Lord of All Gods

Chapter 1091

"Just assign it, we\'re here to help you!" Wu Qingcheng said to Ye Liuyun.

"Yes!" The other women agreed in unison.

Ye Liuyun was very grateful to these women for their support.

"I currently have three shortages. The first one is to establish my own chamber of commerce. This is handed over to Xue Er, who has experience in running a chamber of commerce.

There is also the secret realm of managing the planting of medicinal materials and the cultivation of beasts, which are for Ruyuehe and Yu\'er.

The most important thing is to build your own intelligence network and collect intelligence information. I want Tianqiong and Lingshuang to be responsible for this matter. Tianqiong has managed gangs, has some experience, and knows the Central Continent best. It\'s a perfect fit for the two of you to share some stress and trust each other. "

After Ye Liuyun finished speaking, he looked at the few people mentioned just now and asked for their opinions.

Several people said they would do their best. Yu\'er and Ruyue are a little timid, worried that they won\'t manage well.

"Someone will guide you at that time! But you have to remember, you can\'t be led by the nose by these people who guide you."

Ye Liuyun was referring to the Feng family.

Wu Qingcheng and Su Miaoyin also asked Ye Liuyun: "What about the two of us?"

Ye Liuyun smiled, and said to the two of them: "You two, there are too many things. You have to help me manage the organization of Demon God Sect, Alchemy, and Artifact Refining, and you have to come with me to make trouble for the Cheng family, and you also need to monitor Feng. people from home.

In short, things are complicated, and I can\'t tell what is going on for a while.

"I know! The two of us are maids, just do what you want!" Su Miaoyin laughed, causing everyone to roar with laughter.

Ye Liuyun also smiled and said, "How dare I use you two as maids! I will take you to the Colosseum when I have time, and I plan to start a business like that. We will discuss it later."

In this way, the division of labor of these people around Ye Liuyun was roughly confirmed.

Yuan Datou, Ye Tiandao and those monsters and beasts all followed Ye Liuyun and fought with him.

"My lord, you asked me to prepare my army for war. Who are you going to fight this time?" Qin Peng asked Ye Liuyun on his own initiative.

Ye Liuyun saw that there were no outsiders present, so he told him directly: "According to Emperor Xia\'s intention, we are going to attack King Zhenyuan and Marquis Pingnan this time. However, they don\'t know that I have returned to Yicheng, so I Gotta get out there and spread the word."

Hearing that it was these two people, the smile on Qin Peng\'s face also restrained a little.

"That was really a tough battle. If we make a move now, we may suffer a loss!" Qing Peng told Ye Liuyun.

"Why do you say that?" Ye Liuyun asked Qin Peng puzzled.

"These two men are experienced in many battles. The number of soldiers under them is far more than ours, and their combat experience is also very rich. Our current military resources are already insufficient. If we force ourselves to go out, and if we are a little careless, we may go to nowhere. return, or the backyard is lost."

Qin Peng objectively analyzed the pros and cons of both parties, and then started talking to Ye Liuyun.

"It doesn\'t matter, just do your best to recruit soldiers! Leave the rest of the affairs to me. I won\'t go out until some time later. Why do you have to arrange these things at home first?"

Ye Liuyun comforted Qin Peng, and then suggested to him: "In the future, the state of preparation for war can be upgraded to the normal state of the army, so that the soldiers can strengthen their training at ordinary times."

"Alright!" Qin Peng agreed, and immediately went down to make arrangements. Before leaving, Ye Liuyun also gave Qin Peng all the resources he had seized.

Qin Peng also handed over many resources looted from various princes to Ye Liuyun.

One-eyed took Luo Yurou to leave too. Ye Liuyun gave them a few more artifacts for self-defense.

After they left, Ye Liuyun began to distribute artifacts, cultivation resources and other things to Wu Qingcheng and other people who arrived later, and also passed on the Wandu Heart Sutra and Shadow Secret Technique to everyone.

Wu Qingcheng also put on the treasure seized from Cheng Qifeng that could poison the soul to defend against the attack of the soul. Everyone else has a treasure to defend against the attack of the spirit, even the monsters are no exception.

Then, he led the crowd first to the secret realm prepared for the beasts, and put more than 20,000 beasts into it.

The 20,000 ferocious beasts in Ye Liuyun\'s space world almost absorbed all the spiritual energy in Ye Liuyun\'s space world.

Then, let Yu\'er refine the secret realm, which is equivalent to handing over the management of this secret realm to her.

With the right to manage the secret realm, as long as you leave some spiritual consciousness inside, you can control the beasts at any time, isolate them, avoid fights, and reduce casualties.

Then they taught Yu\'er to set up a beast king, so that the beast king and some high-level fierce beasts in the realm of the earth should sign a master-servant contract with Yu\'er to facilitate her management.

Ye Liuyun buried another vein underground, and transplanted more than a dozen Juyuan trees to increase the concentration of the spiritual energy in the secret realm.

After doing this, they came to the secret realm of medicinal material cultivation, let Kisaragi refine the secret realm, and then planted all kinds of medicinal materials in this secret realm.

Kisaragi was also helping Ye Liuyun manage medicinal materials before, so she had some experience. But now it\'s much bigger.

And the concentration of aura in the secret realm also needs to be paid attention to. Ye Liuyun also transplanted several Juyuan trees into the secret territory.

The magic vine was still in a deep sleep, and Ye Liuyun still couldn\'t wake it up. You can only throw it in the Xuankong Stone and leave it alone.

Xuanwu is breaking through the realm, and at the same time, he has taken the demon transformation pill, and is ready to transform into a human form immediately after the breakthrough.

Huo Wu has always been very curious about the blue ice snake wrapped around Ye Liuyun\'s arm, wanting to know its realm.

Ye Liuyun also immediately told everyone: "This is a ferocious beast of the fourth level of heavenly respect. It is also our strongest trump card. In the future, you can use it to help you in danger. After Xuanwu transforms into a demon and improves your realm, I will also let you She turned into a demon so that she can follow us to do business."

When everyone heard that the blue ice snake was at the fourth level of Heavenly Venerable, they couldn\'t help but click their tongues.

"With this blue ice snake, we can join the ranks of big families!" Xia Qiong explained to Ye Liuyun: "There are not many martial artists in the Central Continent who can cultivate to the fourth level of Tianzun."

"Well. This is a hole card in my hand, which can be reserved for critical moments."

This blue ice snake, Ye Liuyun would never easily show it in front of outsiders.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun asked the others to go back to rest, leaving behind Liang Xue, Wu Qingcheng, Su Miaoyin, Xia Qiong, Xia Lingshuang, and Huo Wu to study together the resources needed to form an intelligence network and a chamber of commerce.

"All the funds and materials in the early stage of the Chamber of Commerce can be obtained from Cyclops. Cyclops has already prepared all the resources."