Lord of All Gods

Chapter 243

Ye Liuyun played with Lei Ming for a while, and soon came to the stage again.

The disciples who were on the same stage as him dared not fight him, they were just about to admit defeat.

But Ye Liuyun said aloud: "You are not a disciple of Qingjiang Pavilion, I will not kill you even if I don\'t use the pupil technique."

Hearing this, the disciple saluted him and said, "In that case, I\'m afraid you may not be my opponent. If I accidentally hurt you, I hope you will forgive me!"

"No problem! Let\'s fight!" Ye Liuyun said with a smile.

"Offended!" The disciple didn\'t dare to take it too seriously, for fear of Ye Liuyun\'s repentance, so he was very polite in his words. I have already made up my mind, and I will stop when I click.

No matter how fast he punched, he couldn\'t catch Ye Liuyun\'s glance. If he goes too far, there is no guarantee that Ye Liuyun will not use the first pupil technique to kill him in one go.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liuyun didn\'t use the pupil technique at all, and pointed out directly. The lights of the nine fingers fluctuated, then disappeared in an instant, and when they reappeared, they were already close.

This is because Ye Liuyun could see his intentions, and he didn\'t kill him, otherwise, when he reacted, the nine fingers would have punched nine holes in his body.

Even so, he defended in a hurry, but he barely blocked it.

But the power of the Blood Thunder and the Golden Crow Sacred Flame had penetrated into his body.

He immediately knew that Ye Liuyun had shown mercy. I had no choice but to cup my fists and said: "Junior brother is powerful, I feel ashamed!"

After finishing speaking, he conceded defeat to the deacon and took the initiative to step down to heal his wounds.

This time, the disciples participating in the audience were even more shocked.

"It turns out that this kid is so powerful in combat!"

"This finger is so fast, if it were me, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be able to resist it!"

Everyone frowned. It seems that Ye Liuyun does have the strength to win a spot! No wonder he\'s here to compete.

Then, the next time Ye Liuyun came on stage, he met Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan asked with a smile: "How do we fight? If you use the pupil technique, I will admit defeat directly. If you use the finger technique, I would like to see your strength."

"How about I use punches?" Ye Liuyun smiled.

These people don\'t think he can only fingering!

"Oh?" Jiang Yuan was also taken aback, and then said: "Okay, as long as you don\'t use the pupil technique, I will fight with you."

"Okay, it\'s a deal." Ye Liuyun agreed frankly.

Everyone in the audience is also interested. If Ye Liuyun could defeat Jiang Yuan with his strength, he would basically be one of the strongest here.

Even if Ye Liuyun won a spot, no one would have any objections.

Jiang Yuan immediately took out a spear, which turned out to be a false holy weapon.

"This... is it taking advantage of you?" Jiang Yuan asked a little embarrassed. He was used to using this gun at ordinary times, and did not prepare other spare weapons.

"No problem!" Ye Liuyun smiled lightly.

"That\'s good! I\'m going to make a move! I won\'t hold back!" Jiang Yuan reminded him.

After all, with his relationship with Hao Chengfeng, he didn\'t want to hurt Ye Liuyun. He fought Ye Liuyun because he was curious about his strength.

But his character is like this, as long as it is a war, he will definitely do his best.

"Brother, please!" Ye Liuyun said, and the true energy in his body surged.

At this time, his burst of aura also let everyone see that his realm is the sixth level of Huahai.

Jiang Yuan didn\'t care what state he was in, and immediately broke out with all his strength, and the true essence of Huahai Jiuzhong stabbed at Ye Liuyun with this spear.

Ye Liuyun punched slowly. This punch seemed to be slow and weak, but in fact it drove the surrounding power of heaven and earth.

At the same time, his punch is the third move of the Batian Fist, it is thunder and fire breaking the sky, and it contains the power of blood.

With this punch, even the elder deacon was shocked.

"You are worthy of being the disciple of the Great Elder! Bloodline, artistic conception, and even comparable to the Holy Son!"

