Lord of All Gods

Chapter 369

"Why do you look different from other aliens?" Ye Liuyun asked curiously.

"Stupid human beings, we are a race of evil spirits. There are many types, but unlike your race, they all look the same. But your eyes are a bit special. Do you have any special functions? Why don\'t we compare and see whose eyes are more powerful? how?"

The alien monster was able to see Ye Liuyun\'s eyes through the invisibility cloak.

Ye Liuyun also opened his golden pupils immediately, and looked into the eyes of the alien monster.

"How is it? Can you see the difference in the eyes of our three-eyed race?" The alien monster let him observe indifferently.

The two ordinary eyes of the three-eyed alien were full of evil energy. And in his unopened eye, the energy is even more terrifying, and his crystal nucleus is also behind the vertical pupil.

"It seems that this third eye can make him release energy to attack!" Ye Liuyun evaluated the opponent\'s attack power in his heart, knowing that he could not resist his attack.

As if afraid that he would not understand, the three-eyed alien explained it to him. "My vertical pupils can emit dark light, annihilating everything that passes by! If I open the vertical pupils, you will surely die!"

Ye Liuyun tried to cast an illusion on him with golden pupils.

The alien laughed. "Hahaha, your golden pupil illusion has no effect on my ordinary eyes! So today, you will definitely die! But it is also your honor to die under my pupil technique!"

"Not necessarily?" Ye Liuyun suddenly launched a soul attack. When the enemy is strong and we are weak, he can only rely on the soul attack to sneak attack.

Ye Liuyun\'s soul has been greatly improved after eliminating the three ancestors of the Jin family who were in the fifth level of the Tiangang. In addition, Hades snake has recently absorbed a lot of souls of corpse demons, so the two of them have a chance of winning against the souls of the sixth level of Tiangang. It\'s just that this process is not very fast. If the opponent\'s soul is relatively strong, there is still a chance to attack.

But he has no other chance now. Under the hands of this alien race, escape is definitely impossible. He can only fight desperately!

With the support of Thunder Fire Domain and Nether Ghost Fire, Ye Liuyun\'s soul attack does have an advantage. But the opponent\'s soul is not weak, and he can\'t kill him in a short time.

At this moment, the alien with three eyes was gnashing his teeth and opening his third eye with all his strength.

Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupils even saw how the energy in his crystal nucleus was transported to his vertical pupils.

He then released the skeleton puppet and asked him to attack the body of the three-eyed alien race. He used multiple methods to kill the alien race before he launched an attack!

But the flesh body of this alien race is also extremely powerful. The skeleton puppet holds two spiritual weapons, and can only cut off a few pieces of scales each time.

Seeing that the alien race\'s third eye was about to open, Ye Liuyun was also anxious, but he had no choice but to speed up his soul attack. His two spirit and golden armored giants were also chopping out continuously with one knife after another. The Hell Snake also knew the danger, and kept beating and biting.

Even the continuous incineration attacks of Blood Thunder, Golden Crow Sacred Flame, and Nether Ghost Fire didn\'t consume much of the opponent\'s soul.

At this time, the third eye of the foreign race opened a gap, and a dark light shot towards Ye Liuyun with an evil force.

Ye Liuyun immediately felt that his physical body was gradually dissolving under the erosion of this force. However, his physical recovery ability is also fast, as soon as it dissolves a little, it will recover immediately. So there is not much danger at present, and it can barely support.

The skeleton puppet pierced the long sword in its hand towards the third eye. Unexpectedly, that dark light could even corrode the long sword of the spiritual rank.

In desperation, the skeleton puppet could only use a giant ax and a long sword to chop off the head of the three-eyed alien, trying to cut off his head.

With the continuous efforts of the skeleton puppet, the head of the three-eyed alien race was finally chopped off. His body fell to the ground in an instant, but the alien\'s crystal nucleus and vertical pupils were all on his head, and the attack did not stop.

Moreover, the dark light was getting bigger and bigger, and it had already enveloped Ye Liuyun\'s whole body. Seeing the speed of Ye Liuyun\'s recovery, he was about to be unable to keep up with the speed of light destruction.

At a critical moment, Ye Liuyun suddenly remembered Wu Qingcheng\'s Lost Heaven Realm.

"It doesn\'t matter, there is no other way, I can only borrow it to try."

So she communicated with Wu Qingcheng with her spiritual consciousness, and took out the Lost Heaven Realm that had already been promoted to the spiritual rank.

"It really works!" Ye Liuyun let out a long sigh of relief. The Misty Heaven Realm reflected all those dark light beams back, shining them on the head of the alien race, and instantly dissolving his head, leaving only a vertical pupil and a crystal nucleus in the end.

In the end, the crystal nucleus and vertical pupil were dissolved and disconnected, and the attacks of the alien race stopped immediately.

"It\'s too dangerous! I almost died here!" Ye Liuyun looked at his body that had been eroded beyond recognition, and couldn\'t help but feel lingering fear!

"Why has this Eastern Territory become so dangerous! Could it be that every altar is guarded by foreigners?" He was thinking to himself.

Now that the three-eyed alien race only had half of their spirits lingering on their last legs, they had no power to fight back after being attacked by Ye Liuyun\'s two spirits and the Hell Snake.

Ye Liuyun asked the skeleton puppet to take back the alien\'s crystal nucleus and the vertical pupil, and put the alien\'s corpse into the storage ring. He returned the Lost Heaven Realm to Wu Qingcheng. It\'s just that the invisibility cloak was more than half eroded by the dark light beam, and it was seriously damaged, so it can\'t be used anymore!

"Thanks to this Misty Heaven Realm! Otherwise, I would have died here today!" Ye Liuyun communicated with Wu Qingcheng with his spiritual sense.

He didn\'t dare to let them out, for fear that they would be worried when they saw him.

But when they saw the shadow cloak corroded into this appearance, they could also guess what happened to Ye Liuyun. They all asked with concern how Ye Liuyun was doing.

"I\'m fine! The enemies are all gone, I\'ll be fine after a while!"

As Ye Liuyun said, he also exchanged the skeleton puppet for a long sword of spiritual rank. He also swallowed a healing elixir himself, and started to heal on the spot.

Wait until the soul of the three-eyed alien is completely devoured. Ye Liuyun was distracted to strengthen the spirit first.

This time, he and the Hell Snake have gained a lot again, and the power of the soul has become stronger. In the future, it will be much easier for them to deal with the spirits of the sixth level of Tiangang.

Ye Liuyun reckoned that his own soul could almost deal with a fourth-level martial artist in Tiangang.

"This dark light beam is too scary! My physical body is so strong that I was almost corroded by him! Fortunately, he didn\'t open all his eyes!" Ye Liuyun was still thinking about the attack of the three-eyed tribe just now. His golden pupils also saw that the alien race didn\'t release all the energy just now, only a small part of it.

"Boss, you can also study his vertical pupil! See if you can release your own thunder fire to attack others directly like this alien race. Or can you refine his vertical pupil." Hell Snake suggested.

When Ye Liuyun was reminded by it, he also reacted. Immediately took out the vertical pupil and began to study it.