Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 693: Which god is coming?

No, I have to go and see.

Director Chen has not yet gone downstairs, and has already made up his mind.

Although the sky is already dark, although the aftershocks continue, although he is old, he is too old to get involved in the operation.

However, he knows that he can\'t go on surgery, and he can use years of rich clinical experience to check for missing traps.

The hospital was too busy, and all the doctors were doing surgery on it. After the operation, the patient only had a look at the doctor who was resting, or gave it to the supportive medical doctor.

The amount of surgery is so large that almost no intermittent surgery can be done.

This time, the most error-prone.

No matter what you do, as long as you can do something, it is good.

The speed of the thin and dry figure is getting faster and faster. Years of rheumatism and arthritis seem to be no longer there.

He seems to be returning to his youth.

Even if a spit of blood sprinkles on this land,

so what? !

Going downstairs, sitting on the car driven by his son, Director Chen said: "Go to Pengxi Township Hospital."

"Dad, what do you want to do?" Director Chen’s son is puzzled.

He is also a person who is almost fifty. He has tossed up to the present and is tired. And the age of more than 70 years of my father, if it is toss a three long and two short, then what can I do?

Although it looks tough, there are many problems in the elderly.

"Let you go, so much nonsense!" Director Chen is not good-tempered, recently slept well, and witnessed countless wounded people being sent to Rongcheng, emotional, more violent.

His son had no choice but to start the car and rushed to Pengxi Township in the night.

Along the way, Director Chen has been thinking about the situation in Pengxi Township. What happened in the end.

This is beyond the scope of medical knowledge.

Perhaps the middle-aged backbone of the Huaxi Intervention Department has pulled more than half of the people in the middle of the Pengxi Township to do emergency surgery... and the Pengxi Township Hospital has been remodeled this year... Otherwise, it is impossible in less than a day. In the time, I sent so many patients to the provincial hospital.

Even so, it is absolutely impossible!

Director Chen is most afraid of being busy, misreporting the wounded\'s condition and eventually causing major collective casualties.

Those who have been saved very hard, if it is really because of these omissions, then it is regrettable.

Director Chen knows that his eyes are spent, his legs and feet are unfavorable, his hands are still shaking, and he can\'t operate at all.

Then go and see, make a contribution, do your best, or go home and can\'t sleep.

The night is shining, and the road to Pengxi Township is constantly flowing.

There are ambulances, and the army and fire officers and soldiers who support each road come to Rongcheng. If they are not trimmed, they will go directly to the front line.

Although the aftershocks are constant, nothing can hinder their pace.

There are also a lot of private cars, taxi owners, rushing to the front line to see what they can do.

Director Chen and his son have nothing to communicate with. He is not a doctor. Many things he said he could not understand.

Silent all the way, the old director has a lot of troubles.

There are a lot of cars on the road, more people, and they are crowded many times than usual.

But the order is still good, although the traffic is slow, you can go all the way.

When I came to Pengxi Township, I went to the township hospital, and the old Chen got off the bus and went straight to the emergency department. His son had to get off the bus and hold him, and he was pushed away by him.

Just kidding, help, do you want the doctor here to treat yourself as a sick person, wounded?

I am here to contribute, not to trouble.

However, the situation of the Pengxi Township Hospital made Mr. Chen’s director somewhat surprised. The order was good here, and it was well organized and there was no confusion in the imagination.

In his imagination, the hospital corridor should be full of wounded people, doctors and nurses hair unkempt, constantly changing liquids, patrol the ward. Outside the hospital, you should mourn constantly, and the various vehicles are blocked.

However, he saw a row of temporary tents in the courtyard of the hospital. The wounded from the front line were seriously sent directly to the hospital for rescue. Lightly injured people are placed in tents and waiting for medical treatment.

In addition to the tents, there are two rows of teams in a neat and orderly manner. A row is relatively small, is a 120 ambulance. Another long queue is a volunteer team based on taxis and private cars.

Director Chen observed for a few minutes and found that the seriously wounded were sent to the 120 ambulance, and the lightly wounded were on the volunteer team.

The management here is good. At this time, it can be well organized and indeed exceeds expectations.

He took his son to the volunteer team and couldn\'t run empty. It would be good to pull a few light wounded back.

As for himself, Director Chen is ready to observe one day here.

Instead of going directly to the hospital, he followed the flow of people to the reception and the location of the wounded from the front line.

Everyone is busy, no one notices an extra person.

Director Chen looked quietly. Every wounded person was wrapped in a wristband with a number on it, and then a professional person was responsible for inputting information into the computer.

At the same time, several doctors who did not seem to be local doctors in Pengxi Township checked the body, and the handwriting needed to be checked. Volunteers sent the wounded to the corresponding departments.

For the seriously injured, the first rescue, infusion, blood collection, examination, treatment can be treated on the spot, if it can not be treated, then lift the 120 ambulance waiting outside and send it to Rongcheng.

It’s really good here, and he is very recognized.

Director Chen Chen nodded and turned to the intervention department.

A year ago, at the invitation of Director Jiang, he had been here. Throughout the province, Director Chen has a fairly high academic status.

He knows where the interventional department is and does not use volunteers to guide him.

When he found the intervention department, he glanced at it first.

Compared with a year ago, nothing changed.

The only difference is that outside the intervention room, countless camp beds are set up, patients are lying on them, and a simple drip stand is placed next to them.

It’s just that these temporary extra beds are mostly empty and only lay down more than a dozen wounded.

The door of the operating room was hidden, and the director Chen looked at it for a few minutes, and a flat car was pushed out from the inside.

There is a seriously wounded person lying on the car, and he knows that he is a patient with hemorrhagic shock. Director Chen Chen judged that this should be a postoperative patient with severe pelvic fracture and large retroperitoneal hematoma.

The wounded had a plastic bag on the chest, which was very strong and had paper inside.

Like the patient who was seen by the director Chen in the provincial hospital, he could guess what time the doctor wrote, the vital signs, the treatment, the blood type of the wounded, and how much blood was lost~www.novelhall. Com~ busy without chaos, it is very much to let the old director Chen feel a bit.

The wounded were sent out, and the old director Chen quickly let the road open.

On the other side, Director Jiang saw the old man, blinking his eyes, and did not believe it. But then I confirmed that it was really the director of Chen. He came over quickly and asked in confusion: "Director Chen? How come you?"

"Xiao Jiang, how many have you had surgery here?"

"For more than ten hours, I have done forty-five." Director Jiang’s face was full of fatigue, but the numbers still remember very clearly.

After all, the heaviest injury is that the number of wounded pelvic fractures is unlikely to be many, and many of them have ruptured organs.

A small proportion of these patients were urgently operated by doctors in West China at the Pengxi Township Hospital, but the amount of surgery was limited. Most of them will not stay in Pengxi Township. They all have blood tests and hang blood bags. Then they will be directly taken to Huaxi and the Provincial Hospital by the 120 ambulance to go to the emergency department for surgery.

"So much? Which **** is coming to you?"