Long Live the Lord

Chapter 656

At the same time, Liu Jing and Ruixue two women at this time also came over, big eyes straight staring at Zhao Fengnian.

Because they knew that Zhao Fengnian could not take them with him if he went out to the endless grassland.

Although the second daughter has reached the realm of leading spirits, Zhao Fengnian still can't rest assured to take them out.

As for Zhou Bing, Zhao Fengnian also didn't plan to take it.

Because Zhou Bing is now Zhao Fengnian's only wife, Yongfeng country in addition to Zhao Fengnian's only one can let everyone recognize.

When Zhao Fengnian is gone, there will inevitably be people floating. Zhou Bing's stay in the territory can play a stabilizing role.

Zhou Bing can take full responsibility for any disputes and problems that can't be solved at the top.

With the assistance of Ruixue and Liu Jing, I believe that as long as they don't have too big problems during this period of time, they should be able to handle all the general affairs.

I don't know how several women know that they are going to leave the news. Today, I saw that I was busy, and then I found a chance to tell myself about it.

Zhao Fengnian knows that several women want to accompany him, in other words, several women are very concerned about him.

In fact, Zhao Fengnian is very happy in his heart.

Because Zhao Fengnian's last life, after his grandparents died, Zhao Fengnian never experienced the feeling of care.

Although this life is better, but the mother died early, his father Zhao Tian still missing to return.

So Zhao Fengnian has always needed this kind of care and care.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fengnian held Zhou Bing's hand and held her in his arms.

At the same time, with both hands pulling, Liu Jing and Ruixue are held on both sides of themselves. For a time, Zhao Fengnian can't help but shake his heart.

However, he looked at the three girls who were very clever and shy. Zhao Fengnian forced his bath fire down.

One of them was in danger, and the other two were too young to be well developed.

Zhao Fengnian didn't want to destroy the flowers, but there were opportunities to eat mature fruits later.

"Well, don't get excited. Listen to me..."

Then Zhao Fengnian converged and said to the three women why he didn't take them.

The focus is on leaving by themselves. The territory is unattended and sitting in town. It is the best choice to ask the mistresses of the three territories to stay in the territory.

Sure enough, Zhao Fengnian said so, the three women's expression gradually relaxed.

"So Well, when are you going to leave this time? Who else do you want to take with you? "

As the oldest of the three women, Zhou Bing naturally set an example and nodded her head.

However, Zhou Bing is still worried about Zhao Fengnian's safety.

There are not many tribes in the endless grassland, and everyone in the endless grassland is warrior. The realm of spiritual control and even the realm of perfection can be seen everywhere.

Although the eagle tribe as a backup, but if there is any accident, the eagle tribe may not have time to rescue.

Ruixue and Liu Jing are not unreasonable people either. After knowing the reason and knowing that they have such a great effect.

Then quiet down, the heart is also full of worry.

"Can't you send someone else?" Liu Jing asked in a low voice.

"No, because I have a reason to go this time. Maybe only I can do it." Zhao Fengnian shook his head.

In fact, he doesn't want to travel to the endless grassland. He has been busy for two years. Now that his territory is stable, he naturally wants to relax.

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