Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2444: Do you know Hey?

? Linger is proud of the recent spring breeze.

Science and education have taken steps one step at a time, and each step has never been done since the establishment of the 912 Academy.

Cooperation and communication with world-class top hospitals, and various publicity to keep up, every time when President Yan held the Dean\'s office, he emphasized that Linger\'s work was effective.

Over time, the date of the Nobel Prize was getting closer and closer, and Linger became more nervous.

Whether he can go one step further depends on Boss Xiao Zheng.

The more you look forward, the more you dare not ask Boss Zheng. While believing that Boss Zheng is omnipotent, it is not very likely that a reasonable judgment will be able to win the Nobel Prize.

Linger\'s mind has been tangled and worried recently. The official website of the Nobel Prize is refreshed every day. Although he knows that the results did not come out so early, he still can\'t help brushing it ten or eight times a day.

And over time, Linger refreshed his website with his phone.

That boring and boring webpage was almost rotten by Ringer, but he still refreshed every day.

It was almost time to get off work. Linger sat in the office and refreshed the webpage with his mobile phone.

The Department of Science and Education is really good. You don\'t have to worry about anyone knowing when the clinical mines will explode. You don\'t need to worry about the patients complaining.

Don\'t worry about anything. Go to work on time, work happily, and less stressful. Linger feels that he has become younger.

Just then, he received a call.

Looking at the words "Boss Zheng" displayed on the phone screen, Linge was a little scared in excitement. Although he knew if he could win the Nobel Prize, boss Zheng would definitely not report to himself, but he was still anxious and looking forward to it.

"Boss Zheng."

"Uh ... I know. Okay, wait for me on your side, and I\'ll be there."

After briefly speaking, Linger hung up the phone.

There was a pain in his head, and Venus was all in front of him.

Boss Zheng, what is this tossing, a patient with acute gastroenteritis, he judged that the patient\'s family abused the child.

Child abuse is a matter of having a child in the United States. But in China, I really do n’t know how to judge. Besides, is it related to medical treatment? Isn\'t this a dog\'s nosy business with mice.

Forget it, what Zheng Boss said. Linge sighed. He was also the deputy director of the medical department, and was responsible for the live broadcast of boss Zheng. The tube must be managed, don\'t be too comfortable holding your thighs to live.

Quickly came to the emergency department, Linger asked about the situation after meeting. The more he listened, the more surprised he became, and the more he listened, the more confused he became.

Mr. Zheng judged ...

No, this matter is decided not to let Mr. Zheng solve it by himself. Linge made his decision in an instant, even if there was a thunder, he had to carry it down.

Even if it happened by himself, as long as Boss Zheng is okay, he will have his own day. Perhaps because of his misjudgment, he suffered some crimes and will get better at the future.

Looking at the little salesman who has been following Boss Zheng always knows that with his predecessors leading the way, Linger doesn\'t need to think much.

"Boss Zheng, I know this, or I\'ll talk to the patient\'s family." Linge said in a negotiated tone.

Zheng Ren slightly hesitated, then nodded.

It is not difficult to calculate the success or failure of this. Ringer is protecting himself, so as not to leak out because of misjudgment.

Seeing that Boss Zheng nodded, Lin Ge was so determined that he was not unhappy to take the lead, and laughed and embraced this matter on himself.

Zhou Litao was a little bit confused. Is this the director Lin he knew? When has he been so responsible?

"Director Lin, please trouble you." Zheng Rendao, "The child is going to do gastroscopy, it should be done at this time."

"Well, you\'ll be admitted to the hospital when you\'re done." Ringer said, "I\'ll contact the pediatrics side, and you won\'t need to ..."

"I want to follow along." Zheng Ren smiled and said, "To be honest, I agree with Su Yun about this matter, but there is no real evidence and my heart is terrible."

Lin Ge thought that your old man still knows how to write “忐忑”? Basically no one dares to diagnose this kind of thing in China. Once the diagnosis is wrong, it will be bitten to death.

However, he thought so, but did not show any emotion. With a spring-like smile on his face, he said, "That\'s fine, but it\'s a matter for our medical department. I\'ll report it to Chief Ye first."

Such a mode of Linger, which has not been removed, should be regarded as an expedient measure. It is estimated that the inside of the hospital also takes into account the huge risk of the live broadcast mode that Zheng Ren engages in. No one will escorted it.

So in this weird mode, Ringer couldn\'t pat his chest like he used to say, I\'ll take it for you.

He contacted Ye Qingqiu and reported his work. Sure enough, this hot potato is no one willing to touch it, let alone Ye Qingqiu, director of slippery leaves.

Even with the authorization, Ye Qingqiu also said vaguely that Linger understood both inside and outside the words.

Boss Zheng, you have picked the biggest fruit. If something goes wrong, you must have rushed to the front.

But Director Ye finally told Linge that once things are out of control ~ ~ he must report immediately and he comes from home.

These procedural matters were finally implemented, and Lin Ge felt with emotion that even a person like Director Ye had to take care of Boss Zheng.

Regarding Boss Zheng\'s status as a river and lake, it is said that it is not excessive.

Is boss Zheng messing around? Linger didn\'t think so. Boss Zheng\'s analysis is justified and examples are given. Inferring from each other before and after, there is indeed a considerable possibility.

This is also a cavity of blood, which has not been worn away by the heavy clinical work.

"It\'s done." Zhou Litao took a phone call back and reported, "Director Lin, the gastroscopy showed no signs of reflux gastritis on the stomach wall and the pylorus was not closed."

"Okay, patients are admitted to the hospital, pay attention to be gentle, as usual," Linge told.

Zhou Litao nodded, only to be surprised if he could calm people down. Once I have prepared my mind, I am afraid that such bad things will get into my bones.

"Boss Zheng, don\'t bother you." Linge said. "There is monitoring on the side of the security office. If you want to watch, how about monitoring?"

Zheng Ren froze a bit. Shouldn\'t this kind of thing be better? The thunder struck, and finally the patient\'s family admitted or denied it.

Once the family members of the patient are out of control, it is not good to hurt people.

Seeing Zheng Ren\'s expression, Lin Ge smiled bitterly and said, "I have dealt with family members of patients a lot, and I have a lot of clinical experience. I think that it is best that we can solve it at the hospital level. Report it later. Or else ... "

Zheng Ren knew that things were extremely troublesome, but nodded cautiously to the child who was less than 24 months old.