Lord of All Gods

Chapter 244

The Great Elder told Ye Liuyun and Hao Chengfeng to get ready for entering a mysterious realm in three days. It was an opportunity specially prepared for them by the college.

As for what they can gain, it depends on them.

However, this secret realm is a joint secret realm.

The so-called joint secret realm is a secret realm that is jointly managed by several major sects and has multiple entrances and exits. In other words, they will meet disciples from other sects inside.

Ye Liuyun was a little familiar with the name of this secret realm, but forgot where he had seen it before, and didn\'t take it seriously.

After returning to his residence, he began to concentrate on his cultivation and made everyone else get ready. Ye Liuyun is going to take them into the secret realm as well to experience it.

He hadn\'t practiced for two days before Lin Xueying came to him.

"Go and have a look! Many disciples of Lingyun Pavilion have been injured! They didn\'t dare to tell you for fear of delaying your cultivation!"

Lin Xueying really joined Lingyun Pavilion after Ye Liuyun won the Qingjiang Pavilion last time, so when she knew the news, she came directly to report to Ye Liuyun.

"Aren\'t Qi Hong and the others in Lingyun Pavilion? They didn\'t make a move?" Ye Liuyun followed Lin Xueying out while asking about the situation.

"It was because he made a move that he was the most injured!" Lin Xueying immediately told Ye Liuyun what had happened.

The disciples of Lingyun Pavilion went out this time and hunted down a lot of corpse demons and brought back a lot of resources. Some resources that could not be exchanged for merit points, they took out and sold them in exchange for pills for cultivation.

However, the Qingjiang Medicine Hall in the college that sells elixir is the property of Qingjiang Pavilion. Some of their Lingyun Pavilion disciples didn\'t know that after they went there, they not only took the money but refused to give the pills, they were also injured and thrown out.

Tie Jun, Qi Hong and others went to them to comment, but were also injured by the shopkeeper of the medicine hall.

"It seems that I killed their Guardian Zuo, that Zhou Qingjiang can\'t sit still!" Ye Liuyun thought to himself.

"It\'s important to save people. Let\'s go and see Tiejun first. I have some good wound medicine in my hand."

While talking, they had already arrived at Lingyun Pavilion\'s residence. After entering, Ye Liuyun directly administered the healing elixir to the injured person.

The ingredients of his elixir are all very good. After taking it, some disciples who were slightly injured were able to move, and those who were seriously injured were relieved a lot.

Qi Hong was the most seriously injured, with multiple fractures on his body.

After Ye Liuyun stabilized their injuries, he left enough pills for Qi Hong and Tie Jun.

"Don\'t worry about recuperating, both of you, you will recover soon. I will take this breath out for you."

Ye Liuyun finally figured it out, if Qingjiang Pavilion is not completely pulled out, these troubles will never end.

Both Tie Jun and Qi Hong persuaded: "It is said that Zhou Qingjiang has already broken through to the Yuan Dan realm, why don\'t you bear with it for a while and wait until you are more confident!"

"They will only regard our patience as incompetence! So what if we break through, I will kill him as usual!" After finishing speaking, Ye Liuyun went straight to Qingyuan Medicine Hall regardless of everyone\'s obstruction.

Before leaving, he also greeted the members of Lingyun Pavilion. "Follow me to demolish the Qingyuan Medicine Hall!"

As soon as the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion heard it, they all followed immediately.

At this moment in Qingyuan Medicine Hall, another Lingyunge disciple went to change the medicine, but the people from the medicine hall directly robbed him of all the money and threw him out.

"You don\'t abide by the rules of the academy, and you openly rob students of money in broad daylight!" A young student argued angrily with the students of Qingyuan Medicine Hall.

The disciples of Qingjiang Pavilion in Qingyuan Medicine Hall burst out laughing.

"Rules? That\'s all determined by the strong! Go back and tell your Lingyun Pavilion disciples that you either leave Lingyun Pavilion, or don\'t even think about buying pills in the academy in the future."

"When our pavilion master comes back, he will come to settle accounts with you!" the young man said firmly.

