Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2402: Radium supplement

Latest website: "Maybe you eat too much." Su Yundao, "This thing is an adult toy, not for children."

While changing clothes, Feng Jianguo heard Su Yun\'s words about adult toys, and a smile on his face appeared.

"What do you think, Brother Feng?" Su Yun laughed. "This kind of toy is still dangerous."

"Like the patient just now?"

"Well, there are more than 2,900 magnetic buckball accidents in the United States every year." Su Yundao, "Hurry up and go to surgery, we will have to eat in a while."

After speaking, he glanced at Zheng Ren and said unhappy: "You too, a bowel rupture, you have to come and see."

Zheng Ren smiled thickly and had changed his clothes.

Coming to the operating room, Quan Xiaocao was disinfecting.

"Boss Zheng, you have surgery." Quan Xiaocao said politely with an affirmative sentence.

"Well." Zheng Ren narrowed his eyes, expressed his kindness, and then brushed his hands.

"Brother Feng, you can go, I won\'t go." Su Yun said: "Minor surgery, it\'s boring. The boss is so trustworthy that he has to come and see."

"Did you go to dinner after the operation? Did the medical team have dinner together?" Feng Jianguo also brushed his hands, chatting casually.

"No, I modified a case report for Mr. Zhou\'s emergency department some time ago and published it in" New England "yesterday." Su Yundao, "Mr. Zhou wants to treat guests."

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Yun suddenly saw Quan Xiaocao\'s hand pause.

"Ah, why are you so nervous?" Su Yun said with a smile: "You don\'t want to treat dinner."

"I ... I ..." Quan Xiaocao\'s words were not smooth.

"It\'s okay, it\'s all my own, why do you have such a polite look?" Su Yun said, "It\'s not a big deal anymore, it\'s just two articles."

Quan Xiaocao knew that he was wrong. Brother Yun helped so much, how could he not even ask for a meal?

Although Yun Geer didn\'t seem to have any special emotions or express his unhappiness, Quan Quancao\'s entire body became stiff. She wanted to talk to Su Yun about her hospitality, but she was unhappy every time she saw Su Yun talking, and her brain was blank every time she mentioned eating.

Watching her disinfecting like a robot, Su Yun laughed and said, "Xiao Cao, you should disinfect well. It\'s better than being fast."

"Oh, oh, good Yun brother." Quan Xiaocao began to panic.

After Feng Jianguo brushed his hands and returned to start making the list, Zheng Ren directly dressed.

Su Yun looked interesting. Generally speaking, the doctors at the higher level wore clothes directly, and the doctors at the lower level were responsible for laying the sterile sheets.

Feng Jianguo had a list in front of him, and neither he nor his boss had already acquiesced in this, maybe they didn\'t notice it.

But Quan Xiaocao\'s gait attracted Su Yun\'s attention.

"Xiao Cao, turn around!" Su Yun reminded.

It\'s okay not to remind, a word of reminder, Quan Xiaocao\'s upper body was forward, his lower body forgot to walk, and he almost did not fall in the operating room.

"What\'s the matter, Xiao Cao, you touch the porcelain." Su Yun joked with a smile.

"Little grass, brush your hands on the stage." Feng Jianguo said solemnly as he spread the list.

"Oh." Quan Xiaocao brushed his hands in a panic.

"This child is all right, just too simple." Seeing Quan Xiaocao go out, Feng Jianguo shook his head and said.

Su Yun knew that Feng Jianguo was talking about Quan Xiaocao\'s two "The Lancet" articles. He smiled and didn\'t speak.

Sit on the side and watch Zheng Ren establish the pneumoperitoneum, enter the endoscope lens, and find the “positioning” —the position of the stethoscope.

"Flush first?" Feng Jianguo asked.

"Clamp the magnetic ball first," Zheng Ren said. "If the ball is flushed, it will cause more damage."

Feng Jianguo nodded.

Through the TV screen of the endoscope, you can see a series of leaks near the intestinal surface, and you can see small **** of various colors inside.

As shown on the X-ray image, there is no difference in position. Within the scope of the screen, you can see 3 intestinal damage points.

"So many breaks?" Su Yun said in amazement. "How many buck **** have I eaten? This is."

Opening the intestine, Zheng Ren began to clamp out the colorful magnetic buckle **** with pliers.

5mm magnetic **** are very sticky to each other, but Zheng Ren\'s technique is quite skilled. Rare metal pliers have little response to magnetic force, one, two, three ...

After taking out more than 30 buck balls, Su Yun was dumbfounded.

"Is this kid eating a buck ball as a jelly bean?"

"Magnetic, will it hurt your body?" Quan Xiaocao whispered.

"Ahem, Xiaocao." Su Yun coughed twice and said, "Nuclear magnetic resonance, what is the principle you don\'t know?"

"..." Quan Xiaocao wouldn\'t have surgery anymore.

"Not necessarily." Zheng Ren said while performing the operation, "More than 100 years ago ... After Madame Curie discovered the radium element in 1898, this element was considered to be full of magical power."

"Ah?" Quan Xiaocao froze for a moment.

"At that time, there were toothpaste, chocolate, drinking water, pharmaceuticals, etc. containing radium." Zheng Ren said while sandwiching a buck ball, "all the time, everyone thought that radium can activate the potential of cells."

"Well, Xiaocao, do you think the boss ’s statement does n’t look like the advertisements of many health products now? This sales model has not changed. If you do n’t engage in medical treatment, you can study it, and you will definitely be rich.” Su Yun said with a smile.

"Well, the general principle is similar. I don\'t really know about something new, but because of being tall, many people believe it. It\'s the concept of nano insoles and other things sold in previous years."

"But radium ..."

"A lot of people died because of this ~ ~ Zheng Rendao," EbenByers, a rich American businessman in the 1920s and 1930s ... "

"It\'s too embarrassing." Su Yun was sitting on a small round stool in the corner, tilting Erlang\'s legs, already pretending to forget the purpose of the original boss to say this, and started gossip, "At that time it was called radium supplement."

"Radium supplement?" Feng Jianguo asked.

"It means to supplement the radium element. There is also an endorsement of top medical papers, and some papers claim that radium makes male water lizards perform very well in front of mother water lizards."


"The manufacturer of Radium Supplement claims that Radium God can provide a continuous flow of power to people, and can deal with injuries, including ED." Su Yun said.

"I\'m going ... this ..."

"Very reasonable, you are looking at the problem from the current perspective. In the past, the treatment of tuberculosis, including many nobles and doctors, was treated with electric shock. Now, there is no fart at all." Su Yundao, "So what is the advancement of science and technology? It is fundamental to human survival. "