Long Live the Lord

Chapter 677

From time to time, these cavalry will accelerate or shoot their bows and arrows to kill some people who have lost their team.

If these cavalry speed up, I believe that they will soon catch up with those who have become tired.

But instead of doing so, they played with the enemy like a cat and a mouse.

Give the enemy hope and then let them despair, and enjoy such games.

"The wolf tribe? How can they still run out of the depths of the grassland? " At this time, Mu Han also saw the appearance of the two groups of people and looked puzzled.

"Oh? Do you know these two groups? " Zhao Fengnian is curious about how mu Han recognized these people.

Mu Han nodded, reached out and pointed to the cavalry in pursuit and said, "look at the style of their helmets, is it like a wolf head?"

Zhao Fengnian looked carefully. Sure enough, the helmet of the cavalry chasing behind was a wolf head.

"Are you familiar with the ghost wolf tribe? Who are they after? "

At this time, Zhao Fengnian was very curious, since Mu Han said that the hell wolf tribe came out from the depths of the grassland.

It's certainly not too close to here. What are they here for in pursuit of a group of seemingly defenseless tribes?

Mu Han looked at the fleeing tribesmen carefully and found no obvious features.

Shaking his head, he said, "well, the one who escaped should also be a tribe, maybe a small tribe destroyed by the wolf tribe."

Although the endless grassland is vast and rich in water and grass, it is suitable for the jungle law of natural selection.

Tribes fight with each other every day, and some small tribes may be swallowed up or completely wiped out in the endless grassland at any time.

So this situation is very normal in Mu Han's eyes. In the endless grassland, either I eat you or you eat me. This is the normal life here.

"And the hell wolf tribe is one of the eight tribes in the deep grassland, which is as powerful as our Eagle tribe. However, the wolf tribe is very aggressive, and has fought with our tribe several times before. In the end, no one took advantage of it, and then a truce was carried out. "

Then Mu Han said the origin and strength of the wolf tribe.

Zhao Fengnian heard that the ghost wolf tribe really has some origins. The tribe that can be comparable with the goshawk tribe is one of the best in the endless grassland.

But what are the eight tribes on the grassland? Zhao Fengnian has never heard of it. Besides the goshawk tribe, what are the six other tribes?

"Oh? What are the remaining six tribes? " Then Zhao Fengnian asked Mu Han.

"The rest are the pangxiang tribe, the lion tribe, the black bear tribe, the fox tribe, the civet tribe, and the hornbill tribe."

This is not a secret, Mu Han naturally won't hide it and said it like a few family treasures.

Zhao Fengnian almost laughed when he heard it. Is this the grassland zoo?

This grassland tribe is really simple and direct, but we can understand the worship of some strong people on the grassland, such as elephants, lions, bears and so on.

But what's the point of using the cat and fox as totems? And this is the eight tribes, the most powerful eight tribes on the grassland.

Mu Han also seemed to see Zhao Fengnian's idea and solemnly said: "don't underestimate the fox and civet tribes. Although these two tribes are not the strongest among all the tribes, they are not easy to provoke. Otherwise, they can not stand in the forest of tribes for such a long time."

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