Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2393: When everyone said less and less, their expressions became more serious

Professor Yang rushed over from home, and Mr. Chen had already asked the medical history. The patient did buy the roundworm egg capsules six months ago and used it to lose weight after oral administration.

It is said that the effect is not bad, and the patients are still thin in this half year.

But 12 days ago, she began to experience epigastric pain. The patient thought it was radiation-like pain during the physiological period, and she did not care too much at that time. However, after the physiological period, her abdomen was still faint, and she still did not come to the hospital.

Because of nausea and retching, she always thought it was a gastrointestinal cold, took the corresponding medicine, and prepared to resume her job hunting.

Unexpectedly, the condition suddenly worsened today, and it was so serious that he was getting sick.

This is a mess, Professor Yang watched the film. If according to the medical history, there should be obstruction in the biliary tract. It is the tapeworm that penetrates into the biliary tract from the position of the large duodenum and forms a biliary obstruction.

It is different from other parasites. The tapeworm is longer and thinner, and the position of the drill is deeper.

This operation ... can be troublesome, Professor Yang has a black line in his head.

Now biliary tapeworms are not very common. After all, there are so many anthelmintic drugs. I do n’t think it\'s enough to take anthelmintic drugs.

And the most likely symptoms of roundworms are intestinal obstruction, not biliary obstruction.

Cut? The location is very deep, cut the liver and take the tapeworm ... To be honest, Professor Yang really dare not open this knife.

It is difficult to find the exact location of the tapeworm if it is cut open, but it is hard to beat the 912 lead professor. Hepatobiliary surgery can find a position with any band professor.

The difficulty is how to get the worms intact and intact.

And ... there are tapeworms in the stomach and intestines, which can come out of the mouth, not necessarily how many bugs there are.

Professor Yang glanced at the time at 1:35 in the morning.

Regardless, find a consultation in the hospital!



In his view, ERCP can also be used to remove maggots retrogradely, and the damage is small, which is a minimally invasive surgery.

It\'s just that people who don\'t know the cavity room dare to do it.

Whether you dare or not, bugs in the biliary tract are one thing, and bugs in the gastrointestinal tract must be removed. You can\'t cut all your stomach and intestines. It is difficult to say whether it can be cleaned, and the patient will be extremely traumatized.

Call for an emergency consultation.

Although it is quite annoying to ask the whole hospital for consultation at this point, but the patient is rolling directly on the flat car, but it can\'t be delayed.

Gastroscopy is not attended at night, and this emergency may not be encountered once a year or two. If there is a related operation, you still have to call from home.

Thirty-five minutes later, the second-line professor from the endoscope room rushed over. He looked at the video materials like each other without saying a word.

After watching it for 10 minutes, I sighed, discussed with Professor Yang, and called Director Luo from home.

After taking the stage, talking and laughing is not afraid. Doctors don\'t care if they say it\'s okay. Generally, it\'s okay, instead of not paying attention.

I am most afraid that doctors one after another on such a big night will be called from home. They are getting higher and higher, older and more serious, which means that everyone knows.

But the last person to receive the call was Zheng Ren and Su Yun. It\'s quite rare to get younger and younger.

"Most of the night, who called you. If you have an emergency, go and call me and tell me what to do." Su Yun got up full of energy when he was woken up.

"It is said that there is a patient with biliary tapeworm, and the position is relatively deep." Zheng Ren was ready to set off and urged: "Hurry up."

"You\'re not alone enough. Are you ready for ERCP? Let me sleep again." Su Yun said no, but his body was honest.

He shuddered as he was getting dressed.

"I consider using a balloon and catching forceps at the same time. It requires the operation of two surgeons and cannot be done by one person." Zheng Ren said seriously, "Hurry up."

"Brother, biliary maggots are not fatal!" Su Yun was really upset and did not call her boss to start calling her brother.

But that\'s the story, Su Yun quickly got dressed, and the two crept down the stairs.

Kuroko squatted down the stairs and stared at them both with wide eyes. In the dark, the sunspot\'s eyes glowed green, a little bit fierce.

"Shh." Zheng Ren went downstairs and touched the dog\'s head by the way. "Let\'s go to work and you sleep well."

"Hurry up, emergency rescue, and walk your dog?" Su Yun whispered directly.

"Be quiet, they are sleeping." Zheng Ren put on his shoes and opened the door.

"How long did it get called in the middle of the night?" Su Yun asked with sigh.

"It\'s been two months," Zheng Ren said. "It\'s really comfortable to have no emergency."

"It has been said that patients with biliary tapeworm have not seen it for many years. This disease is usually treated with insecticides and killed first. Then you can take it if you can take it, and wait for the calcified stones if you cannot take it. What\'s wrong? Yun scratched his head from scratch, and many doubts can be expressed.

"Maybe the patient\'s situation is more special? Or did Director Luo try it, and the broodworm was broken, and the remaining half was in the biliary tract." Zheng Ren casually guessed.

Taking the elevator down the stairs, the two ran in the night of the imperial capital.

Zheng Ren still didn\'t buy an electric car. Although he said that law and order are much better now, it is not often used. Charging alone is troublesome. It might as well be more convenient to run, anyway he thought so.

Simple and straightforward is Zheng Ren\'s aesthetics.

Quickly came to the endoscope room, Zheng Ren changed clothes and went in, and saw a flash of light at the door of the ERCP room. As guessed, it really is ready to use ERCP to solve the problem.

Zheng Ren strode over, but did not see the ERCP operation. Director Luo is operating the gastroscope, picking things up a little.

Looking at the screen, Zheng Ren froze.

What are these special things! Zheng Ren scolded a bad word in his heart.

Under the gastroscope ~ ~ you can see the white flowers in the stomach looming. How could it be in the stomach? !! Zheng Ren was also a little puzzled.

Generally speaking, tapeworms are not afraid, but they do not live in stomach acid. The acidity is too high, not their "habitable" environment.

But in a moment, Zheng Ren thought about several possibilities. For example, severe vomiting, decreased gastric acid and reflux of things in the jejunum, passed through the pylorus and entered the stomach.

But no matter how many maggots are rare, they are rare. Zheng Ren made a judgment in his heart.

"Boss Zheng, you are here," Professor Yang greeted.

"Well, get the stomach first?" Zheng Ren nodded. "Director Luo, what should I do for a while?"

"Remove the stomach and colon bugs first. If there is a problem with ERCP, let\'s discuss it again." Director Luo focused on the operation and briefly explained his thoughts with Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren walked in and saw Director Luo holding a red trash can beside him. There were more than a dozen yellow and white tapeworms squirming.