Lord of All Gods

Chapter 368

Lei Ming didn\'t turn into a beast. Instead, he was wielding a silver hammer and was fighting Feng Jie in human form.

Bloody lightning flashed on the silver sledgehammer, knocking Feng Jie backwards.

"It\'s nothing to bully me with spiritual weapons!" Feng Jie couldn\'t bear it any longer, and shouted.

"Oh! Are you saying that I took advantage of you? Well, I don\'t need spiritual weapons, and I can still defeat you!" Lei Ming pinched his waist and said puffed up. Immediately, she retracted the sledgehammer, drew out the two daggers from her waist, and attacked Feng Jie again.

But just as she was approaching, Feng Jie suddenly took out a long sword of spiritual rank, and slashed at Lei Ming!

Ye Liuyun wanted to make a move, but he held back! Let Lei Ming suffer a little bit, and she won\'t be so easy to believe in other people\'s words in the future. But he was extremely nervous in his heart, for fear that Lei Ming would be hurt too badly!

Lei Ming didn\'t expect that the opponent would come up with this move. At the critical moment, there was a sudden roar of a beast, which shocked Feng Jie so much that he almost threw the knife away.

Lei Ming\'s body also exploded, Xue Lei protected her body and knocked Feng Jie away. But Feng Jie\'s knife still hit her left shoulder. The spiritual level weapon scratched Lei Ming\'s scales, bleeding!

Feng Jie was also taken aback by this sudden change. Looking at the thunder dragon beast in front of him, he opened his mouth wide in shock!

Lei Ming was also really angry. Blood thunders as thick as buckets bombarded Feng Jie uninterruptedly, knocking Feng Jie into flying ash!


Lei Ming yelled at the rest of the people, making them all take a step back in fright. However, He Yue sat slumped on the ground.

"Feng Jie is dead too!"

She looked at all this in disbelief. Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Feng and Feng Jie, whom she had always thought to be very strong, would be defeated by each other in this way. It is simply vulnerable!

This Ye Liuyun seems to be in a low realm, but his combat power is too strong. Even the monsters around him are extremely tyrannical, and they have already crossed the triple realm and are fighting.

Lei Ming\'s anger hadn\'t dissipated yet, and he wanted to vent his anger on Feng Jie\'s long knife, but Ye Liuyun swiftly sucked it in. Said to Lei Ming: "I want this knife! Don\'t be angry, who told you to believe what others say! I will give you barbecue, so I will make up for your injuries, right?"

Lei Ming stared at Ye Liuyun angrily, and slapped the ground twice with his front paws, making the ground tremble, as if protesting against Ye Liuyun. It wasn\'t until he heard him talking about barbecue that he calmed down a bit, turned into a human form again, and ran over.

Ye Liuyun looked at the wound on her back, took a healing medicine for her, and then really grilled the meat for her.

The white tiger and the stone ape, however, showed their original shapes and rushed towards the remaining people.

The rest of the people lost their fighting spirit long ago, and when they saw two more monsters appearing, they all turned around and ran away.

"Forget it!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t let Baihu and Shi Yuan chase them, just drive them away, after all, they didn\'t have any hostility towards Ye Liuyun.

When He Yue heard that Ye Liuyun recalled Baihu and Shiyuan, she gave him a grateful glance, and left with everyone.

After they went back, they saw the disciples from the Northern Territory waiting in the distance!

The disciple who recognized Ye Liuyun first sighed, and said: "I told you in advance, don\'t mess with that killer star, you still don\'t believe it. Now you know?"

Another person also said: "Fortunately, he didn\'t intend to kill you at all, otherwise you wouldn\'t be able to leave at all! Not only does he have a puppet in the sixth layer of Tiangang, but he can also summon an army of corpse demons. With his order, the corpse demons nearby They will all come here. Didn’t you see that even if they barbecue here, no corpse demon dares to come over!”

"Then you didn\'t say it earlier!" a disciple from the Eastern Region grabbed his collar and shouted angrily.

"You left before we finished speaking! How can you blame us!" the disciple from the Northern Territory exclaimed in horror.

"Enough!" He Yue was irritated by their quarrel, and suddenly shouted. He said calmly: "We can\'t blame others for this matter, we can only blame ourselves for being too arrogant! Don\'t argue, let\'s go back to the meeting point!"

She doesn\'t have Feng Wuhen to lead the team now, and she doesn\'t dare to go further. You can only find the strong again and join other people\'s teams.

Ye Liuyun was giving Lei Ming a barbecue while teaching her: "You are getting more and more promising now, you even listen to what your enemies say!"

"Who knew he was so cunning!" Lei Ming said aggrievedly.

Ye Liuyun nodded her head and warned: "Remember from now on, regardless of cunning or not, when fighting an enemy, you must kill it as quickly as possible. Don\'t care about the method, do you understand?"

"Oh! Got it!" Lei Ming hurriedly nodded and agreed, and then immediately picked up a piece of barbecue and started to eat it.

After Lei Ming ate the barbecue, Ye Liuyun checked her injury again. The wound was closed, and there was only a slightly red mark.

"Don\'t be so stupid in the future! Do you hear me?" Ye Liuyun exhorted with some distress.

"Little brother, do you love me?" Lei Ming looked at him with big eyes flickering, which made him a little embarrassed.

Lei Ming cheered and plunged into Ye Liuyun\'s arms, acting coquettishly.

"Okay! We\'ve had enough food and drink. Let\'s move on and fight another way. We can reach the altar before dawn. There will be a big battle then! Everyone be careful next time."

Ye Liuyun patted Lei Ming, and then led the crowd to move on.

Next, he no longer used the saber intent, but took the long saber he had just captured, and fought against the corpse demon with his physical strength alone.

Halfway through the journey, Lei Ming returned to the Xuankong Stone and broke through. Wu Qingcheng, Yuer and Ruyue all went back to rest. Only the stone ape and the white tiger were equally belligerent. So Ye Liuyun took the two of them and continued to kill.

The last three people were covered in wounds, but they were full of murderous aura!

"Both of you go back to rest, maybe there will be a big battle at the altar. I won\'t fight anymore, rest for a while, and prepare to attack the altar."

Ye Liuyun put the two of them into the storage ring, then took a healing elixir, put on the invisibility cloak, and approached the city where the altar was located.

From a distance, he released his consciousness to investigate the situation in the city.

There are more than 20 corpse demons in the Tiangang realm in the city. Moreover, there is an extremely powerful evil aura emanating from the location where the altar is located.

Ye Liuyun was startled, and guessed secretly: "Is there a foreign evil thing guarding here? I\'m afraid that even if I use the skeleton puppet, I may not be the opponent of this foreign evil thing."

Just as he was thinking, a powerful wave of spiritual consciousness surged out of the city, and then, an evil aura immediately locked on to him.

"Humans, since you\'re here, don\'t even think about leaving!"

A foreign evil appeared above the city, staring in Ye Liuyun\'s direction. In addition to the normal two eyes, this alien evil creature also has an eye on its forehead. It\'s just that the eyes were closed, not opened. This alien monster has no horns and has black scales on its body.

"There are alien monsters that look like this? It\'s really an eye-opener!" Ye Liuyun felt that his realm was the sixth level of Tiangang, but he was relieved. The figure that was about to run away immediately stopped again.

"This alien race is not easy. I am wearing an invisibility cloak, and he can lock my position!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.