Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2443: Feeding stool

"Open me and take a look." Su Yun said eagerly and very tough.

Zhou Litao quickly turned on his mobile phone. Although he didn\'t understand that the child was sick, Yun Geer would depend on the social circle of the mother of the child, but it was him.

"WeChat or Weibo?"

"Weibo," Su Yun said.

There are still differences between the two, and the tastes can only be clearly distinguished by people who often play.

A recent Weibo was posted two days ago. The mother of the child in the photo wore a casual homewear and was holding a child under two years old.

Full of love, full of warmth, these can be seen from her eyes.

The accompanying text is also positive and full of positive energy--

It has been 5 months, 17 days, and 21 hours between us.

Without my love, Ronaldinho\'s father is around. This life is not easy and there is no happiness at all. This past time has been the most difficult journey in my life. Autumn has come, I think it will get better next year, but we will still move forward bravely.

It was taken up in the hospital when the child was sick last time.

The child\'s mother was full of anxiety and anxiety, but she mentioned the 912 hospital politely and praised the doctors and nurses here for their superb medical skills and a very good attitude.

Going up ... they are still chicken broths in the hospital and at home.

"Well, boss." Su Yun shook the cell phone in his hand.

"Don\'t move, I wonder. As soon as you shake, the vestibular nerves begin to show abnormal electrical reflexes." Zheng Rendao.


"Brother Yun, is there anything wrong? I think the child\'s mother is quite reasonable. And it is also very related to the child. At least, there has never been any illness that does not show up." Zhou Litao said.

"Mr. Zhou, you can\'t forget your position because she praises the hospital, doctors and nurses." Su Yun looked at Zhou Litao with a sneer smile on his mouth. "It\'s not like you, our purpose is to cure the disease and save people."


"Wait for the gastroscopy to return. Does the child have to wait long for the gastroscopy?" Zheng Ren asked.

"I called the endoscopy room, and it should be done according to the emergency department," Zhou Litao said.

"Wait a minute." Zheng Ren looked away, Su Yun flipped up two more times, and then returned the phone to Zhou Litao.

"Boss Zheng, Brother Yun, what is going on?" Zhou Litao asked in confusion.

"My boss and I suspect that the child is fine, but the mother of the child has a surrogate Monjosen syndrome." Su Yundao.

"..." Zhou Litao froze.

He knew the agent-type Menjosen syndrome, but he always understood it from the perspective of gossip.

At least this kind of thing is not easy to encounter.

"How do you judge?"

"Children often get sick ... Let\'s put it this way, although our 912 pediatrics is not as professional as women\'s and children\'s hospitals, but the level is definitely not bad, you admit it." Su Yun asked.

Zhou Litao nodded.

"After checking many times, there is no problem. The child still has the onset repeatedly. So, how do you think about it?" Su Yun asked.

"I think it\'s a problem with the child\'s autoimmune function."

"No." Su Yundao "It\'s like vomiting today, there is feces in the vomit, but the child has no intestinal obstruction, and no bile residue is found in the vomit. Unless some extremely rare congenital diseases, but on a plain abdominal view The anatomy is very complete and I see no problems. "


"Give you an example." Su Yundao "In 2014, a 5-year-old boy in the United States was hospitalized for acute kidney failure."

"Before that, the little boy had been hospitalized 23 times and had 7 surgical operations. He had complicated illnesses such as ear infections, strokes, premature heart beats, digestive diseases, bacterial enteritis, back cramps, etc."

"..." Zhou Litao was speechless. Will a 5-year-old boy get so many illnesses?

"Later, the child was admitted to the nyack hospital in New York. After 2 days of treatment, the child\'s condition further worsened. Because the situation was urgent, he was rushed by helicopter and sent the child to the intensive care unit of ariafareri children\'s hospital for emergency rescue."

"But the child was too ill, and after three days, ariafareri children\'s hospital announced that he had died clinically."

Zhou Litao listened silently, he already understood what Zheng Boss and Yuner were thinking.

"The forensic doctor\'s blood test found that the child\'s body contained a fatal amount of salt. At the same time, the police also detected a salt content that exceeded the normal concentration in the fluid food feeding bag found at home."

"Finally, the forensic doctor determined that the mother had used a feeding bag and inserted the catheter directly into the child\'s esophagus, ingesting a lethal dose of salt."

"Is it because she doesn\'t want to take care of the child? I feel annoyed or something else." Zhou Litao murmured.

The tiger poison does not eat the child, killing his own child ... It is incredible how such a thing can be thought, Zhou Litao is in a confused state.

"No." Zheng Ren shook his head and said, "The evidence collected by the police and forensic doctors later determined that the mother had an unusual mentality to get the attention of others ~ ~ from a long time ago she encouraged him after she fell the child. After a photo was posted on Facebook and received a lot of attention, the child started to get sick. "

"It sounds the same as before." Su Yundao, "so there is no more explanation for the situation where the child vomits faeces."

"That ..." Zhou Litao felt a bit cold, and he whispered.

"Considering that the mother of the child fed the child\'s stool, the child developed symptoms of acute gastroenteritis." Zheng Rendao, "Because of too much feeding, the most recently fed stool was vomited, which is what we just saw. symptom."

Zhou Litao felt his hands were stiff.

"Large intake of fresh, that is, stools with live bacteria, in which E. coli and its metabolites can cause diarrhea in the user. This is the same as full fermentation with E. coli or other miscellaneous bacteria." Su Yundao, "All explanations It ’s reasonable. The boss has to wait for the gastroscope. President Zhou said if he was sick. "

"Uh-huh." Zhou Litao nodded subconsciously, and then he heard Su Yun\'s second half.

He quickly shook his head. "It\'s okay to do more inspections, be careful and not wrong. And this judgment ... it\'s not enough without evidence."

"Counseling, this kind of person should be hard-headed with her." Su Yun said.

"Well, when it\'s okay, I\'ll tell the patient\'s family." Zheng Rendao.

"What do you want to say?"

"Come on, both of the sterile gloves and cotton swabs we just used are collected, and we said we have enough evidence." Zheng Ren said, "I\'ll call Ringe."