Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2426: are you OK

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"Boss, eat at night." Su Yun walked in from outside and greeted Zheng Ren far away.

"Doctor, I don\'t know your surname, but I still want to thank you." After the woman heard Su Yun\'s words, she said calmly, "I won\'t disturb you, I\'m leaving."

After speaking, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and she did not know whether to endure the sadness in her heart or whether she wanted to leave Zheng Ren with a smile. But in the end, he left blankly, expressionless.

Su Yun came over and met the woman.

He stunned, as if he had seen a ghost, "You ... you ... how do you ..."

The woman leaned slightly to let Kai Suyun walk out slowly.

Su Yun watched the woman\'s back disappearing at the door in confusion. He frowned and walked to Zheng Ren and asked, "How do you look at the person you met at the door of the B-ultrasound half a year ago?"

Zheng Ren felt that face blindness was really a kind of bruise. Su Yun completely crushed himself in this field.

He nodded silently.

Su Yun had long noticed that the atmosphere was not right. With his clever mind and rich clinical experience, he guessed what had happened in a split second.

"Boss, the child is alive?"

"Maybe it\'s no longer possible." Zheng Ren sighed. "She said she was going to be discharged automatically today. She was going to take her children to see the sun and grass."

"Neither do you?" Su Yun asked briefly.

Zheng Ren recalled the situation when he saw the little boy half a year ago. At that time, he was already at the advanced stage of cancer and there was no cure. I don\'t know what kind of price a woman pays, only to prolong her child\'s life for months.

Nothing could be done at that time. As for now ... it should be impossible. It is estimated that the tumor tissue has metastasized completely, which cannot be solved by surgery at all. Your level is improving, but tumors are also spreading.

He shook his head, silent.

Su Yun patted Zheng Ren\'s shoulder and said, "Don\'t think about it, the manpower is sometimes exhausted."

"But I want to see him," Zheng Ren said in a deep voice.

"Eh? No counseling?" Su Yun was a little surprised.

"I only saw it once, and I don\'t know what he is like now." Zheng Ren said seriously, "See him and send him out of the hospital, by the way, two words."

"Go on your own, I\'m not interested in such things." Su Yun staggered into the office.

Zheng Ren thought about it, strode out, turned around and went straight out of the ward to the place where the hospital was settled.

In fact, he didn\'t have any thoughts. He didn\'t have any deep communication with the little boy before, and even didn\'t talk more than 5 sentences.

Relevant memories became blurred with the passage of time. Zheng Ren didn\'t even remember whether the little boy was calling his uncle or elder brother.

It seemed to be an uncle.

While thinking about it, he came to the place where the hospital was settled.

In the afternoon, there were many people who handled the discharge settlement, and there were long lines in front of a dozen windows. Zheng Ren is not too troublesome to find someone. Finding familiar faces in a group of mosaics is, in a sense, easier than others.

The woman was standing in line at window 3. She was like a 40-50 year old in the crowd, her waist was slightly bent, and she was out of breath with life and endless sadness.

Parting, life and death, this is one of the most important things in the world.

Zheng Ren sighed, but without hesitation, walked to the woman and stretched out her hand.

"I\'m Zheng Ren, just call me Dr. Zheng." Zheng Ren introduced himself very seriously.

"Uh ..." The woman froze for a moment. She looked at Zheng Ren in doubt, not understanding why this young doctor came after him.

However, she obviously has a good education, habitually extended her hand, shook her hand with Zheng Ren, and said softly, "My name is Wen Xiaowan, I\'m glad to meet you."

"Which ward is my child in? Can I visit?" Zheng Ren asked.

The woman looked at Zheng Ren\'s eyes. She was confused, but still said: "Three departments of tumors, 7-18 beds."

"Then you\'re busy, I\'ll go and see the child." Zheng Ren shook hands with the woman. They knew each other, then he turned and left.

The third department of oncology, Zheng Ren thought to himself, did not care what kind of eyes women would look at themselves.

He strode to the three elevators in the hospital, instead of rushing to the fire escape, he squeezed the elevator up to the 18th floor like everyone else.

The people in the elevator were so crowded that Zheng Ren waited a long time to get on.

Normally Zheng Ren didn\'t like the crowded place very much, after all, the more people the more noisy, he was very upset. But today, I have a different feeling.

It\'s good to be alive, to talk and laugh. You don\'t even need these, even if many people have sad faces, but as long as they can live, it is a very lucky thing.

It\'s bustling here, but it also has fireworks on earth.

On the 18th floor, Zheng Ren stepped down to the third department of oncology.

Ward 7, ward 18, the little boy on the bed was looking at the ceiling, wondering what he was thinking. I haven\'t seen him in half a year, he has lost a lot of weight. A big bag swelled around the neck, and the condition was very serious. It was just that his eyes were still alive, but boring.

A red blood red system panel appeared in front of Zheng Ren.

The diagnosis of various tumor metastases is terrible.

This is what Zheng Ren expected, and it would be strange if everything is all right.

He slowly walked over, the little boy noticed someone was coming, his eyes moved away from the ceiling, and he looked at Zheng Ren.

"Oh? Uncle, how are you?" His voice was very dumb and it was difficult to speak. But even so, still naughty and happy, it seemed that he had no idea what he was facing.

Zheng Ren smiled, sitting on the white stool by the bed, and said, "I\'ll see you."

"Are you okay?" The little boy asked.

"I\'m fine ~ ~ How about you?"

"I\'m average, but this time when I was discharged from the hospital, my mother said she would take me to see the grass." The little boy said, "It\'s the kind of wild, endless grassland. It\'s all autumn now, and you won\'t see it until you see it again. "

Is it autumn? Zheng Ren is not very sensitive to changes in the four seasons. Every day, Shen is in the department for surgery. If there is no Yiren to change his clothes, Zheng Ren can\'t remember, for fear that it is a year or two after changing one or two outfits.

Sitting in bed, Zheng Ren didn\'t know what to say.

The little boy was very talkative. His hoarse voice was caused by tumor tissue invading the thyroid gland, invading the cervical spine and compressing the trachea.

He kept talking, as if Zheng Ren was a big toy, a big friend.

"You look pretty good." After a few minutes, the little boy\'s physical strength was almost exhausted, and his speech was intermittent, and Zheng Ren took it.

"Well, I will work hard to survive." The boy said, "Yes, my name is Shi Jian, strong and strong, your uncle."