Long Live the Lord

Chapter 627

When Zhang Ye and Li Sheng enter the city of Yong'an, where the gate is wide open, they are startled by the scene in front of them.

At this time, the city of Yong'an was full of corpses and debris. Before leaving, the Holy See slaughtered all the non believer civilians.

With all the valuable things, the ones that can't be taken away will be destroyed. After that, he left Yong'an province and went to a secret stronghold in Yongning province.

"The Vatican is inhuman! Only they can do it Li Sheng looked at the scene in front of him like hell on earth, and said in a voice of hatred.

Zhang Ye nodded, "it is true that the holy see is the public enemy of all human beings on the mainland. There are more cruel and terrifying things that you have not seen."

Here, Zhang Ye stopped and continued: "there should be no resistance in Yong'an province now, but the Holy See should not give up so easily. You should be careful in the future."

After hearing what Zhang Ye said, Li Sheng was even more angry at what the Vatican had done. After hearing what Zhang Ye said, he was stunned.

"Brother Zhang, are you going back? This Yongan Province... "

Zhang Ye smiles. Through his contact with Li Sheng these days, he finds that Li Sheng has really changed.

It's a change from the inside out, not a change disguised by authority.

It is a rare thing for a person who has made a mistake to correct it again, and it is also a very admirable thing.

Slowly, Zhang Ye and Li Shengcheng are good friends. In private, Li Sheng always calls him big brother.

Zhang Ye patted Li Sheng on the shoulder and said with a smile, "this is a letter from the Lord. Let's go back to Yongfeng to have a drink soon

Then Zhang Ye laughed and left without looking back.

Li Sheng stands in the same place, opens Zhao Fengnian's letter to him. After reading, Li Sheng shows a look of admiration and moving.

In Zhao Fengnian's letter, he mentioned the issue of ownership of Yong'an Province, that is, Yongan province should be assigned to Yongtai province and managed by Li Sheng.

The land of chaos is managed by yongfengling.

The letter also mentioned that yongfengling is willing to form an alliance with Yongtai Province, so that both sides can exchange what they have and develop together.

In the future, if the Vatican forces or other forces attack Yongtai Province, yongfengling will provide full help to help Yongtai province defend.

Finally, the letter states that yongfengling is a big advantage. Yongfengling will put more energy on development with the help of Yongtai Province in defending the periphery.

Similarly, in return, Yongtai province will provide a lot of preferential treatment for the purchase of yongfengling materials. Li Sheng will send people to discuss the specific details.

In the letter, Zhao Fengnian's tone is sincere, and his analysis of advantages and disadvantages is very clear. He does not avoid saying that yongfengling wants to use Yongtai Province as a peripheral defense line.

But Li Sheng doesn't think so. This is the resources and territory of a province.

Even if it is disguised as a shield for yongfengling, it is also very worthwhile.

With this good thing, no matter who is willing to do so.

What's more, yongfengling has made a lot of efforts in fighting against Yong'an Province, if there is no information and weapons of yongfengling.

Li Sheng will pay several times as much as he wants to capture Yong'an Province group.

So Li Sheng felt that he had taken advantage of Zhao Fengnian.

After reading the letter, Li Sheng took up his pen and paper and returned a letter to Zhao Fengnian.

After stabilizing the situation in the two provinces, he will visit in person to discuss the alliance.

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