Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 608: You have to be jealous.

Zheng Ren came out of the ICU and relaxed completely. He thought that today is the 11th, it is time to perform the task.

What specific process, Zheng Ren did not know, Su Yun did not know.

What is the content of this character, Zheng Ren does not know. I don\'t know how long it will go.

Zheng Ren is very confused.

Quiet, recalling the scene of giving a birthday to the Xie people at midnight, Zheng Ren’s heart was sad.

Take out the phone and send a message to the Shei people.

[Hello is it over? 】

[Lie down, sleep for a while. What about your face? 】

The Shay people responded quickly.

[I am busy with this, are they all sleeping? Come out, I will tell you something. 】

【what? OK. 】

[Wait for me, I am at the door of the ICU, and I will go back. 】

Zheng Ren held his mobile phone and walked quickly to the emergency operating room.

Instead of going in, he sent a WeChat to let the Shei people come out.

Just after the emergency rescue, a nurse and a mah in a room were sleeping, and they broke in... it was inconvenient.

After waiting for less than a minute, the door of the operating room opened, and the Shea people wore dark green isolation suits to find out the furry little head.

Zheng Ren waved his hand and saw him, and the Xie Yi people had a smile on their faces.

"Why don\'t you sleep yet." The Xie Yi jumped out like a cute plush toy.

"I miss you." Zheng Ren looked at the Xie Yi people, softly said.

Two red clouds flew to the pink face of the Xie people, and even the white greasy neck scattered the sunset.

"Look at you, then I slept." Zheng Ren saw Xie Yi people embarrassed, then smiled and opened the subject.

"Well, you have to rest early."

"it is good."

"What time does Director Kong say to the emperor? My parents still have a week to come back. Can you go after they come back?" Xie Yi looked at Zheng Ren and asked.

"Try as much as possible." Zheng Ren sighed in his heart, fearing that this time he could not see the old man and his wife.

"Okay." The Xie Yi heard a little uncertainty in the tone of Zheng Ren’s speech. There was no dissatisfaction, but some regrets.

Zheng Ren opened his arms and wanted to embrace the Shei people.

Xiaoyi suddenly jumped out and pointed at the camera and smiled.

"Well, go back to sleep." Zheng Ren smiled and reached out and touched the head of the Xie.

"Well, I am going to sleep, you have to be jealous." Xie Yi said.

Zheng Ren nodded and watched the Xie Yi people go back, and his heart was lost.

Going back to the emergency room and seeing Su Yun sitting in the office, Zheng Ren went in and asked: "How is the patient?"

"It\'s good, the hand department is busy. Blood transfusion, infusion, preparation for surgery. There are blood vessel blocking clips, it is estimated that the surgery is no problem." Su Yundao.

"That\'s good."

"Are you going to bid farewell to the little Iraqi people? Don\'t talk nonsense." Su Yun asked.

"Go, no." Zheng Ren simply replied, suddenly he remembered something and asked: "Let\'s go, there is no news, the Iraqis will not call the police urgently."

Su Yun looked up strangely, and the black hair floated in front of his forehead, his eyes were like watching a fool.


Su Yun said that he could do nothing about Zheng Ren’s staying. He didn’t bother to think about Zheng Ren, but he sighed slightly.

"Someone will inform the family, but where to go, how long it will not say."

"Guess what?"

"Before Han teacher went to perform the task. If I couldn\'t find him, I would ask you, and finally get this result."

"Oh." Zheng Ren thought, this task should be finished very early, it will not be delayed for too long.

"A rest for a while." Zheng Rendao.

"Nowhere, the professor is sleeping in the duty room. You didn\'t hear the grunt?"

Zheng Ren noticed that the door could still be heard through the door of the duty room.

Then sit down and go in and be more noisy. And now it has been four o\'clock at three o\'clock, and it is not necessary to toss home.

The two sit still and sleep.



Early on the next day, Zheng Ren and Su Yun did not appear.

Everyone thought that the emergency room rescue last night, these two goods do not know where to go to sleep.

Director Pan Pan was not surprised. Everything has not changed. The shift should be handed over to the class. Mr. Wang and others shouldered the mission of Zheng Ren and carried out emergency first aid work.

In the afternoon, the Xie Yi was called to the office by Director Pan.

When I came out, Xiaoyi’s expression was a little weird, no sadness and no joy, just a little sin.

The days go by.

Some days are busy, some days are light, some days are sunny, and some days are mixed.

The Xie Yi people worked quietly, not to mention Zheng Ren.

The news that everyone got from the new hospitalization of the 912 hospital was that Zheng Ren and Su Yun went to the emperor to form a brand-new TIPS surgery research center.

Many people are envious and others are jealous.

But the sly people have no chance to squat in the back, Zheng Ren is like a rising star only left a myriad of legends in the first class of Haicheng, they will leave .

Director Lao Pan is happy every day, sitting in the emergency department, busy and happy.

Zheng Ren is not there, and the emergency department has not gone down.

Wang from the 912 hospital, with a few colleagues, supported a blue sky in the emergency department of Haicheng First Hospital.

After all, it is a medical team from the Imperial City. There is no problem in diagnosis and treatment.

Even if they encounter some rare diseases, they can contact the Imperial Capital through private means and methods to solve them.

And several patients with liver cancer left by Zheng Ren, Director Pan also contacted Gao Shaojie of the provincial capital, and regularly came to the hospital for surgery.

The kind of surgery without expert fees.

Director Pan wanted to give it, but Gao Shaojie seriously refused.

On the other side of the Provincial Medical University Affiliated Hospital, TIPS surgery has made difficult progress. Gao Shaojie encountered several patients with bleeding from the second stage of surgery. After interventional hemostasis, the patients recovered without risk.

This has something to do with Gao Shaojie’s own technical level, but there is no way.

Even Professor Rudolf Wagner’s work is a general risk. Only Zheng Ren can try to avoid this risk.

However, compared with the bleeding risk, hepatic encephalopathy is more serious, so Gao Shaojie still adhered to Zheng Ren\'s practice, the next two stents, elective removal of retrievable stents.

Professor Rudolf Wagner got up the next day and didn\'t see Zheng Ren. When he was told that Zheng Ren had left, he had been jealous for a long time.

But there is no way, the professor had to book the latest flight, fly to the magic capital, and fly back to Heidelberg.

The days when Zheng Ren left, changed a little, and nothing changed.

Blinking, the week has passed.