Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 694: Flirting on the stage

"One is Professor Mu, who is back from the Mayo Clinic, and two young military doctors who have just come down from the front line." Director Jiang said.

"Professor Mu? Which?" Director Chen Chen meditated.

“People\'s Hospital of Pengcheng Development Zone, studying at the Mayo Clinic, came back after hearing the letter.” In the face of the elderly, Director Jiang did not dare to talk nonsense.

"Is it Mu Tao?"

"Yes, do you know him old?"

"I know his teacher, Wu Haishi, the old guy taught a good student." Director Chen Chen said with emotion.

Director Jiang hesitated for a moment, wanted to say something, and finally he went back.

"Director Chen, you will enter the room, I am busy, just as you help to check." Director Jiang said politely.

It’s all fake.

He is afraid that Director Chen is too tired and has any problems with his heart. If the emergency department rescues his old man, it is not enough to add chaos.

Director Chen smiled and entered the operating room with a flat car pushing the patient.

After changing clothes, Director Chen let Director Jiang go to work, asked Mu Tao\'s operation room, and then went to the operation room to see the operation.

Without the operator, everything is the operation of the insider.

In this case, it can only be so. Director Chen is not surprised.

There is only one roving nurse, and it seems that it is running fast, but it is still insisting.

Through the lead glass, Director Chen saw two people working on the stage.

The screen in the operating room shows the progress of the surgery.

It is indeed a severe pelvic fracture. The operation has been done halfway. The ruptured branch of the internal iliac artery is embolized in two places, and the next artery branch is being overselected.

Director Chen’s eyes picked up and looked seriously at the election.

The blood vessels are very thin and the angle is very rough. The difficulty of over-selection is quite large.

Micro-guidewire superselection is not fast, it seems a little cautious. But without too much hesitation, slowly enter, close to the branch of the blood vessel, and then you can see that there is an action.

Director Chen is sorry in his heart, hey, a little worse!

This kind of extremely difficult over-selection, the average doctor, may not be able to over-select in an hour or two.

The micro-wire is very soft, the force is transmitted through a long distance, and finally decays to an extremely weak degree.

It is particularly difficult to get the micro-guide wire into the next-stage blood vessel branch through a boring angle.

It is good to be able to do this at one time.

Director Chen looked up and wanted to see Mu Tao inside through lead glass.

This young man is really fast.

Although the action just did not succeed, Director Chen knows that Mu Tao has mastered the basic skills, but his luck is not good.

Looking through the lead glass, Director Chen suddenly saw the assistant holding a hemostasis pliers and talking to the screen.

Uh... Who is this bear child? Is this not a fallacy?

Director Chen is not happy at the moment.

As an assistant, you have to know what the assistant is doing.

Do you think you are the director? Do you think this is a teaching operation?

Although I was not happy, Director Chen did not have an attack. People are in surgery, what is the matter, or it is better to say it.

He frowned and looked at the two people inside through the lead glass.

Although wearing a sterile mask and a hat, it can be seen from the eyebrows that the surgeon is Mu Tao who he knows.

I haven\'t seen you for many years, and Mu Tao has matured a lot. It is no longer the young doctor who was young and tender.

And his assistant, eyebrows, and between the eyes, the variety of styles, but also make people feel heroic.

Is it a girl? Director Chen is somewhat surprised.

In the interventional surgery, you must wear a lead coat and stand for a few hours at a stop. Girls are rarely able to withstand. After all, this is technical and physical.

Humph! Director Chen is not happy. Girls, usually playing around, it doesn’t matter if it’s pretty. Here is the emergency rescue, how can I...

He was thinking that the surgeon in the operating room had started another attempt.

Director Chen is staring at the surgeon and assistant, and pays attention to the operation on the screen.

The micro-guide wire is carefully close to the branch of the blood vessel, and he can feel the mood of the surgeon.

This kind of difficult operation, no matter how careful, is not excessive.

However, just at the moment when the surgeon had to over-select, Director Chen was shocked to see the assistant licking the hemostasis pliers and knocking on the surgeon\'s wrist.

How is this going?

Director Chen has habitually touched his nose and is very upset. This girl is too much, this is surgery, it is an emergency rescue!

However, Mu Tao did not seem to have the conscious consciousness of the surgeon, as if he did not notice that the wrist was beaten, but changed the hand shape slightly invisible and continued to operate.

The micro-guide wire on the screen is once again eager to try, but before he tries, the hemostatic forceps come as expected, knocking on Mu Tao\'s humeral diameter.

This... Director Chen has vaguely guessed that there may be something wrong with it. Mu Tao, the child, still knows the importance. It’s impossible to fight in the emergency department.

But what happened?

Director Chen was puzzled and suddenly heard the voice from the side of the hall. "The next patient is coming in."

Oh? There are also people on the surgery!

It doesn\'t seem to be slow. It is estimated to be a big cow in West China. However, the voice is quite strange, and it sounds very young. Director Chen did not think about who it was.

A glimpse of God\'s effort, a glimpse of his eyes, saw the second superselection of micro-guidewire, and finally succeeded!

Mu Tao is indeed a good child. This kind of difficulty in over-selection can be successful twice.

If there is no one next to the disorder, will the surgery be done faster?

There were four branches on the stage where the injured internal artery was damaged. The super-selection and embolization of the last artery were the same as before. The assistant constantly beats Mu Tao\'s sacral spurs with hemostatic forceps, and the old Chen director was a little embarrassed.

He almost believed, I believe this is a teaching operation.

If it is not a special period now.

If he does not know the person who is doing the surgery, it is Wu Haishi\'s proud disciple.

If the assistant is not a It’s really noisy, you must talk about them, Director Chen is frowning, and his heart is bitter.

I really don\'t know what to expect.

After hitting three or four times, the surgeon finally found an opportunity to superfine the micro-guidewire, and then embolization, angiography, and surgery were almost perfect.

Pretty! Director Chen Chen applauded.

If there is no flirtation, this operation can be used as a teaching operation to let other interventional doctors learn.

Even if you are at the peak, you can\'t do such a perfect operation. Wu Tao, the teacher of Mu Tao, could not do it.

I will remind Mu Tao that the level is high, and I can’t play with the girls on the stage. It’s not the old director Chen’s heart.

At the end of the operation, the airtight lead door opened, and the director Chen was surprised to see that the assistant came out. Mu Tao was pressing to stop bleeding.