Long Live the Lord

Chapter 591

It would be nice if these soldiers were soldiers of God. With such chariots and fearlessness, there would be no unbreakable line of defense.

Think of this, with empty eyes a bright, yes, to become a god warrior needs too many conditions, can not be completed in a short time.

But what if these soldiers become servants? They are equally fearless under normal circumstances, and will be able to break through the yongfengling defense line.

And he will control a group of powerful troops, and then

"I may have a way to make them braver."

Li Yang was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Then he thought of something and quickly asked, "they? You mean these soldiers? High priest, do you have a way to make them fight bravely

If there is such a way, not only this war, but also his army will be invincible and invincible in the future.

"Of course, as long as you believe in my God, you will be fearless and go forward bravely." "To empty very firmly reply.

Hearing this, Li Yang did not give any hope. He did not believe in the mysterious and mysterious holy see.

However, due to the cooperation between the two sides and the high-end combat power of the Vatican is indeed very strong, Li Yang did not oppose or ridicule.

Instead, he said with a smile, "if that's true, that would be great."

Yikong also heard Li Yang's suspicion and continued with a smile: "I know you don't understand the power of God. Well, give us a few days to teach these soldiers to know God. After a few days, you will naturally get the results you want."

Li Yang looked at yikong high priest's serious expression, and moved in his heart. Maybe he really had something to do.

He must be a master of the perfect realm with emptiness. Some of his small moves may be uncertain, and even if not, he will lose nothing.

If the attack failed and the morale could not be restored in a short time, it would be no harm to wait for a few days.

"Good! Thank the high priest ekon. I'll arrange to go down later. "

After that, Li Yang arched his hand at yikong and left first.

But in the air, looking at Li Yang's back, a smile flashed across his mouth.

At this time, Zhao Fengnian was relieved to see the enemy retreating.

If these soldiers are brave and fearless to death, they will certainly be able to rush to the line of defense, and it will be troublesome to meet yongfengling soldiers in short combat.

Although Zhao Fengnian has confidence in his soldiers, there will inevitably be a large number of casualties, which is what Zhao Fengnian does not want to see.

However, the other side will definitely make a comeback next time. How to break the all armour chariot of the other side?

The rocket is very effective, but it can't be expected to stop the enemy because of its limited launching frame and gunpowder.

Then Zhao Fengnian fell into meditation.

After a long time, Zhao Fengnian finally thought of one thing, that is, mines.

As long as it is stepped on from the ground and triggered, it will explode. If it is not triggered, it will not explode.

This feature can deal with the enemy's all armour chariots.

There are two bowls on both sides of the chariot.

The soldiers in the middle need to touch the ground directly.

Since the grenade can't break through the armour chariot defense from above, how about transforming it into a touch triggered mine?

As long as one of the soldiers in the chariot stepped on it, it would detonate a grenade in such a narrow space, and the fate of the soldiers could be imagined.

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