Long Live the Lord

Chapter 592

Without soldiers, the armored chariot will become a decoration, just like a dead turtle.

Moreover, after the chariot stops, other chariots may step on mines if they bypass and continue to move forward.

In this way, as long as the enemy wants to attack, it will continue to be attacked, unable to defend.

In addition, the existing hand grenades can be used to transform the mine. The difficulty of transformation should be very simple for Li Tiezhu, who has been studying gunpowder.

However, I don't know when the next Yong'an army will attack. I don't know if it will be too late.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fengnian quickly wrote and drew on the paper, and finally handed it to Xiaozhi, who asked Xiaozhi to return to Ruixue, yongfengling.

Instead of going to the front line with Zhao Fengnian, Ruixue stays in the territory and takes care of Zhou Bing with Liu Jing.

Sometimes I will deal with some simple government affairs, when Ruixue receives the letter.

He rushed to the underground scientific research base and Li Tiezhu. Wang Fenglin conveyed Zhao Fengnian's ideas and drawings.

After they looked at it, they soon started the research. It took only half a day to finish the first finished product.

Then there was the transformation and production. Until the fourth day, the 5000 pieces were sent to Zhao Fengnian.

Zhao Fengnian took out a careful inspection, the mine from the shape of the previous grenade.

However, the trigger device becomes a force on the top, and the downward pressure will ignite the gunpowder and cause an explosion.

There are not many places that need to be changed. Otherwise, it is impossible to produce so many mines in such a short period of time, and there is not so much redundant gunpowder.

Then Zhao Fengnian ordered Zhou Bing to have the mines buried one kilometer in front of the battle line overnight.

And record the location of each mine to ensure that the mine will not become a hidden danger after the war.

Looking at the soldiers who are carefully arranged in the night, Zhao Fengnian can't help but look at the direction of the Yong'an army camp in the distance.

Yong'an military camp at night can only see some faint fire, quiet as a dead land.

After four days, the other side didn't mean to attack again.

This is called Zhao Fengnian. He can't help but wonder what Yongan army is doing.

Although there are spirit animals and pigeons to investigate, but since the Yongan army knew that yongfengling could control the attack of spirit beasts and birds.

They set up special sentries. As long as they are not from the Yong'an army, all other species will be killed.

Therefore, for the sake of safety, the spirit animal pigeon can only observe from a long distance, and dare not get too close, resulting in the intelligence is not very clear.

We can only see what activities the Yong'an army seems to be organizing. Every day, a large number of soldiers gather together to discuss something.

At the time of Zhao Fengnian's conjecture, Li Yang and yikong were in a camp of Yong'an army, and there was an ordinary soldier among them.

"Well, now they are all believers in God, faithful to God's command."

Looking at the straight soldier standing in front of him, he said with pride.

Li Yang was very curious about this and didn't notice yikong's words, "loyal to God's orders."

"Are you brave enough to be fearless

Listening to Li Yang's question, he nodded his head and said, "you can try and let them do anything."

Li Yang heard about this, and his interest came up.

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