Long Live the Lord

Chapter 676

Because Li Xuanwu clearly saw Zhao Fengnian and himself at the same time, he even took time to put a snack in his mouth!

Li Xuanwu was ashamed and indignant. In despair, he watched Zhao Fengnian go further and further.

Three minutes later, Zhao Fengnian finally came to the end, regardless of whether the ground was clean or not, he sat down on the hillside.

I almost run out of spirit power. Fortunately, the spirit stone that I swallowed before is now in effect.

Otherwise, Zhao Fengnian is now estimated to have fallen in front of the finish line, making a big oolong.

With a sigh of relief, Zhao Fengnian carefully observed the surrounding scenery.

When Zhao Fengnian saw the scenery in front of him, he couldn't help exclaiming: "is this the beautiful scenery Mu Han said? It's so beautiful! Especially the half set sun... "

At this time, Zhao Fengnian's hillside is a relatively high place in this area.

When you look up, you can see that all eyes are green, and the hillsides are stacked, just like a green ocean is beating waves.

In the distance of sight, there is a winding river flowing quietly in the green sea.

The setting sun on the horizon is like blood, only half of which is exposed, shining in the river.

"How about it? Isn't it beautiful here? That river is the river of life, winding through the endless grassland, is the mother river of all tribes in the endless grassland

At this time, Li Xuanwu, Mu Han and other large forces also followed.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of you, you can't help holding your breath for fear of breaking the tranquility under the setting sun.

Only mu Han's voice speaks softly.

It can be heard that Mu Han, as a grassland man, loves this land and relies on the river of life that feeds countless creatures.

"Why? What are those black spots? "

But at this time, Zhao Fengnian's suspicious voice broke the silence.

See in the sunset is two groups of people are chasing each other, riding horses in the sunset wantonly running.

If these two groups were not armed, it might add some vitality to the quiet picture.

When they heard Zhao Fengnian's warning, they also saw the black spots in the distance.

Yang Kai quickly asked the heavy cavalry regiment to protect Zhao Fengnian in the middle, while Mu Han also ordered to set up the formation and prepare for it.

Because the group that was running away came to the place where they were all.

As the large army has not crossed the hillside, so the two groups of people opposite did not find Zhao Fengnian and others, so straight they rushed towards this side.

It seems that the fleeing people should want to escape to the Empire or free city-state, so they choose this road.

Soon, Zhao Fengnian saw the two groups of people. From their faces, they should be tribes on the grassland.

Among them, the escaping group was full of old and weak women and children, as well as some wounded soldiers.

At this time, they are protecting a woman who is blocked by a veil and can't see her appearance clearly.

Although there were horses and carriages to take their place, the group did not run fast because they were full of old and weak women and children.

They couldn't get rid of the cavalry behind them.

Behind those who fled, there was a troop of nearly a thousand cavalry.

The cavalry seemed to be playing a game, not in a hurry to catch up with them, but shouting and threatening in the back.

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