Long Live the Lord

Chapter 560

Through Li Sheng's narration, Zhao Fengnian finally knows Li Sheng's true identity. It turns out that Li Sheng is actually the son of Li Tianyi, the Lord of Yongtai province.

However, Li Sheng is the child of a concubine that Li Tianyi received in his later years. He belongs to a marginal figure in the Lord's house and has no real rights.

Li Sheng's mother didn't care much about Li Sheng's child. She just fought with other women in the house every day.

As a result, Li Sheng was neglected from an early age, no one cared about it and lacked a sense of security.

Thus formed idle, idle and other bad habits.

This also makes Li Tianyi completely disappointed with Li Sheng, and Li Sheng becomes a waste wood in the Lord's house.

According to Li Sheng, he is very free, but he is not happy. His life has no direction at all, and his future is also in confusion.

However, since I came here and read a few books about the ideological construction of the reformers.

Suddenly, Li Sheng felt suddenly enlightened and determined to change himself and become a new man to make his existence more meaningful.

The result is that Li Sheng has completely integrated into this circle. He feels that there are many people who need him here. They are those who have been as confused as him.

But regarding Yao Guangming's death in yongfengling campaign, Li Sheng did not have much feeling.

This relative is the same as others. If he is not the son of Li Tianyi, Yao Guangming will not even look at him.

Although he was stubborn, Li Sheng was not stupid because of all kinds of uneasiness and emptiness.

I have been blinded for a while. Now I have figured it out. Naturally, everything is very clear.

After listening to Li Sheng's story, Zhao Fengnian was filled with astonishment.

I didn't expect that I had moved some of the chicken soup of the last life to this world, and with some of my own views, it was so powerful.

To be able to let a person recognize themselves, and return from a lost path, determined to make a new start.

Not to say what Li Sheng said is true or false, Zhao Fengnian has already looked at him with great respect because he can show his own identity frankly.

When Li Sheng finished, Zhao Fengnian looked at Li Sheng and said, "very good. I'll tell you why I came to you. Because a letter came from Yongtai province yesterday. One of the main purposes of the letter is to take you back. "

"So I understand what you're doing here, so I want to come and see what makes you change. Now I know. I find that you have indeed changed and reformed. Here is no longer a cage for you. You can leave here at any time and return to your hometown. "

When Zhao Fengnian finished speaking, the whole room fell into silence, and Tao an's three people could not understand what Zhao Fengnian was doing.

How to put the childe of Yongtai province back? Aren't you afraid he'll get revenge when he goes back?

But Li Sheng was silent for a long time. He looked at the book on his side, and his eyes flashed a look of reluctant to give up.

This period of time for him is the most bitter day, but also the most substantial and happy day.

Suddenly, Li Sheng was reluctant to leave.

But then Li Sheng seemed to think of something, the color of his eyes gradually disappeared, replaced by a firm, persistent light.

Li Sheng got up and saluted Zhao Fengnian, saying, "my Lord, thank you very much for your instruction. I like it very much. But I certainly do not belong here. There are tens of thousands of people who have lost their freedom and hope in my territory. I need to go back and teach them and save them. "

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