Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 492: Watching crying

When Zheng Ren and Gao Shaojie watched the film, Li Jianguo took the patient to the operating table. The equipment nurse was busy cleaning up the medical waste and preparing the surgical bag.

Li Jianguo also wants to hear what Gao teacher is learning, but someone has to prepare for surgery?

The clinical little doctor is born to do this.

All the old doctors were born out of the little doctors. They did not know how many years they did.

Ten minutes later, Li Jianguo has laid out the sterile list and prepared everything before surgery.

"High teacher." Li Jianguo shouted.

"High teacher, this is basically the case, I and Su Yun first came to power, you see one." Zheng Ren said with a smile.

Gao Shaojie is too late to be polite, full of nuclear magnetic dispersion-weighted image sequences, and various correct or wrong virtual sequences appear repeatedly in his mind, making people suffocate.

"Su Yun, start work." Zheng Ren turned and called Su Yun to brush his hand.

However, this product did not go first to prepare, and the lead clothing of Zheng Renlian system did not have time to come out.

It’s not going to be magic in front of Su Yun.

Forget it, wearing the lead clothing on this side is just a few tips surgery, and can\'t eat much line.

Zheng Ren and Su Yun put on lead clothes, brushed their hands, put on sterile clothes, and started surgery.

In the operation room, Gao Shaojie looked at the lead glass.

"Lao Gao, Zheng teacher doing tips surgery, to puncture a few needles?" Professor Liu came over and asked.

Gao Shaojie is also immersed in the image of nuclear magnetic dispersion, which is difficult to extricate himself.

"5 needles, can you come down?" Professor Liu continued to ask.

"Hey..." Gao Shaojie was slightly hesitant. "I have seen the surgery performed by Teacher Zheng, all of which are a shot."

"..." Professor Liu felt that his scalp was numb.

This is the old high of paralysis, is this not awake? In this case, it is a five-needle puncture. Professor Liu is biting the back molar and saying it. This is because Zheng Ren has helped a lot, Professor Liu "gives face", so to say.

And Gao Shaojie actually said it was a shot!

how can that be!

"Old Liu, I didn\'t believe it at first, but it is a fact." Gao Shaojie knows what Professor Liu is thinking.

What else can you think!

When I saw Zheng Ren doing the tips surgery in the second hospital of Haicheng that day, I thought about what he thought.

Professor Liu is silent, his eyes are afraid to squat, and he is looking at the surgery with concentration.

When the LCD screen began to reappear, he immediately found a good location and looked at the puncture kit.

If you look at your eyes and do everything you need, you may be surprised.

After all, the micro-guide wire that had not been fished out before, and the people who took it on the stage, took it out.

This is the gap between the levels.


After three minutes,

Professor Liu is still awkward.

In a few minutes, the eyes were stunned, and the dry ones quickly shed tears.

But what did you see?

Professor Liu saw that the puncture needle appeared in the portal vein, and it was possible to test the position of the puncture. It seemed to move a bit, and then went out.

Now the film holders are all gone.

Is surgery difficult?

Absolutely not! If you change someone who doesn\'t know how to do it, you will definitely think that this is a simple surgery that you don\'t want.

However, Professor Liu has a high level, and he is also a graduate of a prestigious school. There are thousands of clinical surgeons and dozens of patients with tips.

How could he not understand?



However, I really didn\'t understand it!

Professor Liu felt that there was liquid flowing out of his eyes. I don\'t know if it was caused by a few minutes of blindness and dry eyes. Or because I didn\'t look at a tip surgery, I didn\'t understand how the surgeon did it, and suffered a huge blow. The sadness in my heart is caused by inexplicable.

What a special thing! Looking at the surgery, I actually cried...

Professor Liu looked at Gao Shaojie sideways. Seeing his face was not ignorant and ignorant, but a faint delight.

Did he understand?

At this moment, Professor Liu remembered that Gao Shaojie said at the beginning that he asked Zheng to teach him to do the tips surgery.

Now think of it, this is actually true!

"Old high, this tips surgery is not very difficult." Director Lin said.



Gao Shaojie and Professor Liu are speechless.

And this layman, nothing to say.

But people are the director of the medical department. If you can guarantee that you will not make mistakes for a lifetime, you can ignore the head of the medical department, or even point to his nose. You are stupid, and dare to say that there is nothing difficult with tips surgery! Are you doing medical treatment?

But who can guarantee that today\'s neurosurgical errors will not happen in one\'s life?

Gao Shaojie thought for a moment and smiled: "Director Lin, I and Lao Liu, the craft is fine, yes."

"The top of the province, the country can barely be considered a tail." Director Lin gave a very pertinent evaluation.

Now in the operating room, except for the consumables brought by Mr. Zheng, they are all themselves, and there is nothing to say.

"I do tip surgery, I need to puncture about ten needles. Old Liu, it is estimated to be similar." Gao Shaojie directly exemplified, "This is the average number of successful operations. Sometimes, twenty needles do not necessarily solve the problem, can only declare surgery failure."

Gao Shaojie made a few simple sentences and explained the question of Director Lin clearly.

It is not a simple operation. It is Mr. Zheng who is too arrogant. Director Lin has a problem with your cognition.

Director Lin nodded and his eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a few minutes, the second recyclable stent was also lowered. Zheng Ren took out the puncture kit, angiography, took out the guide wire, and the operation was over.

Out of the operating room, Zheng Ren smiled and asked: "How about Gao teacher?"

Gao Shaojie indulged, said: "Mr. Zheng, I feel a little bit of experience."

"Well, that step down, I will take you to do it." Zheng Ren said that it is particularly natural, not at all.

Gao Shaojie nodded happily.

After Li Jianguo ran before running, he took the second patient to the stage.

The second patient\'s nuclear magnetic dispersion film has been inserted in the reader. This time Gao Shaojie did not let Zheng Ren first speak, but directly said: "Zheng Zheng, this film I studied, you see if it should be puncture at this position. ?"

Said, Gao Shaojie ordered a point on the film on the door ~ ~ Zheng Ren laughed without words, just shook his head slightly.

Gao Shaojie’s eyebrows wrinkled.

Just now, Zheng Ren did the tips surgery, and Gao Shaojie, who can recover the stent, didn’t look at it. He thought about the film of the second patient.

Tips surgery, the most critical is the puncture point, once you find a good puncture point, everything is logical.

Even if it is not as good as Zheng Ren, it is not as good as Zheng Renhao, but at least it can reach 80 points.

Can get 80 points, Gao Shaojie is already very satisfied.

He combined the knowledge that Zheng Ren had just explained, and judged with his many years of clinical experience. It seems that he has already understood the focus of Zheng Ren\'s choice of tips and puncture points.


Why is Zheng Ren still shaking his head?