Lord of All Gods

Chapter 2933

In a few months, Ye Liuyun and the others took away the outermost planets of the Sporadic Demon Territory.

During this period, Ye Liuyun had already observed the planets in the circle, and found that there were more ancient demons on those planets, and their strength was also stronger.

Now they can no longer directly attack the location where the original power is located. They can only find a place with few people to land and advance towards the original power step by step.

But on the planets a little further inward, the tribes are all very large, and there are also a lot of ancient demons. With their strength, it takes all their strength to deal with an ancient demon tribe.

But as soon as they made a move, they found that the surrounding tribes had come to reinforce them, so as soon as they started fighting, they needed Qiongqi\'s help to set up a formation to defend, otherwise they really couldn\'t stop them.

Qiongqi also suggested that Ye Liuyun send a large army to help fight, otherwise, even with them, it is impossible to build up a large army quickly even if they keep capturing prisoners.

There are hundreds of planets in this sporadic demon realm. If they want to collect all these planets, they will probably have to fight for decades if they go on fighting like this bit by bit.

Ye Liuyun also learned about the number of ancient demons captured by Heishan, and it was only a thousand. But most of them are ancient demons of the unified state. Those with low realms have already been released by him for consumption. Obviously, he also wants to take the route of elite soldiers, and doesn\'t want to raise too many ordinary ancient demons to consume resources.

"A thousand ancient demons in the unified state are equivalent to several large tribes!"

Ye Liuyun thought about it, and felt that they still had the strength to expand rapidly. And now the combat abilities of many women and monsters are rapidly improving, and his second clone, the power of the soul, is also constantly getting stronger.

Ye Liuyun reckoned that if they persisted for a while, the power of the second avatar\'s spirit and soul would be equal to his, and the women should have been tempered enough.

So he didn\'t stop, but continued to beat and arrest people. He also asked Li Daoyuan to bring some martial arts with strong spiritual power to cooperate with Black Mountain to arrest people.

Although the progress was a bit slower, they still hit the source of power. But when they arrived, they were a little dumbfounded.

What they faced was tens of thousands of ancient demons waiting in full force. Moreover, there are more than 30 strong men from the first and third levels leading the team. It is estimated that these ancient demons also realized that the planet was about to be collected, and they had already summoned all the people here.

Ye Liuyun looked at the ancient demons in front of him and understood their feelings. They are guarding their homeland. In fact, even he himself felt that they were no different from other races by killing so wantonly.

He communicated with Wanshenling again, wanting to see if he had collected enough Wanshenling. If he had already collected enough Ten Thousand God Tokens, there was no need for him to kill these ancient demons anymore.

Wanshenling still didn\'t reply him this time, but after a while, Wanshenling jumped out directly, swept the ancient demons in front of him with golden light, and then immediately returned to Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness.

And those ancient demons immediately started to roar and quarrel. Afterwards, more than half of the ancient demons walked out of the station, and then scattered away. The rest of the ancient demons were once again ready for battle, as if they were preparing for battle.

"What\'s going on here?" Ye Liuyun asked Xiang Qiongqi puzzled.

"It is estimated that the order of the gods helped you persuade some of the ancient demons, and the rest will fight to the death with you!" Qiongqi guessed after looking at the expressions of these people.

After Qiongqi finished speaking, he was busy setting up the formation. Even if a lot of ancient demons were gone, there were still about 20,000 left. With this amount, they would be hard enough to fight. Moreover, there are still more than a dozen of them who are in the unified realm. If they don\'t use formations to defend, if they charge forward together, Ye Liuyun and the others will definitely not be able to stop them.

Fortunately, none of the ancient demons they encountered knew how to break formations. They also seldom use treasures, and they don\'t even have treasures to defend against spirit attacks, so they still have a great advantage.


On the opposite side, an ancient demon who had returned to the first and third levels roared, and brought all the ancient demons to attack Ye Liuyun and the others.

"Can you block them?" Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi.

He felt that there were more ancient demons of the first and third levels rushing together this time, and he was afraid that the formation would not be able to withstand their attacks.

Qiongqi wasn\'t too worried: "No problem, let\'s repair it as we go!"

"Then let\'s fight!" Ye Liuyun also said to the people around him, leading everyone into the outer formation.

Those ancient demons quickly rushed forward, some rushed into the formation, and some bombarded the formation from the outside. The rumbling sound of the bombardment sounded, and the battle started again.

The leader of the ancient demon on the opposite side rushed directly into the formation and was greeted by Ye Liuyun. As soon as he saw Ye Liuyun, he rushed over immediately.

It had seen Ye Liuyun standing at the head of the team just now, and knew that Ye Liuyun was also the leader of them. But when he found out that Ye Liuyun\'s realm was only to dominate the Yae, he couldn\'t help laughing wildly, swung a mace, and smashed it on the head.

However, Ye Liuyun\'s body was surrounded by multiple layers of space. Its stick just smashed into the void and collapsed several layers of void, but did not hurt Ye Liuyun.

And just when he was stunned, he felt that the space around him was suddenly locked. He didn\'t care too much, he let out a loud roar, and the power of space and his true essence erupted together, about to lock Ye Liuyun\'s space and break it open.

But the spatial power he had just exploded was immediately squeezed by the higher-level space. He was about to burst out again and strike again, but suddenly found that he, together with the space around him, had been moved into a black hole in space.

This time it also panicked, bursting out with all its true essence and power, and rushed out forcefully, before the black hole in that space completely closed.

"The power of returning to one and three levels is really strong!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t expect that this guy could forcefully rush out of the black hole in space.

Although the ancient demon\'s physical body was broken many times, blood was flowing, and he looked rather embarrassed, but he finally rushed out relying on the abundance of true energy and the strength of his physical body.

But at this moment, he could only kneel on the ground and pant non-stop. It is estimated that the consumption just now was not small.

Ye Liuyun didn\'t give him a chance to breathe, and moved him and the surrounding space into his own space world again.

As soon as he entered Ye Liuyun\'s space world, the ancient demon was completely immobilized by Ye Liuyun\'s control. In Ye Liuyun\'s space world, there are hundreds of planets, and the power of the original power is far beyond what he can resist. It couldn\'t be easier to suppress him until he couldn\'t move.

The ancient demon roared angrily a few times, and when he found that he couldn\'t struggle, he released his soul and rushed into Ye Liuyun\'s sea of ​​consciousness. The ferocious character of these ancient demons made them not in the habit of surrendering.

Ye Liuyun immediately planted a slave mark on his soul, and then searched the soul to find out what the order of the gods had done to them and why they were split internally.