Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2406: In the end it's still 1 money word

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"Well, I heard you right, I\'m the kind of man with the most trouble." The middle-aged man said calmly, "When we met ... well, tell us what this does."

"Don\'t introduce it, as long as you don\'t care, just listen to it. First of all, we are strangers. To say something bad, we have almost no chance to deal with this life. After smoking this cigarette, pat each butt. "

Su Yun said softly, his fingers moved slightly, and the smoke from Ganoderma lucidum floated in front of the man\'s eyes.

Zheng Ren shuddered, Su Yun\'s progress in this goods is really obvious.

The man looked at the smoke in front of him for a moment, and his eyes were a little confused. After a few seconds, he smiled and said, "It is a common man\'s story. There is nothing to say."

Su Yun didn\'t speak, listening quietly.

"I was still young and chased my lover for 3 years. At that time, I was fascinated and thought that this is the coveted face, and to get her is to get the world."

"The world is so big, how can it be covered by one person? But now, it should be too late."

"One day more than ten years ago, she suddenly agreed to eat. Our relationship heated up sharply, and I thought it was my sincerity that moved her. Then I married, and a few months later, the child was born and I knew that I was always green. of."

"At that time, I didn\'t accept Pan Xia\'s statement. Although I was unhappy, she told me that there was nothing I could do. I thought about remorse and we live a good life. It\'s not a big deal."

"As long as I treat my child well, no one will say that this is my child." The man said indifferently.

These few words left Zheng Ren blank.

It sounds like a little bit of reason, but think about it but it doesn\'t work.

Before waiting for Zheng Ren to think about it, the middle-aged man said again, "But it ’s harder and harder to live a good life. Soon she brought Pharaoh home, she was strong, I was humble, and she had nothing to do with her. I can\'t speak with my eyes crossed. "

"I drank too much that day and poured myself more. I knew what was going to happen, but I didn\'t have the courage to resist it. I should have paid what I wanted, and what else could I ask for."

"Since that day, I have to ask every time before making dinner, Pharaoh won\'t come to eat at home."

"If I come, I\'ll do more. We drink two at night, and I pretend to drink too much and lie on the sofa and listen to the movement in the room."

The wind was getting colder at the end of July.

"I\'m useless in my life. I won\'t be successful until I marry a daughter-in-law and steal it in front of me ... it\'s not a steal. They just look down on me and don\'t take me seriously. In their eyes Here, I\'m just a juggler, or a handicapped item. "

"Brother, I have to persuade you here." Su Yun shook the ashes and said, "What is this picture?"

"Hehe." The middle-aged man smiled dryly and sighed, "I\'m not a big man, and I don\'t have any ambitions. I just want to live a good life."

"I don\'t even have the courage to resist. Sometimes I listen to the movement in the room and really want to fight with them with a knife."

"But what am I urging? Let\'s just make ends meet, it doesn\'t make much sense to desperately. They really love each other, but they can\'t be together. What can I do if they are?"

"What happened later?" Su Yun was defeated by the logic of the middle-aged man. He was stunned and looked at him silly and asked.

For people like Su Yun, there are not many people or things that can make him speechless.

I encountered one today.

"Later ..." The man finished his last cigarette, annihilated the cigarette butt, then took out another one, and made a gesture to Su Yun.

Su Yun shook his head and signaled that he could not stand it.

The man lit another Ganoderma lucidum and watched the smoke spread. He said indifferently: "More than a month ago, she and I complained that Pharaoh had slept with her for more than ten years, and the children were born, and she didn\'t want to give money. "

"After all, what **** is true love is not all money."

"Since that day, I think the whole world has changed. Looking back, it should be that she was beautiful when she was young, and there were many men around her, and she had unlimited choices. And I was just a spare tire, or the number marked on the back was large. which type."

"She chose me mainly to see me honestly. And the family is rural. After leaving her, I have to roll back to my homeland to plant land. Not to mention her, I am not the same, so I kneel."

"Since that day, I ..." Then the man paused. He glanced at Su Yun and Zheng Ren, still with a humble smile on his face, reluctantly looked at the Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, sighed, carefully extinguished the lighted cigarette butt, and then refilled the cigarette in the cigarette case. in.

"Two little brothers, let\'s stop here." The middle-aged man stood up. "I\'ll go home to cook and I\'ll send them back later."

"Ah?" Zheng Ren and Su Yun froze for a moment.

"Life is not good yet." The middle-aged man stepped out of the smoking room, and he waved his hand as farewell.

Looking at the figure he left, his waist was slightly bent, showing an air of honesty. But Zheng Ren\'s heart became colder and colder.

Su Yun didn\'t say anything. Although the man\'s words weren\'t finished, Zheng Ren and Su Yun both had speculation.

A few minutes later, Zheng Ren shook his head and said, "Changing clothes, find Mr. Zhou for dinner."

After that, he went out.

"Boss, is it intentional?" Su Yun asked without a word.

"I think it\'s very likely." Zheng Rendao, "But he didn\'t say, we can only guess. Even if the police do this, the police won\'t do anything. He didn\'t do anything, maybe ..."

"Maybe one day ~ ~ Pharaoh didn\'t go to his house, he just made a suggestion and bought a magnetic ball. Then he hinted the child with words or actions, and it became what he is now.

"I don\'t think language is the same. It may be the kind of physical hint that absolutely leaves no evidence."

"No one has evidence, even the person who bought the magnetic ball is her lover." Su Yun\'s black hair moved in the forehead, watching the direction of the man leaving.

The figure was no longer visible, but Su Yun didn\'t move, his eyes kept staring at that side.

"Don\'t think about it. It\'s too difficult and meaningless to interpret the psychology of such a person."

"Say why he is willing to form such a family?" Su Yun was at a loss, without the previous cleverness.

"Maybe it\'s for love? Or maybe it\'s not to return home? Who knows." Zheng Ren sighed.

Today, this is the strangest and most bizarre kind of thing. The extent to which a man can achieve a middle-aged man who has just drawn Ganoderma is amazing.