Lord of All Gods

Chapter 2934

After searching for the soul, Ye Liuyun realized that the Ten Thousand Gods Token just sent a message to those ancient demons, saying that they would bring them back to the ancient world, and let all those who were willing to follow it disperse.

Some ancient demons who believed in it left directly. And the rest of these ancient demons don\'t believe in the order of the gods, or don\'t want to return to the ancient world, and don\'t want to change the status quo.

"Return to the ancient world? Is there another ancient world in the order of the gods?"

Ye Liuyun felt that the order of the gods to collect the planet was the same as when he collected the planet. That\'s why he suspected that there was also a big world inside the Myriad God Order, and it was an ancient big world.

But now he can only guess, if Wanshen Ling doesn\'t communicate with him, it\'s useless for him to think about it.

So Ye Liuyun took the ancient demon out and handed it to Heishan, and then joined the battle again.

He didn\'t dare to be careless every time he dealt with the powerful ancient demons who had returned to the first and third levels. Because his own strength is not enough, he can only rely on the power of space or the power of soul to attack. Once the sneak attack fails, he will also rely on formations to avoid the attack.

The ancient demons here seem to be a little weak in terms of spirit, formation, and treasures. But in such a large galaxy, there must be strong people. So every time he launches an attack, he is very cautious, and he would rather not make a move if he is not fully sure. ..

Both clones also participated in the battle this time. The women were also a lot more cautious. Every time half of their true energy was consumed, they immediately retreated to the center of the formation to recover their true energy, so as not to encounter accidents.

The formation persisted until the later stage, and Qiongqi had to make repairs everywhere to make the formation persist.

"We have to set up a stronger formation next time!" Qiongqi muttered while repairing the formation.

Those who participated in the battle have already exhausted their real energy at this moment. They all rest in the formation, and rely entirely on the formation to defend.

Some of the ancient demons who attacked them were also resting, and they were also tired from beating them. Although tens of thousands of people had already been killed, and those who had returned to the first and third levels were also killed by the cooperation of the Demon Sealing Tablet and the Demon Vine, none of the remaining ancient demons flinched.

There are still some ancient demons who continue to attack the formation and resist the bombardment of the demon sealing tablet.

The magic vine also went back to sleep in the clone\'s space world. He has absorbed too much energy recently, and has already started to hurry up to go to sleep, and even stored a lot of ancient demon corpses for himself.

The Demon Sealing Tablet has been fighting outside, competing with the magic vine to absorb the power of the ancient demon. It doesn\'t store corpses by itself, but it can absorb the power of ancient demons without sleep. Even if the magic vine went back to sleep, it did not return to Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

After Ye Liuyun and the others recovered their true energy, they immediately attacked again, and the ancient demons also immediately went out to fight, fighting them again.

The two sides fought on and off for a month, until the last ancient demon surrounded here died in battle.

Ye Liuyun also collected a lot of corpses of ancient demons, keeping them as food for the demon army in the future.

The Order of the Gods waited until they finished cleaning the battlefield before coming out to collect the planet. Even the remaining ancient demons on this planet were directly collected and taken away. But the people around Ye Liuyun were all left in the starry sky.

Ye Liuyun sighed, took everyone back to restore Xuanyuan, and then rushed to the next planet.

But before he landed on the next planet, Wanshenling suddenly jumped out of his sea of ​​consciousness ahead of time, swept the entire planet with golden light, and then returned to Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

"Could it be sending messages to those ancient demons again?"

Ye Liuyun guessed in his heart, and asked Wanshenling. But Wanshen Ling didn\'t respond, but just guided him in the direction and told him to rush over immediately.

He also immediately rushed over in the direction indicated, and found that there was the original power of the planet. As for the ancient demons guarding there, many people are leaving, and there are not many people left. But on the entire planet, there are still many people rushing here. It is estimated that those who do not believe in the order of the gods are gathering here, preparing to fight against them.

It seems that they also disagreed and had differences.

Ye Liuyun stopped hesitating immediately, and immediately released everyone, rushing towards the guarding team of the original power.

"Take advantage of the fact that there are not many of them now, quickly destroy them, and then we will deploy defensive formations."

Ye Liuyun greeted everyone and rushed over at full speed.

There were still a few strong ancient demons there, and Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to be careless, so he asked Ye Tiandao to release all the captives, and let everyone attack with all their strength.

The ancient demons guarding here also found them, roared in unison, and rushed towards them.

As soon as Ye Liuyun made a move, he moved a large area of ​​space into his own space world, and pretended to take away several powerful ancient demons. Then he controlled them so that they could not move, and then shot again.

This time, although some ancient demons noticed his movements and resisted, but because their movements were uneven and the power of space was not used evenly, they still did not block Ye Liuyun\'s movement, and were moved away by Ye Liuyun again.

But there was a roar from the ancient demons, and all the ancient demons released the power of space together. Ye Liuyun could no longer fight against the space power of so many people with his space teleportation. He could only rush over with everyone, brandishing the demon-slaying knife and fighting in close quarters.

But in addition to the demon-slaying knife, he also used the power of Buddha\'s light and spells with all his strength, which was very advantageous in fighting against the demons. In a blink of an eye, he killed an ancient demon of the first level and an ancient demon of the first level.

The Demon Sealing Tablet pressed down directly on an ancient demon that had returned to the first and third levels, and became deadlocked with it. And the longer the stalemate lasts, the more advantage the Sealing Demon Monument will have, and it will definitely win in the end.

The magic vine swept away with a white light, first destroying an ancient demon of the first and third levels, and then rolled up the vine, absorbing the energy in its corpse, and at the same time attacked another ancient demon of the first and third levels. Immediately wrap it around and absorb it.

Ye Liuyun was very relieved to see that they were already able to deal with the ancient demons of the first and third levels. It is estimated that if they improve a bit more, it will be possible to deal with the ancient demons of the fourth level.

After that, Ye Tiandao\'s martial cultivators from the Guiyi Realm specially selected the ancient demons from the Guiyi Realm to attack, and the ancient demons who ruled the realm were all left behind for the monsters and women to kill.

"Kill them all quickly, don\'t capture the prisoners first. Capture after the array is arranged!"

Ye Liuyun also reminded them, lest they waste time.

Since the ancient demons of this planet did not gather here in advance, they quickly captured it. The magic vines and the magic-sealing tablet continued to kill the ancient demons, while Ye Liuyun and Wuxiu, who was in the Guiyi realm, protected Qiongqi and arranged formations.

This time Qiongqi deployed two sets of banners to strengthen the defense and attack capabilities of the formation.

After the array was set up, they made another move, killing all the nearby ancient demons, and then asked everyone to return to the array to recover, waiting for the ancient demons from this planet to arrive.