Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2425: Grey life

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[Discharged, go home! 】

The exclamation mark was very conspicuous. Zheng Ren saw it in his eyes, but was not relieved, but jumped fiercely, and some unexplainable emotions lingered in his heart.

According to his own judgment, the little boy should only have about 3 months of life.

However, what I have been talking about is that the condition has improved, and I am looking forward to going back to school, which is exactly what Zheng Ren thinks is abnormal.

He watched the note from 12 minutes ago, and countless thoughts flashed in his heart.

After a little hesitation, Zheng Ren\'s hand started to tap on the phone screen a few times, opened the chat interface, and entered a line of words.

【are you OK】

Simple four words, no punctuation marks, Zheng Ren\'s finger stopped on the send button, did not press for a long time.

"Boss Zheng, why didn\'t you read a book today?" Lin Yuan asked aside.

Zheng Ren raised his head and smiled at Lin Yuan. "Chat with a child."

"Little patient? You met in Haicheng, right?"

Zheng Ren didn\'t explain to Lin Yuan in detail. He had a habitual smile on his face, and it seemed that the whole world would become more docile and kind by doing this.

Nothing to hesitate, Zheng Ren looked back at the phone and pressed the send button.

Watching himself send the last 4 words, Zheng Ren waited quietly.

As for what he was waiting for, Zheng Ren didn\'t know.

Maybe a message,

Maybe a reply,

Maybe there are many maybe,

But most likely you can\'t wait for any answer.

"Boss Zheng, the results of the Nobel Prize review will be announced in a few days. Are you nervous?" Lin Yuan was chatting with Zheng Ren while writing his medical record.

Gao Shaojie paused, he raised his ears and listened carefully to Boss Zheng\'s answer.

From the analysis of various signs, Gao Shaojie believes that the five-and-five openings that Su Yun said this time are not incomplete tasks. But as the day gradually approached, he began to feel a little nervous, but Boss Zheng became an old man, but could not see the slightest change.

He is calm and steady. He just performs normal medical treatment and live surgery every day. His mood never seems to fluctuate.

Although there were doubts in his heart, Gao Shaojie didn\'t dare to ask. He waited quietly for Zheng Ren\'s answer, hoping to find a few answers from his words.

But Zheng Ren said nothing, the phone vibrated, his eyebrows tightened.

[Who are you? 】

A reply appeared in front of Zheng Ren.

[I am a doctor of 912. We met at the door of the ultrasound room half a year ago. Remember me? 】

[Where are you ... can I meet you? 】

[Interventional department, doctor\'s office. 】

After Zheng Ren replied, the chat interface of the mobile phone went quiet. The little boy on the opposite side no longer spoke. In fact, Zheng Ren had a hunch that the boy on the opposite side of the phone should not be the little boy himself.

The tone of the speech was not the same, completely different from the child in Zheng Ren\'s memory.

With countless possibilities in mind, Zheng Ren stood up and walked to the doctor\'s office door.

He squinted and looked at the door of the ward. There were people coming and going. Zheng Ren hoped that he could see the little boy appear.

Even if the system panel is red, or even the system panel is pale to no blood, as long as he is alive.

As a doctor, I was accustomed to life and death, but could not be torn apart by the huge power between life and death. It\'s hard, too hard to do that.

Even Zheng Ren, who is systematic, cannot do it.

Su Yun always laughed at him like an ostrich. Zheng Ren felt that he was not an ostrich, but an injured wild wolf. When the night is still and quiet, licking the scars in the system alone in the system space, do not affect the work of the next day.

Day after day, month after month, year after year.

Some people run away, some people face it, no matter how you choose.

Thinking frantically, a hoarse voice asked: "Doctor, did you just speak on qq?"

Sure enough ... Zheng Ren\'s heart sank.

There was a middle-aged woman standing next to her. She wasn\'t exactly in her 30s and the charm still existed in Zheng Ren\'s memory.

The woman\'s hair was disheveled, and a few strands of hair clung to her cheeks with a slight gray color. The sun fell on Zheng Zheng\'s face from behind Zheng Ren.

How did it become like this only in half a year? Actually, Zheng Ren knew the answer, but he didn\'t want to think about it.

Nodded, Zheng Ren\'s lips moved slightly, but no sound was heard.

The woman looked at Zheng Ren and knew each other faintly. She used to want to smile, as a way of expressing her respect for the doctor and gratitude to those who have been thinking about her child.

But the smile didn\'t show up at all. She twitched the corners of her mouth twice, and there was a dead gray in her eyes.

Looking at each other for a few seconds, the woman smoothed her hair to her ear with her hand.

Her hair was gray and her eyes were gray. Her whole body was gray, which was incompatible with the afternoon sun.

"Thank you." The woman bowed deeply, moving slowly and stiffly.

"You\'re welcome, please inside." Zheng Ren said softly.

"No," said the woman. "I have to go through the discharge procedure."

"Child ..." Zheng Ren asked softly.

"It\'s dead." The woman\'s tone was a little weird. Zheng Ren was confused with four points, unwilling to go with three points, relieved with two points, and indifferent with one point.

Zheng Ren didn\'t know if it was too much in his heart or what, but he heard such complicated emotions in an instant.

He didn\'t speak, but just looked at the woman who was 20 years old and quiet for six months. Her life has changed from color to gray. What she experienced in the middle of her life cannot be felt.

"The child is too guilty." The woman said lightly: "He is very strong, I know he wants to accompany me ~ ~ It is not necessary, we are going to spend the rest of the time looking at the sun, grass, and quiet Chat quietly. "

What she said was scattered, as if the sand in the hourglass had fallen to the ground, and there was no way to pick it up.

But Zheng Ren understood what she meant. This was the last time she could be together. She didn\'t want to waste in endless pain treatment.

While in Haicheng First Hospital, Zheng Ren saw many patients who had given up rescue. Sometimes it is even necessary to persuade family members of patients that this diagnosis and treatment is a bottomless pit.

In the end, the loss of people and money is a high probability. Others have not kept it, and the family can not live on.

But looking at the woman in front of him, Zheng Ren could not say a word.

"My tears have dried up, but now there is really nothing I can do." The woman said softly, "I came to see you. I want to see everyone who has communicated with him. I want to keep everybody. Share memories. "

Then, the woman bowed deeply, "Thank you, Doctor. Thank you for remembering him, you can rest assured that he is not lonely."