Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 632: The thief is not reliable

Thousands of operations are really difficult.

Zheng Ren is a bit tired, and he also feels that Rudolf Wagner and Su Yuncao are too hasty. A top-level, world-class award, if you are too casual, then you will see the ghost.

Seeing Su Yun talking again, Zheng Ren interrupted his words and asked: "Dr. Mehar, I feel that your physical condition is ok, you can do prostate embolization at any time."

"Surgery? How about success rate." Dr. Mehar stared at Zheng Ren, his eyes were calm, just like this surgery was done for others.

"Fortunately." Zheng Ren perfunctory.

Dr. Mehar has been taken out of the abyss of death, and Zheng Ren feels that his work has been done. The rest, such as prostate hyperplasia, is not important. Most, with a urinary catheter to survive.

The most important thing is that Zheng Ren feels that he has fulfilled the responsibility and obligation of a doctor, and the rest is the choice of the patient.

Dr. Mehar saw Zheng Ren’s expression on his face, and he was a little surprised.

"I can\'t stay in Stockholm for a long time, Dr. Mehar." Zheng Ren said directly: "Today, you think about it, if you want to have surgery, you have to set a recent time. Don\'t want to do it, it\'s normal, I am good." Come back home."

After that, Zheng Ren smiled and stood up and said: "I am very happy to see you recover. I will leave."

The professor is stupid.

For so many years, he has never seen anyone who dares to talk to Dr. Mehar.

This is the boss...I really don’t want to judge the Nobel Prize?

Su Yun was with Zheng Ren, and the two went out of the ward. The professor is standing in the same place, not walking, not leaving.

"Your friend, it is really interesting." Dr. Mehar said with a smile: "Rudolph, sit down."

The professor hesitated, or sat down in accordance with Dr. Mehar.

"Yesterday, I felt like I was bathed in a white light." Dr. Mehar said: "But the Lord still did not take me in. The film of the operation, I saw, your friend\'s level is the world\'s top."

Professor Rudolf Wagner smiled and had a dim sum.

"I gradually believe in your statement. You can\'t do the surgery you can\'t do," Dr. Mehar said.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "The boss is a magical person, his surgical technique is fine, the level of surgery... I am a distance from the Danube."

Dr. Mehar laughed: "He gave me a recyclable stent to solve the problem of coagulopathy. Two months later, I went to China to find him. If the operation is successful, I live in China for a while, and solve the prostate by the way. The problem."

Dr. Mehar said that the professor gave a slight glimpse.

All the preparations that have been made are prostate interventional embolization. He did not expect Zheng Ren to come to Sweden once and actually did a heart coronary intervention.

Then... then wait two months?

The professor was not willing to say anything, but he saw that Dr. Mehar’s eyes had closed, knowing that he did not want to talk more with himself. This was a notice, not a discussion, he stood up and slowly walked out.

Back in the car, Professor Su Yunjian looked a little weird and asked: "Fugui, what do you want?"

"Mr. Mehar said that he has just finished surgery and he does not want to do prostate embolization so early." The professor frowned and replied: "The doctor said that after two months, he will go to the emperor to find the boss."

"Fugui, this time you can owe the boss a big man." Su Yun began to run the professor. "You said that this hastily rushed over and dried up."

The professor was a little embarrassed, scratching his head and said: "I am in a hurry, and the thief is not reliable."

"Nothing." Zheng Ren smiled: "That can go back."

"Boss, I see the boss also went to the emperor. I heard that you want to establish a TIPS surgery R&D center in the Imperial City. Is that true?" asked the professor.

"The boss wife..." Zheng Ren is speechless.

"Hey? I\'m sorry? You used to start with a good intention?" Su Yun sprayed.

If you can\'t talk to this product, Zheng Ren turned his face and didn\'t look at him, and the professor said.

"Fuguier, it is indeed a R&D center for TIPS surgery, but there is no specific location, only the director of the hole gave me ten beds." Zheng Rendao.

"Boss, I want to go back to you for surgery." Professor Rudolf Wagner said very seriously.

"You don\'t have to work in Heidelberg?" Zheng Ren asked strangely.

“What work is more important than the Nobel Prize?” Professor Rudolf Wagner is also very strange.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} The thinking of two people is not in line, which means that there is no one in the two. But if there is a bar, wait for the noise.

Zheng Ren has no different opinions about the professor going back to this matter with himself.

More than one person is working, and no money is needed... Professor Rudolf Wagner is not asking for money, and people come with the investment of the foundation.

Since I made a decision, it doesn\'t make sense to stay in Stockholm again. The professor booked the latest flight, took the suitcase and set foot on the road again.

In fact, according to Su Yun\'s idea should stay in Northern Europe for a few days. Zheng Renren wants to go back to see the Xie Yi people, the professor is full of TIPS surgery, his opinions are directly ignored by the two.

All the way, hard work, a few people are tired of a little spirit, went to sleep on the plane, no one has a spirit to laugh.

More than nine hours of flight time, boring, especially when the professor is screaming at the side, Zheng Ren wants to rest well.

No way, you can only drill into the system library to read books.

All the way to safety, this time I went to Stockholm to go back quickly, and it took only three days to get together.

Director Kong and Xie Yiren, Chang Yue went to pick up a group of three people. After meeting, Director Kong wanted to ask.

Mainly due to the progress of the Nobel Prize, the older generation is more superstitious.

Not to mention the Nobel Prize in the past, as long as you achieve a little achievement, it will be a national jubilation and a billion people will celebrate together.

The Long March rocket launch, which was broadcast live nationwide, does not know how many eyes are watching it.

This is especially true of the Olympics.

Now, the national strength is strong, and where will CCTV launch live rocket launches? Even the moon has not been broadcast live.

However, the Nobel Prize was once a dream that haunted the hearts and minds of the older generation of scientific and technological personnel. Countless people have worked hard, struggled and struggled.

Director Kong has no chance to win the Nobel Prize in his life, but he hopes that under his own wing, Zheng Ren can replace himself.

When I received Zheng Ren, I saw him and the Xie Yi people said that they would whisper, and Director Kong did not bother.

Waiting for the bus, Kong director just wanted to ask Zheng Ren, the phone rang.