Long Live the Lord

Chapter 668

After leaving Yongfeng City, Zhao Fengnian's carriage did not go directly to the grassland, but to a school yard outside the city.

After gathering the heavy cavalry there, they will go to the eagle's collar together, and move forward together with the large army of the goshawk tribe to transport goods.

All the horses on this trip are spirit beast horses. After Li Wenbin's cultivation for such a long time and the first generation of non artificial transformation, the naturally produced spirit beast horses have grown up.

The old feces of these spirit beasts are Maomao, Xiaojin and Xiaozhi.

Maybe it's too long since I came out to play. The three beasts are very excited at this time.

He kept running around the carriage where Zhao Fengnian was riding. Seeing this, the young spirit beast horse ran happily, completely forgetting that there was a carriage with people behind him.

Sitting in the carriage, Wu Cai, Li Wenbin and Zhao Fengnian really felt the speed of life and death.

When they arrived at their destination, they jumped out of the carriage and gasped heavily.

If not all of them are spirit controlling martial arts with strong physical fitness, it is estimated that all three of them have already vomited the dinner overnight.

"Wenbin, the spirit animals you have cultivated are very lively. I can't bear the old bones."

Wu Cai's hair was scattered, and there was a trace of fatigue in his voice.

Li Wenbin heard Wu Cai say so, embarrassed dry smile twice, then looked at Zhao Fengnian.

The meaning in the eyes is very obvious, as if to say all blame you, if not your pet takes the lead, how could my spirit beast horse lose control.

Zhao Fengnian of course also knew that in the final analysis, it was because of Maomao.

He gave Li Wenbin a look that he was also very helpless, and then changed the topic.

"Why? Yang Kai and Li Wenbin also came here. Unexpectedly, they did not see each other for a few months, and they were promoted to the realm of spiritual control. "

With Zhao Fengnian's words, Wu CAI and Li Wenbin looked at Yang Kai and Li Wenbin who came out of the school.

Both Yang Kai and Li Wenbin are young, not yet 30 years old.

It's not natural for a person to be gifted in two steps.

However, as the first group of people under Zhao Fengnian's command, they will be trained vigorously after the territory develops.

With the help of a large number of resources and their own efforts, they successfully stepped into the realm of spiritual control.

In fact, not only the two of them, but also Zhou Bing, Zhou Bing, Wang Yi, Yang Kai and Li Xuanwu of the former seven members of the Zhou Bing team have now reached the realm of spiritual control.

Chen Xuanfu and Chen Qiu are both devoted to the construction of the black dragon city and busy with the development of the adventurers' Association.

In addition, they are not deeply obsessed with martial arts, so they both stay at the high level of spiritual guidance and believe that they will enter the realm of spiritual control in the future.

Looking at the two young faces, Wu CAI and Li Wenbin are quite envious. They have such achievements at this age.

Sure enough, there must be talent and hard work on the way to martial arts, and more importantly, organic fate and luck.

However, their luck has become very good since they met Zhao Fengnian. With the help of Zhao Fengnian, Li Wenbin has entered the realm of spiritual control.

Moreover, he found something interesting for Zhao Fengnian, and his later achievements were doomed to be extraordinary.

After meeting Zhao Fengnian, Wu Cai not only promoted to the high level of spiritual control, but also ushered in the second spring of his life, and successfully reunited with Yan Ning.

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