'s dangerous!" Ye Liuyun rested for a while before recovering. Then he immediately went to put Baihu, Stone Ape, Yu\'er, and Ruyue into the storage ring, and asked them to recover beside the Soul Concentrating Jade Bed.

Everyone has also realized the importance of spiritual cultivation. They all said that they should cultivate their soul power in the future.

Ye Liuyun took the rest of Lei Ming, Wu Qingcheng, and skeleton puppets to kill in the city. There were also some corpse demons, demon cultivators, and demons in the Tiangang realm in the city, all of which were split in half by the skeleton puppets with an axe.

Ye Liuyun then destroyed the altar. The driving force of this altar is also the original power. Ye Liuyun was not polite, and put them all away.

Then they collected all the crystal nuclei and left the city to move on to the next target. Wu Qingcheng and Lei Ming also went back to take a rest. Although the two of them were not injured, their spiritual consumption was relatively high, and they needed to rest as soon as possible.

Wu Qingcheng persuaded Ye Liuyun, "Don\'t rush to attack the next altar! The protection of these altars is too strong, it\'s too dangerous for you to fight like this!"

Ye Liuyun also nodded, and felt that what she said made sense.

"Okay! Let\'s go around and practice with the corpse demon, and we\'ll talk about it when we improve our strength!"