Long Live the Lord

Chapter 580

Now the northern defense line of yongfengling is located on a high-lying hillside.

The whole line of defense includes all the roads leading from blue river to yongfengling.

Therefore, as long as the Yong'an army wants to successfully reach the hinterland of yongfengling, it must break through this line of defense.

"Goo Goo..."

When Zhou Bing was thinking about how to use his advantage to defend, a spirit animal dove landed on the table beside Zhou Bing's body.

As soon as Zhou Bing saw that it was Xiao Zhi around Zhao Fengnian, he quickly solved the letter carried by the spirit beast pigeon.

The letter was sent by Zhao Fengnian. The main purpose of the letter was to tell Zhou Bing not to put too much pressure on him and to continue to harass the enemy.

When Zhou Bing saw Zhao Fengnian's handwriting, all his worries and pressures suddenly disappeared.

Instead, his eyes were shining bright and confident.

Zhao Fengnian is not so much a Lord as a spiritual pillar of the whole territory. As long as Zhao Fengnian is there, the territory will not collapse.

At the moment, Zhao Fengnian is sitting on the top of the fortress, looking at the enemy camp ten miles away from the distance, and his mouth flashes a smile of fun.

Murmured to himself: "it seems that Li Sheng's elder brother is still very confident. Maybe there was no problem in setting up camp at this distance, but now..."

Tao an and Zhang Ye, standing behind Zhao Fengnian, are stunned by Zhao Fengnian's words. Is it the Lord's intention to

"Since you want to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, I'll give you a warning this time. It's a face for your brother Li Sheng."

After saying this, Zhao Fengnian looked back at the two men and said, "go ahead and ask the soldiers to seize the time to have a good rest and prepare for rocket attack at night."

"Yes They are excited to take orders.

In addition to the attack on Xuefeng City, yongfengling war was passive participation.

Although Zhao Fengnian is here, full of confidence, but this has been a passive defensive feeling is not good.

So Tao an and Zhang Ye will be so excited after hearing Zhao Fengnian's order.

Soon it was night, the defense line of Yongtai province had been preparing for the air attack of yongfengling.

As a result, dozens of tall sentry towers have been set up around the camp in order to guard against the raids of spirit beasts and birds.

However, it seems that yongfengling does not intend to air raid the camp tonight, otherwise at this time in the past, the spirit beasts and birds of yongfengling have already carried out more than two attacks.

The soldiers, who could not wait for the attack, relaxed their vigilance and fell asleep in the camp.

It was the most peaceful night they had ever slept since they fought, so they all had a very sweet sleep.

Some soldiers even had a good dream with a smile on their lips.

But the soldiers did not know that the hand of death was slowly reaching out to them, covering the whole territory.

At two o'clock in the night, Zhao Fengnian was blowing a cold wind on the fort, looking at the Yongtai military camp with a little fire.

Light way: "attack, alternate continuous attack."

"Yes! Lord. "

Then the order was quickly issued, and the rocket soldiers who had already adjusted their direction quickly ignited the twenty thunderbolt rockets on one side of the defense line.


Twenty Rockets made a huge hissing sound of gunpowder burning, and quickly lifted off with the tail flame, leaving a cloud of smoke and dust in place.

Soon after the first wave of rockets launched, another wave of rockets took off.

Then came the next wave of rockets, one after another, flying towards Yongtai barracks.

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