Long Live the Lord

Chapter 603

If this rate is maintained, it is estimated that it is only a matter of time before the Yongan army can be wiped out. However, what is most lacking now is time.

Although the spirit beast horse has strong endurance, it is also limited. After such a long time of non-stop full running, it has been a little tired.

This can be seen from the slower and slower charge speed of Zhang Ye and others.

In the air on the command platform of the Yong'an army, naturally, he also saw the changes in front of the yongfengling defense line.

Although we can't see exactly what happened, it is certain that the 150000 troops have been eliminated!

At this time, yikong was frightened and angry. Originally, he planned to carry out a follow-up attack after long-range suppression.

But now the follow-up troops have been dragged by those abnormal cavalry in yongfengling, and have lost the best time to attack.

With the air hate to look at the Yongfeng ridge defense line, and then look at the gloomy face is still running wantonly Yongfeng lead heavy cavalry.

Murmured to himself: "this heavy cavalry is so powerful, I'm afraid it cost a lot of resources? If I leave the cavalry behind, will you be very painful? "

With that, he floated into the air and told the remaining warriors, "come out with me and wipe out the cavalry!"

After that, the air force fired at the center of the battlefield, and behind him were nearly 10000 soldiers waiting in the rear.

Zhao Fengnian also stood up at this time and respectfully said to him, "Mr. Yang, this time you just came back, you will have to trouble you again. Maybe we have met old friends!"

With that, Zhao Fengnian pointed to a black spot floating in the air in the distance.

After Zhao Fengnian's death, Yang Feng and Wu did not know when they also came here.

Yang Feng looked at the distant black spots, a sense of deja vu surged to his heart.

Lenghun said: "it should be the black robed man who attacked the Lord's house at night. I have been looking for him for a long time, but I didn't expect to come out of it! Let's go

Then Yang Feng also flew into the air and rushed to the center of the battlefield as quickly as possible.

After Yang Feng left, Zhao Fengnian and Wu Cai went down the fort and said to Zhou Bing who had just come back: "it's time for the whole army to attack. It's time to end this war!"


After that, more than 100000 troops of yongfengling were arrayed in order, quickly walked out of the defense line and moved forward toward the center of the battlefield.

This war has been fighting for so long, yongfengling can be said at this moment, completely occupied the peak.

If we don't take advantage of the situation to pursue, I'm afraid the Yong'an army will retreat after the reaction. It will be difficult to retain them at that time.

Especially after knowing that the Li family and the black robed man had an affair, Zhao Fengnian had made a decision to leave the Yong'an army here.

The black robed forces, I am the Holy See, can be said to be the enemy of all mankind, as can be seen from their actions.

If it is allowed to develop, it may be that the whole continent will not have a day of peace.

Now that there is a chance to attack each other, Zhao Fengnian will not let it go.

At this time, yikong has already flown to the center of the battlefield and is looking at the chaotic battle group below.

One by one, the soldiers looked dull, unconsciously waving weapons in their hands, trying to stop the heavy cavalry of yongfengling.

However, they were met by a long knife or a horse's hoof, which directly stepped on the soldier and attacked the next target.

Looking at Zhang Ye, the leader of the heavy cavalry, he sneered at him. Then he controlled a row of meteorite needles and fell down quickly.

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