Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 607: Simple and rude

What is the special situation?

The doctor on the 120 car was stunned.

No one knows more about the patient than he does. After all, he is watching the patient from hemorrhagic shock to respiratory arrest.

Such a patient can also press back the heart? Crap it.

Is it that I am busy for one night, tired eyes are blooming?

The doctor on the 120 car whispered to the nurse next to him: "Do you see the patient alive?"

The nurse made a sigh of relief and said: "The city hospital gave it a rescue. What a strange thing. Hurry and hand over, there are no patients on the highway. Now I can go back and sleep for an hour or two. I am exhausted. But the doctor who just ran with the patient was really good-looking. If he was on duty with him, he wouldn’t feel tired for a few 24 hours."

Speaking, the nurse glanced at the doctor on the 120 car.

Old, ugly, busy for a night, his face pale, really can\'t see.

Rub! Really alive! The doctor on the 120 car did not pay attention to the eyes of the little nurse, and was surprised.

"You are here to hand over." Zheng Ren stood at the door of the emergency room and waved his hand and said: "This side, this side of the formalities."

"Yuan Ge, you have to hand them over."

The doctor on the 120 car walked over and saw that Zheng Ren was very young, but his eyes were fascinated. Even the hair that was squashed by the sterile cap seemed to have a different look.

If you are in a TV series, you will be the kind of person who knows that this game has been won at a glance.

"Is you rescued?" the doctor on the 120 car asked cautiously.

"Yeah." Zheng Ren nodded and greeted Yuan Lilai and he handled the handover procedures.

Zheng Ren did not want to intervene in this trivial matter.

Yuan Li’s tossing at night was not decent, and the old man with a long beard looked at him.

"What is your name?" asked the doctor on the 120 car.

"The surname Zheng, the total hospitalization of the emergency department." Zheng Rendao.

"Zheng Zong, how did you press it back?"

The doctor on the 120 car was particularly curious. The patient\'s state was clear enough, and he had more than 4 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the car, plus several defibrillations.

And the cardiopulmonary resuscitation that I do is extremely standard. No one dares to practice 120 ambulances without even practicing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

A few years ago, he also took the first place in the emergency first aid contest in the hospital.

His own operation is completely textbook-style, and he can guarantee it.

But the facts were there, and I didn\'t save myself. I thought that the patient who had already died had come to the city\'s first hospital and lived in less than a minute.

It’s nonsense to say that it’s a lively jump, but the patient just opened his eyes and talked... this is what I saw with my own eyes.

So he was very curious and asked.

"On the 3 minutes of cardiac arrest, there is no need to control the strength of the heart. Of course, this is my understanding. This is not the case in the book. What about surgery? Simple and rude." Zheng Ren knows he asks What is it, anyway, if he is not busy now, he will explain to him: "Press it, the ribs will be folded, and then the heart will receive more power, and the possibility of salvation is much greater."

"..." The doctor on the 120 car stopped, this is not a standard process, if that is the case...

"Zheng Zong, what about the secondary damage?"

"People are not angry, and there is a side damage?" Zheng Ren is also very strange, this question asked.

The secondary damage refers to whether the living person is good or not. The dead, how can there be a side damage.

The doctor on the 120 car was speechless again.

The words that Zheng always said seemed to make sense, but there seemed to be something wrong.

"Moreover, the secondary injury, but the myocardium may be stabbed by the broken ribs. Isn\'t the hospital a cardiothoracic surgery? As long as people can save lives, it is very simple to open a chest and a needle. It is very simple." Zheng Rendao.

The doctor on the 120 car was completely speechless and burst into tears.

Look at people, heart trauma, even the full-fledged saying that a stitch is finished... really... really special!

Imagine the kind of rude, wild rescue, the two palms pressed against the patient... No, the standard procedure is in the lower third of the sternum.

"Zheng Zong, CPR is not pressing the sternum..."

"Non-cardiac cardiac arrest, pressing the sternum, I feel the power is limited." Zheng Ren sees Yuan Li filling in the list, and nothing is wrong, he explained to him, "The sternum\'s elasticity is relatively poor, most of the The power is scattered by the sternum.

Slightly a little, press the left side of the sternum and press the costal cartilage so that a large part of the force can be transmitted to the heart. ”

Unconventional operation? The doctor on the 120 car was a little aggressive.

"Heart-derived need defibrillation, and this non-cardiogenic, as long as the power is large enough." Zheng Ren\'s mouth showed a smile, "You have not done a chest open, direct heart press?"


"Oh, that\'s a pity." Zheng Rendao: "Ischemia caused by cardiac arrest, many times as long as a large enough starting force is given, the heart will temporarily restore the bioelectric current supply, and then give a rescue time."

Seeing the doctor on the 120 car is still unbelievable, and Zheng Ren knows that it is useless to explain it.

He smiled and said: "Your efforts in the 120 ambulance are still effective, otherwise the patient will not blink after recovering the heartbeat. This patient has a successful emergency rescue, the effect will be very good, hard work."

"No... not hard." The doctor on the 120 car said.

At this time, Yuan Li has filled out the form and handed it to the nurse.

The nurse took the doctor on the 120 car and went back.

Along the way, he still muttered something in his mouth, looked awkward and looked like he had lost his soul.

Zheng Ren looked around and there was a mess in the corridor of the emergency department.

I have been rescued and triage all the time. The nurses have been running for a few hours in the trot, and there is time to clean up.

"Director Pan, there should be nothing. I will take a look at ICU, you should go home first." Zheng Rendao.

"It has been more than three o\'clock, and I will not go back." Director Pan Pan looked at his time and said: "I am going to sleep in the office. You have a phone call to find me directly."

"Well." Zheng Ren quietly responded, and took the time to go to the inpatient department.

The emergency department was cold and cold, and he was wearing a gown. He only wore a white coat, but he couldn’t help it.

When I was busy, I couldn’t feel I just felt like I was all over.

Zheng Ren took the road to the ICU and took a look at the patient who had just had surgery. The drainage strip at the liver and kidney crypts was smooth, and about 10 ml of blood was drawn.

This is expected, Zheng Ren took a glance at the patient\'s doctor\'s advice, and the three groups of hemostatic drugs were applied at the same time.

Probably the same, I really want Zheng Ren to say something special treatment, he can\'t say it.

But there is no Su Yun sitting next to the patient\'s bed, holding A4 paper and pen in his hand, holding a liquid car around him, Zheng Ren feels strange, always not assured.



This rescue is the case of my emergency in 2008. A 42-year-old man was angry with his wife, punching the TV screen with a punch and scratching the left radial artery.

Because I was angry, I wrapped my wrist in my household towel and said that I would not let my family go to the doctor. Later, he fainted and 120.

The ambulance in our hospital rushed over and the patient’s heartbeat stopped on the road. All the way to press, defibrillation, did not come back.

At that time, I was sitting in the clinic. The idea is to give it a try. If you say it, you have to give your family a psychological comfort. Habitual use of unconventional operation, can not hear the sound of rib fracture, always feel that the heart is not in place...

In fact, once I opened the chest and looked at it under direct vision, things like rib fractures were less important.

Anyway, I pressed it, the rib fractured, and the patient awoke. My nurse and I said that we sent the surgery and then went away.

It is said that... the back is very handsome. I didn\'t realize it myself, it was just a cardiopulmonary resuscitation. At that time, the 120 doctors were now retired. Every time they met Lao Li, he was very enthusiastic about me.