Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 631: Astronomical figures

What happened to the boss today? Why are they "hehe"?

The professor was very depressed and stood between Zheng Ren and Dr. Mehar.

"I am looking at your research paper on TIPS surgery improvement, and the idea is particularly good." Dr. Mehar said: "But young people, although I am filled with gratitude to you, and I am looking for you again in a few months. Do surgery. But you know, the Nobel Prize in Medicine, the judgment of the new surgical procedure, has reached a near-rigid degree."

"Well, I know." Zheng Ren nodded. "Because of other theoretical work, I will not be exposed to many ordinary people. Even if there are mistakes, it is also in the academic world. Everyone can understand. Surgery will be widely used in clinical practice... Well, as long as it is surgery, there may be various complications, so after the brain frontal resection, there is no new surgery to win the Nobel Prize."

"Yes, you know it. This is tradition, is..." Dr. Mehar nodded.

Zheng Ren shook his head and said nothing.

"Young people, I think you seem very dull." Dr. Mehar saw Zheng Ren\'s expression not lost, nor imaginary anger, curiously asked.

"I was not very interested in this award. I am grateful for the new procedure for nominating TIPS surgery. I am grateful for this. But to be honest, I really have no interest in the Nobel Prize." Zheng Ren tells the truth. .

Professor Rudolf Wagner is in a hurry.

Boss, how can you say that? Shouldn\'t this be speaking in the tone of the request? Do you really think Dr. Mehar as your own patient?

Su Yun stood behind Zheng Ren and saw that the professor did not directly translate, and he spoke in a fluent Swedish language: "Dr. Dr. Mehar, this sentence is still translated and heard by me."

"Mr. Nobel\'s widow said that the Bio-Medical Awards will give those who made outstanding contributions to humanity in this field in the previous year. Unfortunately, the current Nobel Prize review has changed the original intention of Mr. Nobel." Su Yun is a very skilled person, with a tone of voice, body language, and eyes, giving a feeling of condescending.

The professor even saw him on him, and he could see some light rising...

"The current Nobel Prize, in more sense, is to maintain its authority in various fields, and even to obey the political needs. The choice to refuse to end the status of the Nobel Prize, even if it violates Mr. Nobel’s will, does not hesitate. ""

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Dr. Mahal is not angry, but looks at the impassioned young man in front of him with curious eyes.

"The new TIPS surgery fundamentally solves the risk of blind surgery in the past and gives many lower-level doctors the opportunity to operate. You know, many doctors will choose to give up TIPS surgery because of the risk of surgery.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of patients die because of this choice.

If the new TIPS surgical diagnosis and treatment methods can be recognized, it will inevitably be promoted globally in a short time. More and more doctors will take the initiative to learn this new procedure, and more and more patients will be treated.

If this is not a major contribution to humanity, I really can\'t think of anything that is a major contribution to humanity. ”

Seeing Dr. Mehar smile, his mouth is moving, Su Yun does not give him the opportunity to speak, continue to say.

“Of course, you can also cite numerous examples at the same time. A biology study can make new drugs and solve problems that could not be solved before. However, please note that the new biological gene technology has many defects that cannot be overcome. It\'s you, and you can\'t be sure if they are really useful.

For example, the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to American scientist James Ellison and Japanese scientist Benedict for their contributions to cancer immunotherapy.

But clinically, can you immediately see this technology put into use? The new TIPS operation, like the sun of tomorrow, will soon appear in front of you as soon as it is approved.

Hundreds of thousands of patients are healed, freeing themselves from the fate of death.

In my opinion, the Nobel Prize in biology and medicine has become a toy for the rich, completely contrary to the original intention of Mr. Nobel.

My words are finished, of course, my boss did not say so much. But I think he hasn\'t been interested in the Nobel Prize in Medicine. It is estimated that because of the current judging, the house that is already old, like Sicily, will rot at any time, and when it is blown by the wind, it will collapse. ”

After Su Yun finished, a speech gave Dr. Mayhar a look.

Professor Rudolf Wagner was wet with sweat on his back. After listening to Su Yun, he felt that Nobel\'s coffin board could not be pressed.

"Boss, I told him what you meant." Su Yun finished, and Zheng Ren whispered a sentence.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Zheng Ren is also very helpless, Su Yun is sure to be mixed with countless private goods. However, this person does not seem to be four or six, but three views... There is no three views on this dog day.

Forget it, just like this.

Zheng Ren himself has no interest in the Nobel Prize. If this aspect still believes that surgery cannot participate in the selection, he will fly directly back to the Imperial Capital and immediately begin teaching surgery.

The sooner more doctors understand and learn the new TIPS surgery the more patients with advanced cirrhosis are treated.

"Young people, your words are too extreme and too arbitrary." Professor Dr. Mehar, a sweaty translator, said, "The new procedure must be confirmed by many clinical cases before it can be recognized."

"I understand." Zheng Ren smiled. "How many cases are you?"

Zheng Ren thinks that Su Yun is so awkward. After a generous speech, it is indeed very powerful to be able to bring the topic to this step.

Dr. Mehar stunned and found himself misled and smiled.

“At least the surgical success rate is over 95%, and the total number is 3,000.”

For doctors, this is an astronomical number.

If you can achieve this number in three or five years, it will be very powerful. If you want to achieve it within a few months, it will be tantamount to the Arabian Nights.

Although the Nobel Prize is awarded every year on December 10th, it is generally around October 1st, and the winners will be announced.

And October 1 is not a deadline, and the time to complete 3,000 operations will be earlier.

At the latest, no more than August, submit various materials for review. Various cumbersome procedures, plus public relations to the judges.

In other words, there are up to four months to do 3,000 TIPS surgeries.

Su Yun’s face showed an indignant look.

Professors have long predicted that few of them will be nominated in the first year and they will be able to win the Nobel Prize directly. Three or five years, it is fast.

This is not the case of Dr. Mehar, who is interested in Zheng Ren and himself.