Long Live the Lord

Chapter 691

Worried about gains and losses, Zhao Fengnian climbed down from the bed and turned his head to look at the two animals lying on the ground motionless.

"Hum! What are you doing here? Shall I take you out myself

Maomao and Xiaojin listen to Zhao Fengnian's words and run out with their tails.

After they came out of the tent, Li Xuanwu suddenly put his head out of the door and closed his eyes and said, "wait a moment, Lord. I'm going to change a curtain for you."

Looking at this scene, Zhao Fengnian was speechless. How could the people and animals around him be so unreliable?

Half an hour later, Zhao Fengnian looked at sitting opposite him, already dressed, but his face was still scarlet and not rain.

"So all this is caused by your long lost sacred object? You've seen people drinking blood in black, haven't you? "

Now Zhao Fengnian doesn't dare to continue to tease weiyuhan. After a simple exchange, Zhao Fengnian knows that this girl is called weiyuhan.

And when Wei Yuhan learned that Zhao Fengnian had saved them, he just wanted to know something about the sacred things and the ghost wolf tribe.

Not rain culvert suddenly has a kind of feeling of crying and laughing.

Maybe it's the experience along the way that makes Wei Yuhan have some prejudice about people and things around him.

This led to the Oolong incident today.

Wei Yuhan now believes what Zhao Fengnian said. After all, stop yourself at the critical moment. Even if there is external disturbance, it is not what ordinary people with weak will can do.

Now weiyuhan thinks carefully, Zhao Fengnian has not threatened or threatened her from the beginning to the end.

All is her own imagination, and finally almost pushed herself into the abyss.

Knowing that Zhao Fengnian wanted to be so simple, Wei Yuhan got to know this young monarch who looked about his age again.

After chatting with Zhao Fengnian about his experience in this period of time, weiyuhan suddenly feels that it is so reassuring to stay with Zhao Fengnian.

All kinds of emotions suppressed in my heart dissipated with the communication with Zhao Fengnian.

Listening to Zhao Fengnian's question, Wei Yuhan nodded in his voice and said softly, "yes, I know so much. Maybe the old people in the tribe can know more, but..."

Said here, not rain culvert look gloomy down.

After a pause, Wei Yuhan's face was a little frightened and continued: "I saw it with my own eyes. Those black robed people are simply not human beings. They are not afraid of pain, have tenacious vitality and will eat people..."

With that, weiyuhan seemed to recall the horrible scene at that time, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Zhao Fengnian can't help feeling pity when he sees the appearance of no rain culvert.

Control a blanket will cover the body of the rain culvert.

Not rain culvert felt the warmth of the blanket, the body stopped shaking, drank a hot water, long breath.

Zhao Fengnian thought for a moment after hearing the words of weiyuhan, then took out the piece of iron and handed it to weiyuhan.

"Have you ever seen this piece of iron? Or something like that? "

Wei Yuhan took the iron and looked at it carefully. Then he pointed to the lamb and said, "ah! This design is on the altar of our tribe. It is our totem. But it's bigger than this. It's much clearer than this. "

The totem of Weiyang tribe is a lamb that can fly, which is known by all the people of Weiyang tribe.

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