Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2400: Lost pearl

Zheng Ren didn\'t know that a pair of eyes were staring at himself in the darkness, nor did anyone know that someone was looking for his fault and waiting for his own mistake.

睡 The messy sleep that night, in the middle of the night, I dreamed of wrestling with mutant tapeworms.

I haven\'t had surgery in the middle of the night for a long time. It would be nice if nobody in the world would get sick, Zheng Ren thought when he got up.

Eating, rounds, and surgery.

Although the days are new every day and the weather is gradually getting warmer, life is still the same.

Zheng Ren didn\'t feel boring either. He was called in the middle of the night and was taken to the hospital for surgery. There was a problem with the metabolism of adrenaline and glucocorticoids in the body.

Lai Gao\'s surgery, Lao Gao and Lin Yuan, Gu Xiaoran, and other fellow doctors; Zhao Wenhua and a group of doctors under his command, TIPS surgery has been quite skilled.

Zheng Zhengren also rarely enters the operating room to knock on the surgery. He just silently cuts and waits for postoperative lectures.

"Boss, General Zhou\'s article was published in" New England. "Su Yun said faintly while watching the news on his mobile phone.

"Oh." Zheng Ren didn\'t feel anything.

It\'s just a case report. Does it need to be taken seriously? Not at all.

"Zhou said he wanted to treat."

"Noon or evening?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Such a big thing must be in the evening. He is now improperly hospitalized, and is free." Su Yun said with a smile.

"Okay, go out for dinner." Zheng Ren said indifferently. To eat is to talk together. As for what to eat, Zheng Ren doesn\'t care.

After the operation, see the patients, eat lunch, and lecture in the afternoon. The process is as boring and boring as water, only Zheng Ren doesn\'t feel it.

I arrived at 4 o\'clock in the afternoon, Su Yun Zhang Luo went to find Zhou Litao.

I went to the emergency department and saw Zhou Litao had changed his clothes, waiting for Zheng Ren and Su Yun leisurely.

"Lao Zhou, have you lived a better life after the improper hospitalization?" Su Yun asked with a smile.

"Tang has worked hard," Zhou Litao said with a smile. His smile came from the bottom of his heart, and the little freckles on his face were almost flying.

Tong Xin\'s hospitalization is always called Tang Haitao. He is about one and a half meters tall and has a black face, but his voice is not that of a black-faced man.

I watched Tang\'s busy foot hit the back of his head, and Su Yun patted Zhou Litao\'s shoulder.

Just come through, just go through.

"What\'s missing from the promotion?" Su Yun asked.

"Brother Yun, Boss Zheng doesn\'t need to do national-level scientific research. When will you do it and bring me a good one?" Zhou Litao asked.

Some people are already familiar with each other, and you are welcome.

"Tell the boss, adding your name to the project team is no better than anything." Su Yundao.

"I\'m sorry." Zhou Litao touched his head and said with a smile.

"This is the era of backward elimination. The thinner your face, the slower you walk. Don\'t look at the boss, can you compare with him? People have girlfriends, do you?" Su Yun struck Zhou Litao\'s weakness.


Zhou Litao was speechless.

Zheng Ren smiled, just about to speak, and saw a flat car pushing a patient back in a hurry.

The system panel was red, because the distance was far away, Zheng Ren could not see the diagnosis.

"What patient?" Zheng Ren asked.

"A 12-year-old child has nausea, vomiting, and a plate-shaped abdomen." Zhou Litao said, "I have a chest and abdomen connected, and I guess there is a perforation of the digestive tract."

Digestive tract perforation is relatively rare and even rare in children. But the symptoms are here, which is objective basis, even if you don\'t want to diagnose.

Pushed by flat car quickly, Zheng Ren frowned at the system panel.

Stomach rupture, jejunum rupture, colon rupture, acute peritonitis, intestinal adhesions, septic shock ...

A series of diagnoses show the danger of the condition.

Tang always has no time to speak. While directing the rescue, he is holding a piece of film to watch.

Zheng Zhengren made a close look.

There are a lot of white spots in the stomach of the small patient. Zheng Ren felt it was a pearl necklace at first glance, but immediately denied this.

There is no doubt that pearl is developed under X-rays. But the images will not be so dense and "sturdy."

It may not seem like 像 is a metal object ... Zheng Ren once again denied his own opinion.

Metal objects do not cause multiple ruptures of the gastrointestinal tract. A stomach rupture just peaks, and then the metal objects fall into the abdominal cavity.

Infection is possible. The series of white flowers are connected in a series. It looks like it is in the colon. What is it? So weird.

"Ding Dong ~"

的 The system task sounds.

Zheng Ren frowned, glanced at the task, and wanted to get hints from it.

[Urgent Mission: The Lost Pearl.

Task content: successfully remove foreign bodies in the abdominal cavity.

Mission time: 4 hours.

Mission rewards: 100,000 experience points, 30,000 skill points, 氪 gold treasure chest × 2, lucky value + 2. 】

After seeing the system mission, Zheng Renzhang stopped.

With his knowledge of the big pig hoof, the content of the reward is positively related to the difficulty of the operation. If it is only a foreign body in the abdominal cavity and the gastrointestinal tract needs to be repaired, the system will definitely not give so much reward.

What the **** is in the child\'s belly, according to the system prompts ... That thing is useless, just a brief description of the image. pearl? impossible.

Zheng Ren is thinking, thinking. Su Yun bumped his shoulder with his shoulder, and said, "Boss ~ ~ went to eat."

"Wait a minute." Zheng Ren frowned. "Zhou, get me a white suit."

Although Zhou Litao is no longer in hospital, Zheng Ren is still used to calling him Zhou.

Zhou Litao froze for a moment, then turned and ran to get white clothes. Zheng Ren strode into the rescue room and saw Tang Haitao take his stethoscope from his neck.

Mr. Tang is commanding the rescue. He doesn\'t think the patient\'s condition is serious. This is a bear child who doesn\'t know what to eat. Indwelling the venous channel, decompression of the gastrointestinal tract, and then sending the child to gastrointestinal surgery.

"Boss Zheng." President Tang didn\'t expect Boss Zheng to come in. His voice was much lower immediately. He said hello to Zheng Ren during his busy schedule, and then began to hear bowel sounds.

But as soon as the stethoscope fell on the stomach of the young patient, Zheng Ren heard a scream, and the young patient who had been infected with toxic shock screamed.

与 此 At the same time, Zheng Ren saw that the stethoscope seemed to be grabbed by something and pressed against the child\'s stomach.

At the same time, there was something faint in the abdomen, and it was **** with a stethoscope. Tang Haitao froze, and carefully moved his stethoscope.

He hasn\'t responded yet and wants to pull the stethoscope down.

"Don\'t move!" Zheng Ren rushed forward and struck Tang Haitao\'s left hand radial radial process.

"Ah?" Tang Haitao stunned.

"Maybe a magnet," Zheng Renshen said.
