Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2403: You guys are chatting, I'm undergoing surgery

Latest URL: What happened later? "Quan Xiaocao lowered her head. Until now, she did not dare to look at Su Yun.

"After that, there are no dead people who believe in the dead. In 1928, the female worker who made the luminous watch was sick because of the radiation of radium. She started a lawsuit. Until death, no one believed.

"At that time, a bottle of water containing radium cost $ 1. It is equivalent to now ... how can I get a bottle of 200 soft sister coins. Many people have died of drinking radium for a long time."

Su Yun said with his legs crossed.

"So, the conclusion reached by the existing technology is not necessarily the heaviest conclusion." Zheng Ren was not taken away by Su Yun\'s words, but pulled back to the original topic. "Now that MRI is harmless, who Know if it will be years later, in case there is a new breakthrough in basic theory. "

"Boss, you are called Raiser, you have delusions of persecution." Su Yun said scornfully.

"But now, this kind of magnetic ball is really harmful." Feng Jianguo counted the magnetic buckle ball that Boss Zheng clamped out and said with emotion.

"Cut, it ’s much more harmful." Su Yundao, "The atomic bomb was used in World War II, and the ball pen was all the rage after World War II."

"Ball pen? Isn\'t it used now?" Feng Jianguo asked in amazement, he really didn\'t understand what the problem was.

"It\'s not the ballpoint pen we use now. The ballpoint pen we call now is the homophony of the ballpoint pen. At that time, the ballpoint pen was called the atomicpen. It contains genuine uranium specimens and the highly toxic plutonium 210."


The anesthesiologist sat in the middle of the machine, hearing his head silly. He asked, "Brother Yun, is this thing bought?"

"I went. Didn\'t I just say that most people can\'t buy it, and only rich people can consume it." Su Yundao, "At that time, radioactive enema was popular."

"Well, it\'s a death." Several people had no idea how to describe their feelings.

This is too weird.

"Let ’s watch some kids later, just fight, but do n’t eat this stuff." Feng Jianguo looked at the TV screen with emotion and said, "How much damage is in the stomach, even if the septic shock is good, the stomach has to be sticky and messy. Yes, we should just cut the appendix directly. If there is appendicitis in the future, it is estimated that abdominal adhesions will not be easy to perform. "

Feng Jianguo\'s joke was not funny at all, no one answered at all.

"Don\'t talk nonsense, look at the children? Children, you still have to make sense. Fighting alone is not enough." Su Yun was bored, and the operation was particularly wording. "In the United States in the last century, there was an electric shock panty. "


"At that time, people had superstitiously believed that anyone\'s bad habits could be reversed through electric shock therapy, so as to send more" healthy "people to the society, and to pull those" dangerous "unhealthy people back to the real world. A very important thing. "Su Yundao," So there is electric shock underwear. "

"I\'m going ... The King of Thunder and Lightning originated in the country of lighthouses, it really is a lighthouse!" The anesthesiologist praised.

"It\'s all nonsense, it makes sense, it\'s not better than anything." Su Yun said: "More than a month ago, I went to Nanshan for a consultation with the boss. A child with copper absorption disorder thought that he was withdrawn from internet addiction and was sent to mental illness. The hospital went. "

"So are the parents," Feng Jianguo said.

"You said you were going to fight just now." Su Yun scorned back.

"Speaking of fun, who is willing to fight with his own flesh and blood," Feng Jianguo said with a smile.

"Brother Yun, did the person drinking drinking water containing radium die later?" Quan Xiaocao asked.

"It must be dead." Su Yundao, "How real are the Americans, the radium element in the drinking water is genuine and the quantity is sufficient. Byers died of severe bone erosion and his jaw dropped."


"When buried, a thick lead coffin was used. The half-life of the radium element is 1600 years. Now open it, it is still full of luminescence." Su Yundao.

"Ready to flush," Zheng Ren suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Finished? How many?" Su Yun asked.


"Are you sure there are no omissions?"

"Okay, you can check it after surgery."

After flushing, the feces were sucked out with warm saline, and at a glance, the infection was quite heavy.

There are twelve ulcers, two at the great curvature of the stomach, and the remaining ten are in the jejunum and colon.

Zheng Ren sutured one by one, Su Yun stopped talking, and watched the boss\'s operation under the laparoscope intently.

Obviously he didn\'t see the wound, but the long pliers in his hand turned and turned, and when he opened the intestine, he saw a few millimeters of damage.

Su Yun looked surprised, but he said nothing, just simulating in his heart what he would do if he stood on the operating table.

Feng Jianguo also saw this, and he was watching the operation of Boss Zheng intently. This operation is nothing to do with skill. Boss Zheng seems to have the ability of an unknown prophet.

"Boss, is this how it feels?" Su Yun asked Zheng Ren suspiciously as he saw 12 wounds sewn and started to rinse with warm saline.

"I saw it when I took the magnetic buckle." Zheng Ren said calmly. "You are chatting, I\'m undergoing surgery."

Su Yun didn\'t believe it, but he couldn\'t believe it. He couldn\'t think of a better reason.

After rinsing, Zheng Ren uneasily explored again. In the end, no missing points were found, and the degree of completion of the operation was sufficient, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Boss Zheng, you have become more and more proficient in this operation." Feng Jianguo said with emotion.

He glanced at it for less than an hour.

If this operation is performed by yourself, it is estimated that it will take at least 3 hours, so many hidden damage points may not be found.

Seeing Boss Zheng, he ate the hot pot and sang the song and performed the operation.

"Feng Brother, what are you polite to me?" Zheng Ren turned with a smile, giving the position of the surgeon to Feng Jianguo, and asked him to close the belly with Quan Xiaocao.

Seeing the skill of his boss turning around ~ ~ Su Yun smiled secretly.

"Boss Zheng, I heard that there is 3D on your side ..." Feng Jianguo said, and the cell phone in his **** pocket rang loudly.

He hesitated a little, it was abominable to interrupt such an important thing.

"Xiao Sui, please help me." Feng Jianguo and the anesthesiologist said.


"I\'m coming." Su Yun happened to be okay. He pulled out his cell phone from Feng Jianguo\'s trouser pocket, glanced at it, and put it in his ear.

"What?" There was a quick voice on the phone, and Feng Jianguo\'s voice was much louder.

"Is everything okay! Find a security guard and contact the medical office right away!"

"You ... guys, stay away and stay safe!"

(End of this chapter)