Long Live the Lord

Chapter 579

At this time, he did not know how to dig into the heart of Ma Nan Cheng.

I don't know. The grassland forces have not been prepared for a long time, because a small goshawk territory is advancing towards the Empire.

Yongfengling northern defense line, Yong'an military camp.

"High priest, thank you for your warning. We have reduced a lot of losses."

Li Yang stood on a lookout platform of the Chinese army camp, looking at the direction of yongfengling, and respectfully said to the high priest of yikong.

Li Yang is really grateful this time. If there is no air warning, there will be a large number of casualties in the first wave of attack.

"It's nothing, even if I didn't tell you, after an attack, you'll know."

To air this does not agree, looking at the Yongfeng ridge defense line, eyes flashing cold light.

He is only concerned about when the army will attack yongfengling. He doesn't care about the rest.

Li Yang could also see that he was absent-minded, but he could understand.

Because at this moment, Li Yang is also very urgent, want to attack yongfengling.

But Li Yang looked at the listless and exhausted soldiers and knew that there was no way to organize the attack today.

Li Yang is also tired these days, because he doesn't know what kind of hidden weapon the ghost thing makes is too loud!

There is no way to shield, can only be awakened by the loud noise again and again.

I don't know if all the troops have marched here. Will yongfengling continue to send that kind of flying spirit beast to harass our army.

What's more, it seems that the battle can not be won or lost in a day or two. Is there any way to break through the enemy's defense line more quickly?

Thinking of this, Li Yang said with some hope: "the high priest of air, do you think we should attack the enemy's camp secretly? With your strength and some warriors... "

"No, I'm not healed. I'm afraid I can't attack. You can send some warriors."

Before Li Yang finished, yikong resolutely refused and left in a hurry.

In fact, it is not timid, but the shadow that yongfengling brings to him is too big. Who knows if there is any means waiting for him?

And even if the elimination of the coach, as long as Zhao Fengnian is still, this line of defense will not collapse in a short time.

Why should he take the risk and not get any benefits he wants.

And Li Yang looked at the empty without hesitation, leaving in a hurry, can not help but be stunned at the scene.

Is it too timid to be brave? Or does yongfengling really have something he is afraid of?

However, Li Yang, a strange man in the air, was not sure, so he only asked tentatively. If not, he would have to attack positively.

This time, Li Yang was fully prepared and designed some special means to restrain the long-range attack of yongfengling, which should give yongfengling a big surprise.

At this time, Zhou Bing was also looking at the looming camp of Yong'an army in the distance.

This time, the number of troops dispatched by Yong'an province has reached 300000, and there are still a large number of logistics teams in the rear, with a total number of nearly 500000.

It is almost five times as many as yongfengling's troops, although it has fought a lot in the battle of winning more with less.

It is not without victory that there is a greater disparity between us and the enemy.

But this time it was the regular army of Yong'an Province, an elite unit of provincial territory.

So Zhou Bing had to pay attention to it.

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