Long Live the Lord

Chapter 561

Zhao Fengnian nodded with satisfaction, "very good, you really have changed, prodigal son does not change gold back! When you get back, if you need any help, just write. All right, I'm going. You can clean it up yourself

Then Zhao Fengnian got up and left, leaving Li Sheng alone.

"My Lord, are you not afraid to let the tiger return to the mountain? Or let Yongtai think that we are easy to bully and compromise? "

On the way back to the city, Tao an asked his doubts.

Wang Meng and Zhang Ye are also curious to see Zhao Fengnian. They are also very puzzled why Zhao Fengnian did this.

Zhao Fengnian laughed, "it doesn't matter, they're going to attack me. I don't want to let him go. Moreover, through the transformation, Li Sheng is indeed in line with the standard of being released. Since we have set the law, we should treat them equally. "

After listening, they nodded and asked no more.

And Zhao Fengnian knew that there was a more important reason for Li Sheng to leave.

That is Zhao Fengnian in Li Sheng's eyes to see only in the last life, those young eyes can see the enthusiasm and vision.

This is a seed, a seed that can change the world, a seed that yearns for freedom and equality.

Only by spreading this seed can the world get rid of its shackles and end this distorted era.

Zhao Fengnian, who returned to his territory, began the most leisurely days of these two years.

Every day, in addition to dealing with territory affairs, the rest of the time is free to push Zhou Bing around.

It was not until a week later that Zhao Fengnian left the Lord's mansion again.

Because Wang Xiaowu, the intelligence personnel who once sneaked into the kingdom of freedom, came to his senses.

In a special ward of Yongfeng hospital, Zhao Fengnian looked at Wang Xiaowu, who was lying on the bed and looked at him. Facing Li, he asked, "did he wake up by himself or?"

Li Shi was very talented and courageous in medicine. He was very interested in the modern medicine mentioned by Zhao Fengnian. Finally, the combination of the two created a unique medical system.

It can be said that this is an achievement that a person may not be able to achieve in his whole life. Li Shi has made his present achievements before he is 20 years old, and his future is limitless.

Li Shi has great respect for the young man in front of him who once helped to cure his brother and let tens of thousands of victims survive.

Although he is older than Zhao Fengnian, Li Shi still regards Zhao Fengnian as the most respected elder.

"Lord, you see, this is his medical record. Through the record, we found that every few days, Wang Xiaowu will be very emotional, want to go out, where to go. But when we control it, it will return to normal the next day

Li Shi respectfully handed Zhao Fengnian a book, which records the time of Wang Xiaowu's illness.

Zhao Fengnian watched carefully and found that after Wang Xiaowu came back, he would have an attack every few days.

The whole person becomes anxious, walks around, and sometimes does some self mutilation.

But with the passage of time, Wang Xiaowu gradually returned to normal, spirit also recovered a lot.

At the time of not getting sick, you can communicate and live like normal people.

Until yesterday, Wang Xiaowu, who should have been sick, did not get sick again. At this time, Li Shicai reported that Wang Xiaowu was awake.

Zhao Fengnian looked at it and nodded, then walked into the ward.

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