Long Live the Lord

Chapter 628

So far, Yongan Province, Yongtai Province, the land of chaos, have become a whole.

In the northwest of Qingxuan Empire, it can be said that it was the top force on the powerful side.

What is Zhao Fengnian doing at this time?

Zhao Fengnian looks forward to Zhou Bing, who is sleeping in front of him.

"Mr. Yang, do you think the spirit pulp liquid is really helpful to bing'er's injury?"

Yang Feng is also at Zhao Fengnian's side at the moment, exploring Zhou Bing's internal conditions with Lingli.

After hearing Zhao Fengnian's question, Yang Feng nodded, "you don't have to worry about this point. Lingsui liquid is a top-level treasure of Tiancai Dibao. There is a lot of aura in it. It is estimated that the effect will be seen after the girl absorbs it! "

Zhao Fengnian nodded and closed his eyes to enter the state of perception, looking at the light point represented by Zhou Bing.

The level of spiritual power represented by this light spot is level 6, which is the higher level of spirit guiding realm.

Now this light spot is fluctuating violently, sometimes strong and weak. It is estimated that this light spot is about to break through to the spirit control realm.

Seeing this, Zhao recalled the difficult decision he made a few days ago.

A few days ago, Zhao Fengnian, who was idle, took out his only prize when fighting with the black robed man in the air.

A small bottle, and a drop of liquid with milky white light in it.

After studying for a long time, Zhao Fengnian didn't recognize what it was, so he went to find Yang Feng, who was studying new aircraft with Li Jinming and Wang Zhiyuan.

Because Yang Feng at that time completely focused on the empty body, so Yang Feng did not pay attention to the whereabouts of the spirit pulp liquid.

He thought that the spirit liquid disappeared with the disappearance of emptiness.

Zhao Fengnian didn't put it in his mind when he got lingsui liquid at that time, because there were too many things to deal with at that time.

And after I went back to meet the eagle king, I didn't have time to summarize the harvest, so the spirit pulp liquid had been placed there without moving.

When Zhao Fengnian found it, it had been more than half a month, that is, a few days ago.

One day Maomao and Xiaojin and Xiaozhi saw that Zhao Fengnian had nothing to do, so they circled around Zhao Fengnian.

Also from time to time to rub Zhao Fengnian, a flattering look.

Zhao Fengnian was stunned by their actions. These animals ran wild outside or went to the underground scientific research base to "teach" the spirit beasts. How could they come to find themselves today.

Zhao Fengnian, who was curious in his heart, took out several spirit cores and threw them to them. However, they did not move. They were staring at Zhao Fengnian's arms.

Zhao Fengnian didn't understand. He didn't put other things in his bag. What do these goods want?

Simply, Zhao Fengnian took out all the things in the bag and looked at the reaction of several animals.

Until Zhao Fengnian touched a strange little bottle, Zhao Fengnian was stunned.

What is this? Then Zhao Fengnian took out the vial?

At this time, the eyes of the animals were straight, their mouths were wide, and the saliva flowed all over the ground.

Looking at the state of the animals, and looking at the drop of milky light in the bottle, Zhao Fengnian remembered its origin.

After that, Zhao Fengnian ignored the greedy three animals full of saliva and found Yang Feng.

When Yang Feng saw this thing, he also showed the light of desire in his eyes, and then told Zhao Fengnian about the origin and utility of this thing.

After understanding, Zhao Fengnian finally knew what it was. It turned out that this was the spirit marrow liquid in the top-level Tiancai Dibao, produced in large-scale Lingshi veins.

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