Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 602: Well-trained major rescue

Director Pan Pan greeted him and looked at the wolf at the end of the week. He asked: "We are here, how is this done?"

"Director Pan, don\'t mention it." Director Zhou came to the emergency department and saw that the patient had not arrived yet. Then he let go of his heart and patted the snow on his body. He said: "My family is not far away, thinking about this **** weather driving. It’s not going anywhere, just walk over.”

This road, slowly walking back and barely make do.

But if it\'s a little bit faster, in this **** weather, it must be falling.

Director Zhou is worried. I am afraid that the patient will arrive. Many legal procedures are required to be resolved by the medical department. It is a little faster, and I don’t know how many falls.

Zheng Ren glanced at it. Seeing that Director Zhou had no diagnosis in the system panel, he knew that he was only looking at the wolf howling, and there was no fracture or fracture. Not to go over, but the doctor who directed the emergency surgery and the accompanying brother pushed the flat car to the door.

"Don\'t be too heavy, let\'s take a look at the plane in the morning." Su Yun whispered and Zheng Ren said.

This is a task. I can\'t tell others that even the old director Pan and the Xie Yi can\'t tell.

Zheng Ren nodded and did everything he could.

As for the time... Zheng Ren really does not believe that he has gone, the Haicheng First Hospital will not run.

The sound of the 120 ambulance went from far to near, but it was too late.

Snow is big, the ambulance can\'t open the speed, even if the doctors, nurses, and drivers are in a hurry.

After waiting for a few minutes, a dilapidated ambulance appeared in the snow, trying hard and squatting in front of the emergency building.

The side door opened, and a small doctor jumped down and said in a hurry: "The two wounded, suspected that the abdominal organs were injured, each person made up 1500ml of sugar and salt water on the road, and now the blood pressure is very low."

This side is saying that the back door of the ambulance is open, the flat car is pushed over, and the injured person is pulled down.

Two flat cars, one after the other, quickly rushed to the emergency room.

The emergency surgeons next to Zheng Ren and the doctors of Yuandian County People\'s Hospital completed the follow-up handover procedures, and Zheng Ren and Su Yun escorted the patients all the way back.

The diagnosis on the system panel at the top right of the field of vision is clear, liver rupture, rupture of the spleen, rupture of the colon, multiple rib fractures, traumatic blood pneumothorax, and pulmonary rupture.

A series of diagnoses made Zheng Ren a headache.

It is a joint injury of the chest and abdomen, and it is such a heavy emergency.

The most serious thing is that the patient bumped from the location of the accident for more than two hours before pulling to the first hospital in Haicheng.

Now the patient\'s internal environment does not know what the disorder looks like, even if the operation is successful, it is difficult to see the postoperative level.

But then how to say, you have to hurry to surgery, stop the source of bleeding, can say the latter thing.

The flat car went all the way to the emergency room, and the bedside doctor was already waiting.

Cut the clothes and the staff of the week long began to record.

Medical treatment is difficult. First, because of the illness, doctors do not mind the severity of the illness. After all, this is a living within the division.

The most heart-wrenching thing is all sorts of unexpected things.

For example, when the emergency department rescues the patient\'s clothes, the time saved may determine whether the rescue can be successful.

However, it is not uncommon for the patient and the family of the patient to claim compensation for the clothes afterwards.

Therefore, the role of the Medical Service has emerged.

It is no wonder that Mr. Zhou dreamed of moving away from the medical office, all kinds of trivial details, escorting doctors, making people feel at ease.

Zheng Ren did not manage the responsibility of the medical department. He took the deep vein puncture bag handed over by the nurse, gave the position of the B-ultrasound doctor, and began to puncture the body obliquely.

Disinfection, a shot of blood, this degree of puncture Zheng Ren feels that he can blindly wear.

A 20 ml blood sample was taken with a syringe and given to the nurse to deliver blood.

Blood samples are required for various preoperative examinations, blood preparations, and so on. The patient is already in a state of severe hemorrhagic shock, and even an old nurse with clinical experience cannot guarantee a shot.

It can be a little time to save time.

"Low-molecular dextran skin test, first hanging glucose." Zheng Ren Shen said.

It doesn\'t make sense for the patient to add crystal sugar brine to the ambulance and then enter more crystals. However, low-molecular dextran may have an allergic reaction. The skin test may be done in the clinic, or it may not be done. Zheng Ren is very difficult to rescue after being allergic to allergies.

After another deep vein puncture of another patient, Zheng Ren looked back at the B-screen.

B-ultrasound doctors applied a large amount of couplant to the patient\'s chest and abdomen and began to scan.

There is a large amount of effusion in the liver area, a large amount of effusion in the spleen fossa, and a large amount of effusion can be seen in the rib cage.

"Cao, I will pull this patient to the surgery first." Zheng Rendao: "If it\'s okay, you can take the handle."

After that, Zheng Ren took the patient all the way to the operating room.

Wang Liren and a doctor were behind Zheng Ren. They counted themselves. There were two patients in total. Four people must be separated from the operation.

Even if you are unfamiliar with your life, it is good to go to help.

On the way, Zheng Ren handed the flat car to Wang Liren, took out his mobile phone and called the operating room to inform them to prepare for emergency surgery.

The patient drove the patient to the operating Zheng Ren greeted him and pulled the hybrid operating table.

Wang Liren helped lift the patient to the operating table, Chu began to anesthetize, and Zheng Ren and Su Yun rushed to change clothes.

On the other side, Wang Liren and another Dr. Han just came out of the operating room. Zheng Ren and Su Yun have stepped out of the locker room while wearing a sterile mask.

This speed, really fast, well-trained, is not like a small hospital, Wang Liren feels.

Passing by, there is no eye contact, Zheng Ren has entered the state of full rescue since the moment he entered the operating room.

In his eyes, there is no more than surgery and patients.

When he came to the operating room, Zheng Ren glanced at it, his blood pressure was not measured, his heart rate was 162 beats/min, and his blood oxygen saturation was 85%.

"You are under the chest tube, I am disinfecting." Zheng Ren finished, go directly to brush his hands.

Su Yun did not speak, opened a small incision bag, and placed the chest tube between the 6th and 7th intercostals of the patient\'s chest wall.

The tube just went in, and a black and red blood came out.

Su Yun used a hemostatic forceps to smash the pipe and screamed: "Breast bottle, hurry, two!"

The roving nurse has already flew up, but the speed is obviously not keeping up with this. She is responsible for the number of people in Shea and check the surgical supplies to avoid missing.

Also take care of this...

At this point, Wang Liren and Dr. Han came in.

Seeing this situation, Wang Liren immediately picked up the breast bottle and tore the package. Dr. Han found a bottle of external saline, opened the bottle cap, and poured 500ml of salt water into the closed thoracic drainage bottle.

Connected to the closed thoracic drainage bottle, Su Yun observed for a few seconds, immediately shouted: "Boss, chest also have to open together!"