Long Live the Lord

Chapter 667

"Well? It's like taking medicine! "

Zhao Fengnian, who swallowed the Lingshi, found the feeling of taking medicine in the previous life.

Spirit stone along the throat is very easy to enter the abdomen, but there is no spirit grass that into the abdominal quickly absorbed feeling.

But feel that the spirit stone stay in the stomach, like pills, need time to slowly absorb.

As Zhao Fengnian felt, Lingshi stayed in his stomach for about five minutes.

Zhao Fengnian felt that a warm current broke out from his belly and flowed to all his limbs.

"Well Sure enough, it can be absorbed, but it is not as fast as the spirit grass. "

Feeling the whole body comfortable Zhao Fengnian nodded with satisfaction, completely forgetting that he had just eaten a stone.

This spirit stone provides Zhao Fengnian with about 10% of the stored spiritual power, which is obviously not enough for Zhao Fengnian, who controls the spirit realm.

Then there was a Chinese spirit stone. After a few minutes, Zhao Fengnian felt a huge amount of energy pouring into his body, making him feel very comfortable.

And his body has been saturated, can not continue to absorb, the remaining spiritual power will be stored in the abdomen.

Feeling the warmth in his stomach, Zhao Fengnian's eyelids gradually couldn't be lifted up. He felt a strong and irresistible drowsiness.

Then Zhao Fengnian fell asleep When Zhao Fengnian woke up, it was an hour later.

With a comfortable stretch, Zhao Fengnian knew that he had eaten too much.

Although the conversion ratio of the lower grade spirit stone and the middle grade spirit stone is ten times, the pure energy contained in the middle grade spirit stone is more than ten times stronger than the lower grade spirit stone.

In addition, Zhao Fengnian's own spiritual power has not been completely consumed. He has just eaten a second grade spirit stone, which leads to his indigestion.

This feeling of indigestion is not felt by martial arts people under normal circumstances, because after absorbing to a certain extent, the remaining spiritual power will dissipate or stay in the spirit stone,

it is not like Zhao Fengnian swallowing it directly to carry out complete digestion, and it can also lock the aura and not dissipate.

Wake up Zhao Fengnian began to feel his state, Lingli network has not disappeared, has been maintained.

Unless Zhao Fengnian actively converges, or his spiritual power is exhausted, it will always exist.

The storage of spiritual power in the body is also very abundant now, and there is a little increase compared with before.

Zhao Fengnian, who felt here, knew that this was the result of his own perception.

Zhao Fengnian felt his stomach again and found that the warm current in his stomach had disappeared, and there was no other uncomfortable feeling.

"Well, it seems that eating spirit stone directly is feasible, convenient and hidden. However, you should eat in advance, and you can't eat more once... "

After that, Zhao Fengnian made a summary and decided to replace lingcao with Lingshi to supplement his spiritual power.

Because there are not many Lingshi in the territory, its reserves are amazing.

Especially the lower grade spirit stone and the middle grade spirit stone, if you take some of them at will, no one will pay attention to it.

So the next day, Zhao Fengnian's waist will come out of a bag, filled with a variety of grade spirit stone, of which the lower grade spirit stone is the majority.

Zhao Fengnian, who spent thousands of gold coins a day, has become a complete loser, a rich family and a small and rich style.

Parting is always sad, Zhao Fengnian left Yongfeng city by bus with three women's exhortations.

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