Long Live the Lord

Chapter 692

Then the rain culvert carefully looked at this piece of iron.

It seems that I've seen such a piece of iron rain culvert, but I can't remember it clearly now.

After thinking for a while, Wu Yuhan, who did not find the answer, hesitated and said, "I seem to have seen this iron piece, but I can't think of it for a moment. Let me think about it..."

Wei Yuhan thought about it for a while, and suddenly his eyes brightened and he said excitedly, "I remember it! I remember that when I was a child, I mistakenly broke into the Royal Mausoleum of the kings of the tribe. There seemed to be a lot of such pieces of iron there

Zhao Fengnian nodded when he heard Wei Yuhan's words. It seemed that what he was looking for was in the Royal Mausoleum of Weiyang tribe.

"Well, now I'm going to the goshawk tribe. You pick out one who is willing to go with us to the eagle tribe. I need him to guide me."

Think about it, Zhao Fengnian looked at the front is excited not rain Han, whispered.

No one can go to Weiyang tribe, but the Royal Mausoleum of a tribe, that is, the tomb of the king, can not be found by ordinary people.

Only those who are familiar with Weiyang tribe can find them quickly and save Zhao Fengnian's time.

Wei Yuhan was stunned when he heard Zhao Fengnian's request, and then asked, "my tribe...".

Wei Yuhan doesn't know what to say now. She wants Zhao Fengnian to protect her tribe.

Because now weiyuhan really can't find a place to recuperate.

She was afraid of meeting the pursuers of the wolf tribe again, or being attacked by other prairie tribes.

Through today's understanding of this matter, Wei Yuhan has already trusted and recognized Zhao Fengnian, the leader of the country.

With such a leader, his country should not be too bad.

The remaining members of his tribe should be taken good care of by him. There is no need to worry about being bullied or invaded.

However, his tribe now has no ability to prove his own value. All along, Zhao Fengnian only wanted some information.

Zhao Fengnian heard the words of Wei Yuhan and knew what she wanted to say.

Zhao Fengnian admired the girl who could sacrifice herself for her tribe.

Moreover, Zhao Fengnian's feelings for weiyuhan are very complicated. This woman has already had half of her skin's affinity with her, so she can be regarded as her own woman.

Although Zhao Fengnian knew that Wei Yuhan was forced to throw himself into his arms because of the tribe.

But as a man, there is still a desire for possession of beauty, so subconsciously, weiyuhan has been branded with his label.

However, no matter how weiyuhan chooses in the future, Zhao Fengnian will treat her tribe kindly.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fengnian said with a smile: "don't worry, you and your tribe will naturally help. In this way, tomorrow I will divide half of the heavy cavalry and the soldiers of the goshawk tribe to escort you to Yongfeng

"Yongfeng country, which you may not have heard of, is a small country with less than a million people. Although it is small, the people there are very rich. There are many good things that you haven't seen. I believe you will like it... "

At the mention of his country, Zhao Fengnian's face showed a look of pride.

I began to talk about Yongfeng's special products and policies.

Wei Yuhan heard that Zhao Fengnian was willing to accept his tribe, and his face showed a happy smile.

This is the first time in such a long time that Wei Yuhan feels so relaxed.

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