Long Live the Lord

Chapter 604

Zhang Ye is killing Xing at this time, completely unaware of the huge threat overhead.

Seeing that the empty meteorite needle is about to penetrate Zhang Ye's body.

"Sneaky rat! This time it depends on where you're going A sudden burst of cheering came out of the air.

Then there was a burst of sound of breaking the sky. The five flying knives were arranged in the shape of Pinyin, and they were enveloped in the air.

To air heard the voice shocked, the heart of this old goods how to return!

Hastily take back the meteorite iron needle that will attack Zhang Ye's body and protect it in front of the body.

Their own security and a small soldier, which is more important, to empty do not want to make a choice.

Zhang Ye also heard the voice above his head. When he looked up, he saw that Yang Feng and yikong had been fighting together.

And the position of the battle is just above his head, and Zhang Ye's hair stands erect.

A cavity of hot blood as if poured on a bucket of ice water, instantly cold through the whole body.

At this time, Yang Feng was fighting with the air, and the sound of weapons collision constantly sounded in the air.

Looking at Zhang Ye, who was stunned at the spot, he yelled: "don't be stunned, go and destroy their long-range attack equipment!"

Zhang Ye recovered his composure after hearing the words of the air, and took a look at the dark pressure of a crowd from the defense line of Yongfeng ridge in the distance.

I also looked at the long-range attack equipment such as the Yong'an army's catapult is busy preparing.

"Brothers, follow me and destroy their catapult!" he yelled

Then Zhang Ye rushed to the front, and the heavy cavalry behind him naturally followed.

The heavy cavalry broke another hole in the enemy camp and rushed to the rear of the Yong'an army formation.

Naturally, the black robed missionaries in the rear who controlled the soldiers also saw this scene.

Considering whether he would hurt his own people, he ordered to aim at the heavy cavalry and launch an attack.

If you are approached by these tiger like soldiers, you will not be able to defend yourself.

However, due to the speed of heavy cavalry, the soldiers who control the catapult are only numb in accordance with the procedures and are not flexible at all.

As a result, these long-range attacks all bombarded the rear of Zhang Ye and others, knocking down a large area of soldiers pursued by Yong'an army.

When the missionary was about to give a new order to adjust the distance, Zhang Ye's heavy cavalry had already rushed to him.

Zhang Ye didn't look at him, but he went down with a knife.

The Vatican missionary who was in charge of this area was cut off and lost his vitality.

"Destroy the siege equipment with me!"

After that, Zhang Ye roared and slashed across a catapult

A clear crack sounded, and one of the main beams of the catapult was split into two parts, which was useless.

Then there was a continuous click in this area. The heavy cavalry was good at chopping people, and the wood that couldn't move was more handy.

At the same time that Zhang Ye destroyed the siege equipment in the rear of Yong'an military array, the army led by Zhao Fengnian also came to the center of the battlefield.

Some of the Yong'an soldiers who responded to the attack collectively charged in the direction of the yongfengling army.

From time to time also fly out of an arrow, but due to the distance is still far, the arrow flew for a long time, finally can only powerless fall in front of Zhao Fengnian.

"Crossbow preparation, marching alternate shooting!"

As the order was given, the soldiers in the first row of yongfengling camp squatted, aimed at the right direction, and fired a round of catapults at the Yong'an Army soldiers who were rushing in.

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