Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 601: Highway car accident

Seeing into the gods, Zheng Ren feels that all this is really beautiful.

But at this moment, the phone rings.

Zheng Ren was shocked and immediately pulled back to reality.

"Hey!" Zheng Ren picked up the phone.

"Okay, I will be there soon!" In a word, he hangs up his mobile phone and yells at his colleagues and friends who enjoy the warmth and joy. "The highway is in a car accident, go back!"

"Zheng Ren, Su Yun, take my car." The Xie Yi handed the violin to the professor and said, while looking at Chu Churan and Chu Yuzhi.

Chu suddenly stood silently next to the Xie Yi people.

"I have a snow chain, I can hurry." Shei said.

Zheng Ren walked over and took some of the red hands of the Shei people who were frozen and strode out in the snow.

The red down jacket, like a beating, blooming flower, swayes the youthful melody in the snow, dancing without fear.

"Boss, how can I call you?" Su Yun asked somewhat lazily.

Obviously, 912 sent four doctors at the general level of hospitalization. The general emergency department should not find Zheng Ren here.

In Su Yun’s conjecture, perhaps the nurse in the emergency department is not used to it. When there is an emergency, I will call Zheng Ren directly.

"The old Pan was beaten." Zheng Ren clenched the hand of the Xie Yi people and strode forward. The heavy voice was a little empty in the lonely snowy night. "The highway is close to the Haicheng section, and more than 20 vehicles collide in a row. ”

Romantic and quiet snow became the culprit of the car accident.

Su Yun sighed, only hope that those car owners do not drive too fast when it snows, they are small scraps.

Otherwise, I really have to sleep all night tonight.

Say goodbye to Haicheng in this way... Zheng Ren does not want to, Su Yun does not want to.

On the red Volvo XC60, Xiaoyi started, and took a sigh of relief against the palm of his hand, and slammed it a few times.

"It\'s okay." Zheng Ren asked with concern.



In the back row, Su Yun expressed disdain for Zheng Ren’s hospitality.

The road was very empty, and the Xie Yi people reached 60 miles. In the snow, this speed is a rush.

After the anti-skid chain is installed, the car is a bit bumpy, but the brakes are obviously much more sensitive.

This is why she dared to open 60 miles.

This is why she is looking for a group of people to go back first.

No one talks, just the joy and joy have passed.

At this time, the emergency rescue is haunting everyone\'s heart. Even Su Yun, who has always been a lover, is silently expecting, and don\'t be in critical condition.

I don’t have any relationship with being a child, but I just feel sorry for it. I have to keep the rest of my peace.

Red Volvo rushed to the ground and returned to Haicheng.

The snow chains and the generous Finnish snow tires, with one foot brake, are desperately generating friction in the snow, allowing Volvo to stop at the door of the emergency building.

"I went to the operating room, had surgery, and told me." Xie Yi said.

Zheng Ren made a gesture and jumped off the bus in silence.

The two quickly came to the emergency department and saw the empty hallway. I knew that the 120 ambulance had not arrived yet. This was the peace before the war.

Wang Liren Wang always just got up from the bed, people looked very spirited, but the sleep was messy, and the hair like a chicken coop sold him.

"What is the situation?" Zheng Ren asked.

Wang Liren did not expect Zheng Ren to come over. According to the general procedure, Zheng Ren and himself were completed to complete the work handover. The emergency first aid work of Haicheng No. 1 Hospital has nothing to do with him.

But with strong help, Wang Liren is not happy.

He never imagined that he had just encountered this serious incident when he first came to Haicheng.

"The medical office just called, saying that there are vehicles colliding on the highway, the latest ... said that there are already more than 30 cars." Wang Liren said.

The wind and snow are large and the view is blocked.

The speed on the highway is already fast, and it’s still six or seventy.

Even in this weather, there are some people who dare to step on more than 100. The front car crashed, and the rear car didn’t have time to react, and it would hit the head.

Even if he stopped the car, he couldn’t stand the car behind him and hit the buttocks.

No reaction, stepping on the brakes, these are normal.

The most feared is the subconscious rush to the steering wheel.

The expressway is not the same as the pedestrian street in the center of Haicheng. The snow on the surface is taken away by the vehicles and compacted. It is far more slippery than the pedestrian street.

A sharp direction, the probability of the vehicle is to be turned over.

Instead, it will be better if it is not too fast.

Vehicles colliding at the scene of a car accident will inevitably become more and more, until the traffic police implement traffic control, it will be a little better.

Road rescue, this kind of ice and snow, has been a long time.

The 120 ambulances in the first courtyard of Haicheng City were all late. This matter depends on the ambulance response speed of the nearby small hospital.

If there is a wounded person with serious injuries, can you live in the hospital, it really has to be seen.

"How long has the incident been?"

"Two hours."


"Yuandian County Hospital 120 ambulance pulled two seriously injured people, did not dare to go to the Yuandian County People\'s Hospital, directly to Haicheng. After the high speed, began to contact the hospital, this only informed us." Wang Liren said.

"Is the department in the hospital informed?"

"The director of the old Pan is afraid that my life is unfamiliar, and I have already finished the notice." Wang Liren grinned.

It is indeed the total number of hospitalizations in the first line of clinical practice, and it is still very organized. Zheng Ren nodded and listened to his ears. He could hear the sound of the 120 ambulances in the distance. The sound is hidden in the snow, looming, even if the system is strengthened, Zheng Ren does not dare. Determine if you are subjectively guessing wrong.

At this moment, Director Lao Pan and the other three hospital residents have rushed over. The total hospitalization of other departments was mainly based on general, extrathoracic, extracerebral, and extra-bone.

The 912 hospital sent people to support the construction of the joint, the whole hospital knows.

The hospitalization rushed over, and the new emergency hospital was always polite and knew each other. After all, I have to work together in the future. There is nothing wrong with getting familiar with it.

"Zhou Zong, you are here to guard, there are your patients, you bring them back." Director Pan Pan said, one by one.

He squinted, and the face of the Chinese character exudes a majestic momentum.

Everyone knows that there is no orthopedic surgery in the emergency department, and there are no consumables for plastering and splinting.

"Well, I informed the first-line doctor, and I came back from home." Although Zhou is a bit masculine, the emergency rescue is also unambiguous.

"What about the director?"

"He is close to home and needs a phone call. We haven\'t finished the list, and he is here."

"Meng Meng, how about your face?"

"Director Sun is looking after his grandson in the ward, and there is surgery directly." Meng said.

He sneaked a glance at Zheng Ren, thinking that the extra surgery was still on us? You can get it in your emergency ward.

The same is true for the chest and the brain. The preparation for this is done.

The voice of the 120 ambulance was really coming from afar. At the same time, the head of the medical office was snowing and came in.