Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2405: Receiver or True Love

The latest website: This product is willing to watch the lively, Zheng Ren could not help but think.

It was already the end of July, and the man was still wearing a slightly worn out coat. Zheng Ren felt weird. Su Yun was afraid he could not handle it alone, and he followed.

"Dude, don\'t you smoke?" Su Yun took off her three-layer mask and breathed, asking kindly.

The man froze and saw Su Yun wearing an isolation suit, knowing that he was a doctor of the imperial capital, the smile on his face grew humbler.

"Let ’s go. You may not be so many things." Su Yun said, "There is a serious illness in the ward. It is so noisy. If anyone has a heart attack, the patient\'s family must strangle you.

The middle-aged man nodded again and again. He was not only humble to the woman, but also to Su Yun. It seemed that this emotion had been incorporated into the bones.

Zheng Ren looked at his expression without the slightest indignation, no matter how many nail scratches on his face, he didn\'t seem to care.

And his eyes flashed with excitement and joy.


Zheng Ren glanced at the child\'s mother again and saw her squatting on the ground, leaning against the wall. The child\'s father stood far away and did not step forward to comfort even a few words.

In this complicated and weird family situation, Zheng Ren couldn\'t figure out exactly.

Seeing that the security maintains order, Zheng Ren has nothing to worry about. He went downstairs with Su Yun and the middle-aged man to the outdoor smoking room.

"Oh, sorry, I was busy and didn\'t bring a cigarette." Su Yun felt her clothes before realizing this.

"I have, I have, I\'m afraid they won\'t get used to it," the man said quickly.

"It\'s all right."

Taking out a white cigarette case, Su Yun\'s eyes lit up.

"Ganoderma? Isn\'t this cigarette unproductive now?"

"I like to smoke this, and there is a store nearby." The middle-aged man saw Su Yun before and didn\'t mind, he said happily, "Only I smoke, I know the store, and there is a last box. It is estimated that until next year, there will be no more. "

This smoke Zheng Ren also knows that it belongs to the cheapest type, and it is particularly shy and strong.

With Zheng Ren\'s smoke, the two had to stand up.

"It used to be a retired old professor. I had a shot in the locker room before the operation. No one in the room could treat it." Su Yun threw a smile at Zheng Ren and slap one himself.

The middle-aged man points them both.

Sure enough, the taste is the same as it was many years ago and has not changed at all. Zheng Ren coughed twice. This thing was too irritating to the respiratory tract. Zheng Ren couldn\'t hold it just after taking a sip.

There was also a man in the smoking room, smoking on Erlang\'s legs while playing with his mobile phone.

Su Yun blew a cigarette to the opposite side, the yellow-white smoke shrouded the man, and the man choked for a moment, then coughed, and quickly extinguished the cigarette.

"Hey, it ’s not too much to bear. Buddy, are you working here?" Su Yun saw no one, so she started chatting and questioning.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "It was my daughter-in-law who hit me just now."


Su Yun took a sip, took a subconscious puff, and was then coughed violently.

"Slow down, slow down," the middle-aged man said.

"You are really ..." Su Yun blushed, her voice was a little dumb, and she coughed twice after speaking a few words.

He remembered the sentence that President Lan just said-Pharaoh came to sleep ... The relationship is really too complicated.

"Doctor, have you followed the operation?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Well, we did it. The operation has ended, and it is estimated that it will come down at this time." Su Yundao.

Su Yun spoke, Zheng Ren said nothing, squinting to see the man\'s expression.

He seemed a little miserable, but then relieved, and leaned back on the humble hard plastic chair.

Seems relieved.

"The child is your son?" Zheng Ren asked tentatively.

"Yes, no," the man said.

"Tell me what the **** is going on." Su Yun asked: "Don\'t think we are troublesome. There is a strange thing about your family. Buddy, meeting is fate. Tell me not to ruin someone. "

The man smiled slightly, and the scars on his face were twisted and slightly scratchy.

Seeing that he was not talking, Su Yun glanced at Zheng Ren and made eye contact, and then said, "You can guess it without telling me."

"Oh?" The middle-aged man just laughed.

"When I first arrived, I thought the kid in the suit was the father of the child." Su Yun sighed, his black hair fluttering proudly on his forehead.

"Plus the one you said is not, I guess you guys will come together later."

"Yes, no." The man said the same thing again.

Zheng Ren thought of lightning, and every detail was recalled in his heart, but he still had no clue.

"Oh? It sounds like a story." Su Yun looked at the middle-aged man with a smile, not anxious, just chatting.

"No story, in this world, honest people are destined to be bullied." The middle-aged man said with a kind of optimistic fate, seeing through the red dust, "You are still young, you can\'t be too honest to be a man."

"Look at what you said, do you think I\'m honest?" Su Yun asked back.

"Like," the middle-aged man said with certainty.

This should be the first to say that Su Yun is honest, Zheng Ren smiled.

"Don\'t pull this, you can be so upset every day, can you stand it? This is the true love in the legend." Su Yun vaguely guessed something. In this regard, he is countless times better than his own boss.

"Maybe it\'s true love, or it can be said to be intriguing." The man sighed slightly, and lowered his head and pumped the ganoderma.

"Dude, I said what I thought, if you say something wrong, don\'t mind." Su Yun said seriously.

"It\'s okay, if you can do it, you can say ~ ~ Middle-aged men calmly cope.

"The child isn\'t yours, but you call him Dad." Su Yun straightly asked: "You\'re the panxia?"

Zheng Ren was a little worried, and he prepared carefully. With his right foot stepping on the ground steadily, as long as the middle-aged man slightly changed, Zheng Ren could rise at any time and subdue him without hurting him.

But nothing happened in Zheng Ren\'s imagination. The middle-aged man calmly smoked. It was just that he looked at Su Yun\'s eyes slightly, loosened a little, or with a little bit of ridicule or self-deprecating.

"Oh, is it Panxia? That\'s not enough. The child is Pharaoh, I knew it early in the morning." The middle-aged man said leisurely: "I have to ask every day, Pharaoh will not come home for dinner. If he comes, I will Just do more. At night, he sleeps on the bed. I sleep on the sofa. "


Zheng Ren was speechless, and suddenly felt that the wind had suddenly chilled out in the season when the fire broke out in July. It\'s weird to hear such things in such bland, indifferent words.