There was a roar on the arena, and the true energy of the two exploded, and Jiang Yuan flew out directly, holding a broken gun in his hand.

When the zhenqi was gone, everyone saw Ye Liuyun calmly standing on the stage with his hands behind his back, as if he hadn\'t made a move just now.

"This must be the power of the Holy Land, right?"

"Even the false holy artifacts were blown off?"

"Jiang Yuan suffered a fiasco? Ye Liuyun is so strong? Why was he not famous before?"

Someone rubbed their eyes in disbelief, unable to believe that Ye Liuyun won so easily.

The strength Ye Liuyun showed was enough to impress everyone. Especially the power of heaven and earth caused by that punch made many discerning disciples feel inferior.

Jiang Yuan stood up, staring blankly at his broken gun. Immediately, he threw the gun away, cupped his hands to Ye Liuyun and said, "Thank you, Junior Brother, for your mercy!"

He felt that Ye Liuyun withdrew his strength at the last moment, otherwise he would be seriously injured.

"Accepted!" Ye Liuyun was polite, and after a salute, the two of them left the stage one after another.

After stepping down, Ye Liuyun took out a false sacred weapon, which was also a spear, and sent it to Jiang Yuan.

"Senior brother, I accidentally interrupted your weapon just now. I just don\'t need this gun, so let senior brother use it!"

With that said, he handed the spear to Jiang Yuan with both hands.

"This... how embarrassing this is!" Jiang Yuan was a little at a loss.

"I\'ll just hold it for you! We\'re all our own people, why pretend? My junior brother can\'t hold it all the time!" Hao Chengfeng said from the side.

He passed Ye Liuyun\'s cave hall, of course he knew how rich this kid was. Ye Liuyun definitely doesn\'t care about a false holy artifact, so it\'s better to give it as a favor.

"Haha, then I won\'t be hypocritical!" Jiang Yuan said, took the spear and put it away, and patted Ye Liuyun on the shoulder.

Even for a high-level disciple like Jiang Yuan, it takes a lot of credit to save a false holy artifact. Now that I have taken one for nothing, I am naturally happy.

"This junior brother is not only strong, but also good at being a man! It is worth paying attention to!" He immediately recognized Ye Liuyun in his heart.

After Ye Liuyun went through this battle, he would never have the chance to be on stage again.

The eight places have already been selected, and there is no need to fight again.

Ye Liuyun, Hao Chengfeng, Jiang Yuan, and Liu Shengnan all got places.

At this time, those disciples who didn\'t want to talk to Ye Liuyun at first also came up to say hello to Ye Liuyun.

Especially the disciple who said that Ye Liuyun wasted his quota also hurried up to apologize.

Ye Liuyun also dealt with it a lot, after all, he didn\'t need to offend all these people to death if he didn\'t reach out to hit the smiling people!

But what he didn\'t expect was that Liu Shengnan also came over.

"Junior Brother Ye, let\'s get acquainted. My name is Liu Shengnan!"

This senior sister doesn\'t seem to be good at dealing with people, and she speaks more directly.

Ye Liuyun thinks this kind of personality is very good. Immediately bowed to Liu Shengnan and said: "Senior Sister Liu, please give me more advice in the future!"

"I\'m not capable of teaching you, but I still want to ask you!" Liu Shengnan smiled slightly.

"How could it be! Senior sister is too modest. We each have our own strengths." Ye Liuyun said modestly.

"I\'m not joking. I want to ask you about boxing techniques, but what are the qualifications for my junior?" Liu Shengnan asked sincerely.

"So it\'s a martial idiot!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

Then he smiled and said: "Your senior sister is welcome to come to me for a discussion at any time! Just bring some delicious food!"

Liu Shengnan also smiled, and left directly!

"Junior brother, you really have it! You can handle this bitch! I really admire you!" Hao Chengfeng gave Ye Liuyun a thumbs up.

Immediately, Ye Liuyun and Hao Chengfeng returned to Tianzhu Peak, reported the selection results to the master, and then they all went back to practice.