Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2418: Hair

After Chang Yue observed for 18 hours the next day, she couldn\'t hold it.

At the hospital, she persuaded the doctor of the emergency department, persuaded Su Yun, and finally convinced Zheng Ren, and finally returned home as expected.

I was frightened, but everyone had a feeling for the rest of the disaster. Being able to live well is indeed something to celebrate.

But Zheng Ren still insisted that Chang Yue still eat two and a half days of liquid food first. After all, acute anaphylactic shock causes the body to be in a state of stress. If the patient is in severe condition, it may be complicated by upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

Although Wu Changyue seemed okay, Zheng Ren still cautiously let her drink porridge. Anyway, these two days I was raised as a rabbit and ca n’t eat greasy things.

"Zheng Ren, is there anything wrong with Sister Yue?" Xie Yiren is ready to go and buy various delicious food for Chang Yue.

Although I ca n’t eat as usual, after all, it can be chopped and put in porridge. In the eyes of the Shay people, the days of adding white pickles to white porridge were simply abuse.

"Don\'t be too spicy or greasy." Zheng Ren [fo] heard the word Jikou and felt familiar.


The two chatted while changing their shoes and preparing to go downstairs. The sunspot squatted on the ground, staring at the two tightly. At this time, as long as a slight movement signaled it to go out together, the sunspot would rush up like a black lightning holding the traction rope.

"Good, if you want to go shopping, don\'t go." Zheng Ren touched the head of the sunspot and said gently.

"Spots, sloppy!" Su Yun twisted a grain of peanuts and shook them.

The sunspots seemed to be tangled, but in the end they ran towards Su Yun cheerfully.

"Zheng Ren, except for those that are too spicy and too greasy to eat?" Xie Yiren asked, "I used to be sick, and my mother said that she could not eat hair. Sister Yue, is it OK?"

"Hot things ..." Zheng Ren took Xie Yi\'s hand and entered the elevator.

He also explained the word countless times to the patient, and he was no longer familiar with it.

In general, patients will express their gratitude to the doctor after the operation and even when they are discharged smoothly. At the end, they will ask if there are any taboos; can hair such as seafood and beef and mutton be eaten.

Zheng Ren explained carefully every time in the past, but now it is no longer necessary. Chang Yue alone supports everything that the medical team communicates with the patient.

"I think, Chinese medicine tells us that we can\'t solve all problems with one or two concepts." Zheng Rendao.

The Xie Yiren did not notice that Zheng Ren spoke with the tone and logic of the patient\'s family members. She happily pulled Zheng Ren into the elevator.

"I want to make seafood porridge for Sister Yue, but it is said that seafood is a hair product, what should I do if I eat it?" Xie Yi said.

"I think seafood is considered to be a hair product and it may have been in the earlier years ... forget it, there is no theoretical basis, if you are worried, don\'t eat Chang Yue well."

"What about beef and mutton? Is it a hair?" Asked the Shay.

"It is said to have the functions of tonifying qi and nourishing spleen, nourishing the spleen and stomach, strengthening bones and bones, relieving phlegm and relieving wind, quenching thirst and salivation. It is suitable for people who have depression in the air, shortness of breath, weakness of the bones and muscles, chronic anemia, and dizziness "Zheng Ren laughed:" It should be regarded as hair, and there is a saying that mutton is not counted, beef is counted. "

"That beef and mutton can\'t be eaten either ..." The Shay\'s mood was a little low.

Yak and mutton can\'t be eaten, so you can only eat some vegetables.

"What about greens?"

"Tomatoes, eggplants, spinach, peppers, chives, shiitake mushrooms ..."

等等 "Wait, shiitake mushrooms are hair products?" Xie Yi asked in amazement.

"It should be said that almost all edible fungi are hair products." Zheng Ren still spoke with the patient\'s family members about the condition, almost, should, almost, maybe, and so on.

"Every food that can cause dry mouth, red eyes, swollen gums, and constipation are hair products, but this is mentioned in a recent TCM paper." Zheng Rendao, "It seems that the book of Chinese medicine is called" Dongfengsheng " Yang, I don\'t have much research on this. "

"You can\'t eat this, you can\'t eat it, you can only drink millet porridge to nourish your stomach."

"Well, Xiaomi is okay. It is also called 秫米, sweet, slightly cold, enter the lungs, large intestine meridian." Zheng Renxian put a little bit of traditional Chinese medicine theory he knew.

Xie Yi people are a bit sad when they think that Chang Yue is eating like rabbits recently.

When I was going to buy food before, all the joy was gone, leaving only distress and unwillingness.

其实 "Actually, recently there is a research theory of integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine, I think it is still quite reliable." Zheng Rendao, "The so-called hair products are about some foods that may cause allergic reactions."

"Allergies ..." The Shay people are now somewhat "allergic" to the term.

Wu Changyue had something so big yesterday when he drank hot water. If there were two rescue doctors in the house guarding it, it wouldn\'t necessarily be possible to survive.

So the people of Xie Yi, walking in the vegetable market with regret, walked through the vast majority of stalls in the market, talking with Zheng Ren in the idea of ​​trusting what they have and not trusting them.

Changyue can\'t eat, and everyone should not eat well. She couldn\'t eat and drink, and made her stare at it.

That ’s just too inhumane ~ ~ Especially to a mouth that says to lose weight, in fact, Chang Yue, who eats a lot of things when buying food with the Shay people, can be described as cruel .

The amaranth market is full of enthusiasm, and Zheng Ren is responsible for stuffing things. Every time I buy it, the Xie people have to ask Chang Yue if he can eat it now.

仁 If you change people, Zheng Ren will be annoyed.

After all, these words were asked by Yiren. He looked at the back of Xieyi with a smile and explained it tirelessly. Some even pretend to be foolish and go to the system library to read the books directly.

Although there are all kinds of "unable" food, Zheng Ren\'s two hands are full of various ingredients in the end.

In the face of a variety of ingredients, Zheng Ren didn\'t know how to arrange and combine them to make delicious meals.

Cooking is also a university question, but Zheng Ren has no interest in it.

In fact, Zheng Ren thinks that whether it is seafood or beef and mutton, or other "hair", it is completely fine.

Wu Changyue did not have an incision, which should not have been involved. But since the Iraqi people asked, they should eat less, and there is no harm anyway. In case of eating allergies, Zheng Ren feels crazy.

If it is a patient after surgery, Zheng Ren feels that protein supplementation is necessary, otherwise the incision healing will be affected.

I came home to recuperate, and there seemed to be many things to pay attention to, Zheng Ren sighed. It is not easy for the doctor, and it seems not easy for the family members of the patients.