"Hehe, you still dare to threaten us, it seems that you don\'t know how powerful our Qingjiang Pavilion is!"

As the disciple said, he slapped him across the face, causing the boy to stagger.

Then those disciples of Qingjiang Pavilion started to play tricks on this young man. One of them said: "Just swear that you will leave Lingyun Pavilion in the future, and we will spare you and give you the elixir! Otherwise, we will directly destroy your legs today, so that you will never be able to practice in the future!"

"You\'re dreaming! Our Lingyun Pavilion is the place that truly protects us all. I will not leave Lingyun Pavilion!" Although a trace of fear flashed in the young man\'s eyes, he did not waver at Lingyun Pavilion.

"Slap," another slap came over, knocking him to the ground.

"I\'ll give you one last chance, don\'t you know what\'s good or bad!" Another disciple went up and slapped the boy again.

Outside the Qingyuan Medicine Hall, many disciples saw it, but none of them dared to speak out, and no one dared to go up to help the boy.

"Look, you keep saying that your Lingyun Pavilion is so good, but no one comes out to help you! Why don\'t you join our Qingjiang Pavilion? No one dares to mess with our Qingjiang Pavilion!" a disciple persuaded the young man.

The boy stood up straight again and straightened his spine. "Bah! Who doesn\'t know that your Qingjiang Pavilion specializes in bullying people! Only some scumbags will join Qingjiang Pavilion! Even if I die, I will not join you!"

At this time, the shopkeeper of Qingyuan Medicine Hall suddenly appeared at the door, Huahai Jiuzhong\'s coercion immediately oppressed the boy until he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Dare to insult our Qingjiang Pavilion? Want to die? I can help you!" As he spoke, he said to a few Qingjiang Pavilion disciples outside the door: "First break his limbs and hang him at the door for public display! Let everyone see Look, this is the fate of offending our Qingjiang Pavilion!"

"You..." The disciple gritted his teeth in hatred.

"I\'ll fight with you!" As he said that, the disciple was about to rush towards a Qingjiang Pavilion disciple.

But his shoulder was held down!

"Let me come!" A voice sounded behind him.

The young man looked back and saw that it was Ye Liuyun, he couldn\'t help but let out a voice in surprise.


Ye Liuyun nodded with a smile, and asked the young man, "What\'s your name?"

"My name is Jiang Chen!" The boy replied a little excitedly.

"Jiang Chen, the rest is the matter, just leave it to me! You are not their opponent yet. When you become stronger, you can stand up for Lingyun Pavilion."

"Yes!" Jiang Chen agreed, and added: "Pavilion Master! They robbed me of my money and still haven\'t given me the pill!"

"Well. I know everything. Don\'t worry, I will help you double and get back!"

Ye Liuyun comforted him, then drew out the demon-slaying knife, and slashed directly at the signboard of Qingyuan Medicine Hall.

Ye Liuyun\'s spiritual sense had already spotted the law enforcement team hiding in the distance when he first arrived.

These people hid in the distance to watch the excitement, but did not come out to enforce the law. I am afraid they are also lackeys of Qingjiang Pavilion.

Since they didn\'t care, he had to deal with it in his own way.

"What are you going to do?"

The disciples of Qingyuan Medicine Hall shouted angrily at the same time, but it was too late to stop them!

"You are so brave! I don\'t know who opened this Qingyuan Medicine Hall?" The shopkeeper looked at the signboard that had been split in half, and he couldn\'t help showing murderous intent in his eyes.

Everyone watching outside the door couldn\'t help secretly worrying for Ye Liuyun.

In Shengwu Academy, no one has ever dared to tear down the signboards of Qingjiang\'s subordinate industries.

"The owner of the Lingyun Pavilion seems to be a stunned young man! This is going to be bad luck!" Some people discussed in private.

"That\'s right! I heard that Zhou Qingjiang had already broken through to the Yuandan Realm! That\'s why he dared to attack Your Excellency Lingyun!"

Ye Liuyun was unmoved, looked at the shopkeeper coldly and said, "You injured Qi Hong and Tie Jun?"