Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2419: If the mountains don't come, I will pass

Dr. Rafson flew a few miles to the capital.

拉 In the biomedical industry, Rafson has not particularly contributed. However, he is the chairman of the Nobel Prize for Biological and Medical Judging Committee and cannot be measured by ordinary scholars.

Every year, Dr. Rafson enjoys lobbying from many research institutes, many top professors and elites in the industry.

Getting respect and finding your own historical position is something that pleases Dr. Rafson. It\'s just that this year\'s Nobel Judging has not made him so happy.

博士 The people in clinical medicine, led by Dr. Mehar, suddenly expressed infinite enthusiasm, preparing to compete for the Nobel Prize that has not been awarded to clinical medicine for more than half a century.

But Dr. Rafson is not worried about Dr. Mehar and the group of people who would agree with him.

Finally, we still have to vote in order to determine the award.

Since the incident when Dr. Mehar went to the Imperial Capital for surgery, Dr. Rafson has used various means to attract, divide, and seduce. He firmly believes that his votes have the absolute advantage, no matter how tossing on that side. Hal\'s group will still fail.

How about organ transplantation?

怎么 样 What about test tube babies?

I ca n’t get the Nobel Prize, it ’s nothing to say. Organ transplantation was finally taken from a biological perspective, and has nothing to do with clinical procedures.

This is tradition. The Nobel Prize is a top prize with tradition.

But at a reception one month ago, Dr. Rafson met the independent directors of Lanco Group.

Dr. Rafson knows who he stands for.

隐 The hidden big families that have been passed down in Europe for centuries. They use intricate methods, countless funds, and countless charities to turn huge family property into zero, lurking under the water.

That is a giant crocodile, a prehistoric crocodile.

Dr. Rafson was surprised when he heard the news. It is said that the incident after the end of World War II has continued to the present. It was them who set the rules more than half a century ago, and it is still them who want to break the rules now.

In the face of the independent directors of the Lanke Group and the ancient and huge family behind him, Dr. Rafson was afraid to resist and did not have the heart to resist.

得到 If news is received a few months earlier, Dr. Rafson will certainly not hesitate to review all awards in a fair and just manner.

Bian Ke\'s counterattack from the review of the clinician\'s origin made him extremely upset. Even if he knew that he couldn\'t recover it, he still observed it for several months.

What made him angry was that the young doctor of the imperial capital was simply too arrogant! This is the original sin!

Is it still necessary to go through the process? Come to visit yourself and express your respect respectfully. Isn\'t this excessive?



But! !!

Except for Professor Rudolf Wagner from the University of Heidelberg, Germany, doctor Zheng, the main founder of the new TIPS technique, showed no sign of coming.

This makes Dr. Rafson embarrassed.

People who can “accidentally” get the Nobel Prize without a little communication beforehand are not there, but they are all generated under the competition of two or several major projects.

Sometimes, two evenly matched large projects compete with each other, and both lose in the end. The selection committee can only exclude them all and then select a lucky one.

But this time is different. This is a break and overthrow of the tradition of more than half a century. Even Dr. Rafson also believes that this will affect the future biology and medical landscape. This is a big event!

I was simply too arrogant. Dr. Rafson has been savagely defamating that arrogant doctor every day.

As time passed, Dr. Rafson became restless.

I still had a little luck at first, and I was looking forward to the fact that I had misunderstood it. But more and more information shows that the ancient family is serious, including the many foundations standing in front of it and the Lanke company are serious.

The world changed, Dr. Rafson sighed.

After a lot of constant thinking, he finally made a difficult decision-since the mountain can\'t come, then he passed.

What finally made Dr. Rafson\'s determination was that he faintly smelled something wrong-the patriarch of the Bruch family was said to have gone to the Imperial City in person several months ago.

大 Master Roche can go, why ca n’t he? Dr. Rafson made an excuse for himself. He got the news relatively late, and had only vaguely learned about it in September.

TIPS surgery requires a large number of completed cases in order to meet the rules. Doctor Zheng is very busy, but if he is going to teach in Didu, he "by the way" visits himself, which is always okay.

I have already done this step, and vaguely expressed his apology. Dr. Rafson thinks he is impeccable.

Contact a Biology Research Institute of Didu to hold a grand lecture at Didu Medical University, these are all procedural matters. Dr. Rafson worked hard and decided not to give the other party a chance to be deaf.

If you ran to the doorstep of the other person\'s house and you haven\'t seen anyone, you can\'t justify it.


Dr. Rafson was disappointed.

I ran to the stream at the foot of the mountain ~ ~ The mountain was still unmoved and still silent, there was no intention of visiting me at all.

离开 The time to leave the imperial capital is getting closer and closer, Dr. Rafson is anxious every day like an ant on a hot pot.

On the last day, Dr. Rafson was in a haze in the face of the enthusiastic president of the Royal Metropolitan Medical University and researchers at the Institute of Biology.

After a painful psychological struggle, Dr. Rafson finally raised the white flag, expressing surrender.

I have already come to the capital of the emperor, and have all walked to the foot of the mountain.

Resisted the anxiety in her heart, and after a cordial and friendly conversation, Dr. Rafson explained his thoughts.

Executive Vice-Chancellor Zhang of the Emperor Dudu Medical University froze. The top scholar in the world is going to visit Boss Zheng?

Doctor Zheng, it should be Boss Zheng. Shouldn\'t Boss Zheng come to the forum? How can Dr. Rafson pass by!

This is not in line with President Zhang\'s perception of the world. Although he knows that 912\'s Xiao Zheng has been in the limelight recently, no matter what kind of understanding or analysis, Dr. Rafson should not come in person.

So President Zhang immediately contacted Vice President Yuan of 912, but the news was still that Boss Zheng was very busy and had no time.

Although wrong, when President Zhang said these words, he saw Dr. Rafson\'s wonderful expression and was inexplicably happy.