Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2399: seeing is believing

It was late at night, but Wei Feng was not sleepy at all.

He was sitting in the dark corner of the operating room, watching the patient\'s anxious expression, and searching the Internet for all the knowledge about ERCP.

If you want to find fault with Boss Zheng, you have to be professional. But the knowledge of the medical industry is so vast that it is not so easy to master it in a short time.

Wu Weifeng can only encounter what he finds on the Internet, just like people who use a certain degree to see a doctor.

But for an hour or two, it\'s hard to figure out. Wei Feng only found some relevant information, knowing that ERCP is a new technology that has been gradually developed in the past dozen years.

In China, the top three top-tier hospitals perform better, and the third-tier hospitals in the provincial capital carry out generally. As for Haicheng, this kind of surgery is impossible. If you want to do it, please also come to the provincial capital experts.

What exactly is blocking the biliary tract? Will Zheng Ren have an operation on this dog day? Wei Feng thought to himself, with some expectations.

It would be nice if something happened, this is the scandal! Although it is difficult to find a doctor now, Wei Feng feels relieved when he thinks of the contact information of the big yellow tooth in the mobile phone.

I am too big to give him money to make him come to the emperor. People like big yellow teeth can\'t do anything to give him money.

I want to come to Zheng Ren to face this kind of thing, even if there is nothing wrong, there will be flaws in the panic.

要找 If you have a flaw, you need to find it. If you don\'t have a flaw, you need to find it. Wei Feng believes that this is the most basic professional quality.

Glancing at the shining eyes, Wei Feng waited for more than an hour.

Zheng Ren and Su Yun came out. Only the two of them came out.

Wu Weifeng raised a flame called hope in his heart.

Generally speaking, patients are sent out first, and then the doctor also talks with the patient\'s family to talk about the situation. Did you listen to the patient ’s family to express thanks in the middle of the night?

There must be something wrong with the operation, but Wei Feng looked at Zheng Ren and Su Yun and whispered easily and left the endoscope room with ease, he was a little skeptical.

I didn\'t go back with him. He wanted to know how the operation was done.

Suddenly, a sharp gaze fell on the body as if in essence. Wei Feng saw Zheng Ren glance at himself, he quickly lowered his head, and shrank into the dark corner.

I hope not to be discovered by Zheng Ren. Wei Feng prayed as if he had done something wrong.

It is a huge advantage for the enemy to see me. If there is no such advantage, it will be difficult for you to write a report that you are satisfied with while the enemy is unprepared to find the problem.

But Zheng Ren only glanced and turned away.

Wei Weifeng breathed a sigh of relief. It was really dangerous. It seemed that he had to be careful.

I waited for more than ten minutes, the door of the endoscope room opened, a doctor carried a red bucket, and another old director in his fifties came out to explain the condition to the patient\'s family.

Wei Feng got together, he was very slow, for fear of alarming who. Look from behind from time to time, but don\'t let Boss Zheng suddenly appear, then it\'s fucking.

看着 "Look at the children, don\'t eat anything messy." Director Luo\'s voice came out.

"Good luck this time, take it out. If next time, it may not happen."

What the **** is it? Wei Feng thought about it in the middle of the night.

I took it out ... the endoscope room ... it should be bile duct stones.

According to the information found on the Internet, ERCP is mainly used to successfully display pancreaticobiliary duct structure to diagnose common bile duct stones, benign and malignant biliary obstruction, and pancreatic biliary system diseases.

The tadpoles are just stones. What worms are not worms must be misunderstood by the patient\'s family members, fussing and exaggerating.

As a journalist, Wei Feng knew very well how little things were exaggerated.

"Just take a look, the patient will come out and return to the ward directly."

"Director, when can you be discharged?" A family member asked.

But did not wait for Director Luo to answer, the patient\'s family surrounding Director Luo suddenly screamed, and then the tide receded.

Wei Weifeng had just moved to the periphery of the crowd and was squeezed a bit. He leaned backwards and almost did not fall.

"This is taken from the patient\'s gastrointestinal tract, and there is one ... ah, the one with the darkest, yellowish and yellowish color, blocked in the intrahepatic bile duct, and almost did not have jaundice. You are lucky to catch up with boss Zheng Go out. If he goes out, the operation will definitely not work. "

Except for Wei Feng, the family members of the patients did not notice the words of Boss Zheng, said by Director Luo.

They have been frightened.

There are dozens of yellow-and-white bugs in the big red bucket, and ... it will move.

Is it really taken out of the body? If so ... the family members of the patients can no longer imagine.

Even if someone hit Wei Feng, they didn\'t even notice it, they got together with each other, as if they didn\'t need to be afraid.

"Saw it? Just counted it, there are 74 in total." Director Luo said, "OK, if you all see that, that\'s it."

After speaking, he turned to go back and change clothes.

The family member of a patient braved his courage, bowed a deep bow to Director Luo, and then asked, "Director, is it really a case of eating tapeworm eggs capsules?"

"Otherwise?" Director Luo looked at him and said in a deep voice. "And he hasn\'t taken any insect repellent yet. It doesn\'t take long."

Ascaris egg capsule? Wei Feng\'s back was suffocating. His lover seemed to tell him yesterday that he had found a particularly good way to lose weight ~ ~ Is this this? At that time, he was preparing to interview Director Sun Chao\'s question, and he did not look carefully.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and started quickly searching for chat records.

Next, the conversation between Director Luo and the patient\'s family member Wei Feng turned a deaf ear.

Seeing the word "Zongworm Capsule", Wei Feng gave a stun. Sure enough! But it is said to be safe. What is going on?

He went over and decided to take a closer look.

Seeing is believing, doctors are most willing to scare people. A little fault was exaggerated and they became a big fault.

How else can patients\' families willingly pay for medical treatment? The number of deceiving people in the world is the same. Don\'t scare the courage, you can\'t cheat money at all ...

I was thinking, Wei Feng was in front of the big red barrel.

Chen Zonggang, who was following Director Luo\'s hepatobiliary surgery, was going to put it away. The tapeworm had to be sent to the parasite laboratory for testing. When he saw Wei Feng coming over, he laughed and said, "Did you not see?"

He said, he opened the lid of the red bucket.

Wu Weifeng put his head over.

In the red bucket, dozens of yellow-and-white insects were surging like maggots. An inexplicable smell came to his face, and Wei Fengyu saw a bug "attention" to himself, and climbed up the chestnut along the barrel wall.

Xi Weifeng was taken aback and took a half step back involuntarily.

In the stomach and intestines, vomiting ...