Long Live the Lord

Chapter 657

But Zhao Fengnian had to go this time. If only the magnetite was discovered, Zhao Fengnian had no reason to go.

But the dragon soul fragment can only be found by himself.

Because Zhao Fengnian's sense of dragon soul fragments is unique, other people, even the Vatican's kind of detection tools, are not as sensitive as his perception.

As for the candidates, the territory must leave some high-end combat forces in charge, so Yang Feng can't go with him.

The rest can only pick the soul control realm can get rid of the people together, think about it, Zhao Fengnian ready to take Wu CAI and Li Wenbin.

There are also Yang Kai and Li Xuanwu, who have recently been promoted to a satisfactory level.

The territory is guarded by Yang Feng, Yan Ning, Zhou Bing, Zhang Ye and Wang Yi.

In addition, Xiaojin, Maomao and Zhao Fengnian, the three animals of Xiaozhi, are ready to take them out for a walk.

Now these animals eat and sleep. They should be allowed to exercise.

In addition, he accompanied a thousand heavy cavalry regiments to deal with other emergencies.

It is believed that with this kind of armed disposition, it should not be a problem to encounter ordinary horse bandits or small and medium-sized tribes in the endless grassland.

If you meet a strong player in a perfect state, you may not be able to fight, but you will not have no backhand.

It is also very likely that he will be injured and defeated.

Of course, there must be a name for so many people going to the grassland.

This time, apparently as an envoy to the Cangying tribe of Yongfeng state, Tao an will also go with him as a diplomatic official for this friendly visit.

In addition, a number of Yongfeng brand products will also go along with them.

This is a batch of new orders from Muhan. The quantity of this batch of goods is very large. The Cangying tribe also sent 10000 elite cavalry to escort them.

So Zhao Fengnian didn't worry about any problems along the way.

Later, Zhao Fengnian talked about his idea with the three girls, and carefully analyzed it to show that he would hardly encounter any danger in this trip, so the three girls left Zhao Fengnian's room at ease.

Looking at the empty nagging room, Zhao Fengnian suddenly felt a sense of loss. He shook his head and put this idea down.

Then Zhao Fengnian climbed to the head of the bed and began to practice. Zhao Fengnian could feel that he was going to step into the realm of controlling spirit.

Before stepping into the realm of mind control, we should grasp it more.

Yongfeng and Thailand were officially established, and the second freedom alliance was formed.

The people of the two countries were very happy, especially after the new policies were issued to Yongtai, the country was even more jubilant.

But in the Fengtai Free Alliance's surrounding big and small forces, at this time, people are panic.

The news of the establishment of the Fengtai Free Alliance quickly radiated to the surrounding areas, and some of its policies and ideas spread rapidly among civilians under the deliberate operation of intelligence personnel.

These forces also tried their best to curb the spread of information, but the information was pervasive and could not be stopped no matter how it was contained and eliminated.

As a result, the people in its jurisdiction are unstable, and many people intend to escape from their territory and go to the Free Alliance of Thailand and Fengtai.

These days, Zhao Fengnian is carrying out a new round of territory planning.

The territory will develop rapidly in the future. Yongfeng City, which has been expanded once before, is not enough.

Therefore, Yongfeng city will continue to expand, the scope of expansion almost covers most of the original yongfengling territory.

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