Live Surgical Broadcast

v3 Chapter 2392: Ascaris egg capsule

The hospitalization of the liver and gallbladder always rushed down to the consultation, and was dumbfounded after watching the film.

The patient\'s upper abdomen had significant pain and rolled straight on a flat cart. But the more it hurts, the more it hurts, and the quieter it gets.

"I\'ll look at the second line," said Zhou Litao, the total inpatient. "Emergency surgery is expected."

Zhou Litao also thought so. The patient\'s biliary obstruction and severe abdominal pain required an emergency laparotomy. He estimates that conservative treatment is not effective, and analgesics are not dared to be given casually, for fear that complications such as perforation will not be found.

Watching the patient roll on a flat car, Zhou Litao felt pain, which was more of a crime.

"Okay, I\'ll find someone to take the patient to the ward with you." Zhou Litao said.

Then he put the ultrasound report and CT film of the upper abdomen into the film bag, and gave it to the liver and gallbladder hospital director. The two strode to the emergency room, preparing to send the patient to hepatobiliary surgery.

While waiting for the emergency laboratory results to be reported, the nurse in the emergency department had given the patient a gastric tube and a urinary tube, leaving the venous channel. If you are preparing for surgery, it is enough to go back for skin preparation. The efficiency of the emergency department is always so high.

Coming to the emergency room, the patient was retching.

Zhou Litao had simply asked about his medical history before, because the situation was too urgent and he didn\'t ask too much.

The patient is a 24-year-old college freshman student who has returned home from school and has recently begun looking for work. But I didn\'t expect a sudden stomachache at night, and the family members were not clear about other specific conditions.

Vomit ... Vomit ... The patient was nauseating. Because the vomiting is too severe, the stomach and intestines have been empty for a long time, and they can only vomit some acid water.

She did not vomit blood and found no food in her vomit. Even with gastrointestinal decompression, vomiting did not improve a bit.

The nurse was helping her to turn her head to avoid aspiration of the vomitus, leading to more serious complications.

"Send liver and gallbladder!" Zhou Litao said aloud, and began to help push the flat car out.

When the flat car moved, it seemed to involve the stomach and intestines. The girl slammed her head on the flat car and almost did not touch the door of the emergency room.

Zhou Litao stopped the flat car quickly, fearing for a while.

If this bumps up and causes a head trauma, which is an iatrogenic trauma, then fucking.

Vomit ... Before Zhou Litao\'s thoughts disappeared, the girl started to vomit more violently.

At this point she didn\'t even have gastric juices, and she was constantly retching with tears.

What kind of disease is this? Seeing that it didn\'t look like stones, Zhou Litao was still pondering the film while instructing the patient\'s family to be optimistic about the patient, so don\'t cause trauma.

But the patient was holding the guardrail of the flat car, her body was a little cramped, and she vomited violently, no matter how she persuaded her head to be outside.

Zhou Litao just wanted someone to be on the side and then take the time to send the patient to hepatobiliary surgery. Before he could talk, the hospitalization of liver and gallbladder always said loudly: "Wait a minute!"

"General Manager, what\'s wrong?" Zhou Litao asked in amazement.

President Chen strode to the gastrointestinal decompression and took up the negative pressure bottle.

Zhou Litao stared at it, and then he was shocked.

A worm was sucked out by negative pressure, half of its body was in a pipe, and half of it was struggling in a negative pressure bottle.

I go ... what is this special? !!

Zhou Litao is also quite knowledgeable, but seeing the bug in the gastrointestinal decompression ... I have never seen it.

Mr. Chen\'s face turned green. He still had a phone in his hand and was communicating with the second-line professor Yang. At this moment he immediately said: "I saw a worm in the patient\'s gastrointestinal decompression, white, about 6 cm!"

"Spit ..." The patient vomited violently and finally spit out something.

Another yellow-white bug!

It ’s just that there is no gastric juice. The worm does not spit out, but hangs on the corner of the patient\'s mouth, like there are countless worms in her body, crawling out ...

"Professor Yang, there are bugs in his mouth ..." President Chen was also a little bit murky. "Looking like a tapeworm, yellow-white, earthworm-like."

"Okay, I\'ll make preparations before surgery!"

After that, he hung up.

"Get away, get away!" General Manager Chen roared anxiously, "Go to the liver and gallbladder, prepare for emergency surgery!"

Watching the group go away, the back disappeared at the corner, Zhou Litao\'s eyes were still the image of gastrointestinal decompression and the innermost creeping bug.

If tapeworms ... Human tapeworm is a common parasitic disease caused by tapeworm parasites in the human small intestine, and the incidence is relatively high in children.

Ascaris lumbricoides are cylindrical and earthworm-like; eggs are oval, and the surface of the egg shell is often accompanied by a rough and uneven protein film, which is brownish yellow due to bile staining.

Ascaris is more common in children and less common in adults.

But how can an adult get a lot of bugs straight out? Zhou Litao was a little confused.

"Mr. Zhou, what the **** is that?" A little nurse asked while cleaning the emergency room.

"I look like a tapeworm."

"Aren\'t all the roundworms coming out, why are they coming out of their mouths against the current?" The little nurse asked.

Zhou Litao shrugged, he didn\'t know what was going on.

Generally speaking, tapeworms should not be very heavy, just take some insecticide medicine. Legend has it that people who grind their teeth have roundworms, and just a few pieces of intestinal worms should be eaten.

This thing is not like a pig head maggot. Rarely seen fatal ones are disgusting people. Who is not afraid of seeing worms in the stool?

"I saw a sale of wormworm egg capsules when I visited the online store a few days ago, and said that it was to lose weight, add money, and insecticide." The little nurse said with a bit of regret: "I was still thinking about buying something when I was on annual leave eat."

"Dare to eat anything, that stuff is disgusting." Zhou Litao reprimanded with a stern face.

"Zhou ~ ~ You don\'t find a girlfriend, don\'t know ..."

In a word, Zhou Litao\'s scarred heart was stabbed fiercely again, and then the little nurse didn\'t hear anything clearly.

"Why wait for the holidays?" Zhou Litao asked absently.

"It is said that one week after eating the tapeworm egg capsule, there will be low fever and discomfort all over the body. Some people will also have nausea and vomiting. It is too scary to see her vomiting! A little scary, I think about something else "The little nurse Ma Li cleaned the emergency room and turned on the ultraviolet light to start disinfection.

Zhou Litao thought for a while, picked up the mobile phone, and called the general manager of Hepatobiliary Surgery.

The little nurse in the emergency department just said an important clue. Otherwise, there is no way to explain that there are a lot of roundworms.

Hanging up the phone, Zhou Litao began to read out the patient\'s abdominal CT in the computer.

If tapeworms penetrate the biliary tract, imaging is still supported. It\'s just that biliary tsutsugamushi is rare in adults. Zhou Litao researched a little bit and enriched his clinical experience.