Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2424: Flowers that are about to wither

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When Dr. Rafson came out of the CT room, he saw the somber faces of everyone.

What he realized, he immediately asked, "What happened? Is there really a tumor?"

"Doctor, in your CT image, you can see ..." An assistant from Dr. Rafson explained intermittently, speaking slowly, and he organized the language as he spoke.

"The film, I want to watch the film! I want the most authoritative diagnostic analysis!" Dr. Rafson has already seen his future, he said involuntarily.

Like a passerby walking in the dark, using his voice to brave himself, Dr. Rafson was already panicked at this instant.

However, when the film appeared in front of Dr. Rafson, he was a non-medical person who saw at a glance the image of the lesion in the right lower lung that was about 3 cm in size.

Malignant tumor! No tumors 88 days ago! !! Zheng was right! !! !!

Dr. Rafson felt that his brain was a little dizzy. What had become a "vicious" curse became a reality!

And President Zhang and his party have not escaped from the negative emotions of surprise, surprise, panic, and puzzlement.

Dr. Rafson immediately asked to return, and he felt cursed rather than sick.

You will have lung cancer when you come to the emperor. If you do n’t hurry and leave for another two days, you may have advanced lung cancer. There is no good way to treat it.

By that time, it\'s too late to regret it.

At this moment, Dr. Rafson had fallen into a state of extreme regret and was unable to extricate himself.

I knew Dr. Zheng was an adult who could work with Kerry ... No, that\'s just one of them. He is a man who can cure the witch Marys, how dare he offend him!



Zheng Ren did not receive the video data, and he was not in a hurry. Dr. Rafson\'s illness should not be treated in the Imperial City.

After chatting with Christian, it was dark.

Taking advantage of the absence of sunlight, Christian was sent away, and Marys remained in the Imperial City, waiting for Zheng Ren\'s treatment.

In fact, Zheng Ren felt that the entire 3d scan and image reconstruction were perfect. Anyone can do the surgery, but it requires slow work and fine work.

But neither Christian nor Marys rejected this. In Marys\'s words, Zheng Ren had a pair of hands that had been kissed by God, and it was not possible to replace them.

That\'s it, Zheng Ren could not help but pick up this "big job."

A few days later, Zheng Ren performed her first operation on Marys. The trauma was not significant, and 302g of fat was transplanted.

This is the first step in the lengthy surgical process of moving mountains and reclaiming land.

Through postoperative observation, Zheng Ren trimmed and fine-tuned the operation method, and explored step by step forward.

Zheng Ren didn\'t dare to take any interest in Marys\' surgery. This has nothing to do with her being a legendary witch.

Because this operation needs to be done too many times, if the completion rate of each operation is 95%, Zheng Ren is worried that the overall operation completion level will be reduced to an outrageous degree over time.

But seeing her recovery is pretty good, all kinds of complications have not appeared, everything is moving in a good direction.



The days are still the same, but with the long working hours in 912 and the long live broadcast time of surgery, Zheng Ren\'s operation volume is getting larger and larger.

Recently, Zheng Ren has almost no time to go to the emergency department.

Not to mention the emergency department, it is rare to even sit leisurely near the window every afternoon while holding the fifth edition of surgery to read books in the system library.

Tips surgery in the morning, live surgery in the afternoon, although busy and dull, but Zheng Ren didn\'t feel anything.

The newly opened energy value has never dropped below 1,000 points, and Zheng Ren is always satisfied with his energy.

On this day, there was only one operation in the afternoon. Zheng Ren sat in the old position after the operation and felt a little empty in his heart.

It may be that too much surgery has been done recently and there is no time for literature and art. Zheng Ren thinks so. Once I switched from the busy state to the idle state, it was really a bit uncomfortable.

It seems that I haven\'t read the novel for a long time. Zheng Ren sat quietly in the seat under the sun, and suddenly a thought appeared in his heart.

It\'s really been a long time. The last time I read the novel seemed to be in Haicheng when I was hospitalized.

After that, I went on a mission and went to 912 for earthquake relief, and then came back all the way for tips surgery and Nobel Prize.

Is a hobby, almost the only one, just abandoned? (Note 1)

Zheng Ren smiled, took out her phone and opened the app for reading novels.

I still remember reading a dozen books at that time and raising them for a year. I don\'t know how many are alive.

Sure enough, more than half of the dozen books were brought to death by Zheng Ren, which is quite a shame.

He opened a novel that he once liked, but left an angry single chapter as the end, and looked at it with regret.

Between the lines, Zheng Ren could feel the anger of the author. The stack of blocks in my heart makes people feel emotional.

Unfortunately, Zheng Ren thought to himself.

Looking at it, what happened to his little boy?

A long time ago, it was just before 912 that a little boy with advanced tumors was encountered. He naughtily played games while his mother was communicating with Director Qi, and asked Zheng Ren to help him watch.

After a while, his qq talk seemed to mention that his illness had been constantly improving.

Zheng Ren was a little unbelievable, and he thought of a possibility.

Although life and death at the hospital have fared farewell, people have gradually calmed down. But in the face of a weird little boy, Zheng Ren couldn\'t bear to watch him dying so early.

So I don\'t know when it started, Zheng Ren never landed on q, nor did he go to see the little boy talk.

Afternoon today ~ ~ The sun is very good. The soft part of Zheng Ren\'s heart, which has always been like a stone, is warmed by a ray of sunlight, and the whole person is also a little softer.

He switched the interface to the qq login position and groaned for a long time.

Although Zheng Ren was calm and indifferent when he saw a doctor, surgery or emergency rescue, he became cold. But that\'s just professionalism and professional needs.

In such an afternoon, he was hesitant to face a small flower that was going to wither before it bloomed.

Until the end, Zheng Ren pressed the login button.

Maybe destiny, or fate, or the warm sunshine that makes people\'s hearts change in the afternoon.

After Zheng Ren landed, he saw his friend status. The boy just updated a comment 12 minutes ago.


Note 1: When the q group is established, the pressure increases suddenly. I used to play a mobile game for two and a half years and was abandoned. Occasionally I think of it, but only as a memory, good memories exist in my past life.